Norway is shutting off FM radio transmissions by 2017?
I never believe the “official” reason for anything like this. There is much more to the story than you’re being told.
Officially, the powers that be would have you believe FM is being done away with because digital is much cheaper to operate, and offers more options. Technically, this might be true, however the real reason FM is being shut off is much deeper than meets the eye.
Norway isn’t just “shutting off” FM becasue Digital radio is “better”. Norway is freeing up FM bands for OTHER uses coming soon, for sure the FM band won’t stay silent very long!
FM falls within the VHF (Very High Frequency) band. Norway is the location of EISCAT , the European VHF version of HAARP.
Worthy to note, as of January 2015, Norway is moving ahead with EISCAT 3D. To be completed by 2017. They are building FIVE DIFFERENT versions of a HAARP type array to work together with each other in conjuction using the VHF band!
Quote the literature on the EISCAT 3D project:
Thus it appears 233.0FM is going to be broadcasting LOUD AND CLEAR come 2017.
I can hear it now
“HOTT 233.0FM EISCAT – Burning up the airwaves with your favorite top 40 ionospheric “hits”!
In order to understand how close these frequencies overlap, FM Radio working in the 100MHz band… EISCAT working in 200MHz band, see the charts below which break down the RF (radio frequency) spectrum.
If you thought HAARP in Alaska was big, just wait until these EISCAT arrays are online.
Norway is building FIVE DIFFERENT arrays , 10,000 dipole elements per array!
Obviously this VHF European “HAARP” will be more like a rock band, than a single “HAARP” plucking its strings. Being able to cross waves to induce scalar energy at a distance is one of the obvious goals of this program.
262488154-EISCAT-3D-VHF-Antenna-prototype-DeliverableThis array will be able to cover the entire VHF spectrum. This means everyone else currently using VHF (FM) would be getting interference from the Tromsø Norway and Finland locations of these antenna arrays.
Thus they will shut off FM in 2017 when they start bringing these VHF arrays on line.
Article circulating in the news:
In 2017, Norway will be first country to shut down FM radio
“Norway will shut down FM radio in the country beginning in 2017, Radio.no reports. The Norwegian Ministry of Culture finalized a shift date this week, making it the first country to do away with FM radio entirely. The country plans to transition to Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) as a national standard.
A statement released this week by the Ministry of Culture confirms a switch-off date that was proposed by the Norwegian government back in 2011. The government has concluded that the country is capable of meeting all the requirements necessary for a smooth transition to digital.
“Listeners will have access to more diverse and pluralistic radio-content, and enjoy better sound quality and new functionality,” Minister of Culture Thorhild Widvey said in a statement. “Digitization will also greatly improve the emergency preparedness system, facilitate increased competition and offer new opportunities for innovation and development.”
DAB currently offers 22 national channels as opposed to FM’s five, and has the capacity to host almost 20 more. The cost of transmitting radio channels through FM is also eight times higher than the cost of DAB transmission, the ministry reports.
DAB has been available in Norway since 1995. DAB+, an updated form of DAB, was made available in 2007. According to the Ministry of Culture, it will be up to radio broadcasters to choose between DAB and DAB+ transmissions, although it is likely that by 2017, most broadcasting in the country will be in DAB+.
Several other countries in Europe and Southeast Asia are also considering a national move to DAB, but no other country has confirmed a timeline, Radio.no reports.
Norway’s FM shutdown will begin on January 11th, 2017.
WP2: Evaluation of design performance goals
Fri, 2010-02-12 14:10 – anders
This Work Package of the EISCAT_3D Design Study was dedicated to surveying the users’ requirements for the performance of the new radar, and synthesising these into a specification document.
The specifications, for which the EISCAT_3D project should aim, can be summarised as follows:
- EISCAT 3D_Radar System Design Baseline
- System configuration
- A central transmitting/receiving core, located at, or close to, the present EISCAT Tromsø radar site at Ramfjordmoen, Norway
- At least two receiving facilities for 3D measurements in the ionospheric F1, F2 and topside regions, located at ground distances of about 220-280 km roughly south and east of the transmitting facility, respectively
- At least two receiving facilities for 3D measurements in the ionospheric D and E regions, located at ground distances of about 90-120 km roughly south and east of the transmitting facility, respectively
- Data storage and communication systems located at, or close to, each facility
- Operational characteristics
- The system designed for essentially unattended, continuous operation
- System control, monitoring, and data access to take place over the Internet
- Data access over the DataGrid available, once the Grid is extended to the deployment area
- Built-in test equipment (BITE) and test software
- Relative time between sites will be maintained to better than 100 ns
- A formal experiment scheduling system to allow scheduling protocols and experiment files to be uploaded and tested well in advance of the scheduled execution times, and executed automatically
- An override facility to enable experiments to be initiated by overriding the nominal schedule, either manually or automatically, in response to certain criteria being satisfied
- Facilities at the central transmitting/receiving core
- A phased-array transmit/receive (TX/RX) system with at least one antenna
- RF signal generation equipment and RF power amplifiers
- A transmit/receive switching system
- Beam-steering systems for transmission and reception
- Several (four to ten) outlier, receive-only phased-array antennas for in-beam interferometry
- An incoherent-scatter receiver subsystem
- An interferometry receiver subsystem
- Time and frequency synchronisation equipment
- Digital signal processing equipment
- Built-in test equipment (BITE)
- Facilities at each receiving site
- A phased-array antenna with its associated receivers
- At least five beam-formers
- Time and frequency synchronisation equipment
- Digital signal processing equipment
- Built-in test equipment (BITE)
- Spatial resolution
- Resolution along the transmitted beam direction(s) better than 100 m at any altitude
- Horizontal —3 dB resolution at 100 km altitude better than 150 m
- Radar field-of-view (FOV)
- Beam generated by the central core transmit/receive antenna array steerable out to a
maximum zenith angle of about 40° in all azimuth directions - The antenna arrays at the 3D receiving facilities arranged to permit tri-static observations to be made throughout the central core FOV at all altitudes up to 800 km
- Beam generated by the central core transmit/receive antenna array steerable out to a
- Beam steering
- Possibility to steer the beam from the central core transmit/receive antenna array into any one of more than 12,000 discrete pointing directions, regularly distributed over its FOV and separated by on average 0.625° in each of two orthogonal planes
- Beam steering system operational on timescales shorter than 500 μs
- Multi-beam 3D receiving
- Each receive-only phased array to be equipped with at least five beam-formers
- Possibility to steer each beam into any one of more than 12,000 discrete pointing directions, regularly distributed over the array FOV and separated by on average 0.625° in each of two orthogonal planes
- Beam steering systems operational on timescales shorter than 500 μs timescale, synchronised with the central core beam steering
- 3D coverage provided by the D/E region receiving sites over the central core FOV from the bottom of the mesosphere out to a maximum altitude of approximately 250—300 km
- 3D coverage provided by the F/topside region receiving sites receiving sites over the range 200-800 km
- Automatic/adaptive beam pointing calibration
- Software for automatic beam pointing calibration using celestial sources installed at each receive-only phased array
- Pointing corrections continually computed from the measured data and fed back into the beam-former control system
- Transmitter parameters
- Centre frequency: between 220 — 250 MHz, subject to allocation
- Peak output power: ≥2 MW
- Instantaneous —1 dB power bandwidth: ≥5 MHz
- Pulse length: 0.5—2000 μs
- Pulse repetition frequency: 0—3000 Hz
- Modulation: Arbitrary waveforms, limited only by power bandwidth
- Receiver parameters
- Centre frequency: matching the transmitter centre frequency
- Instantaneous bandwidth: ±15 MHz
- Overall noise temperature: ≤50 K referenced to input terminals
- Spurious-free dynamic range ≥70 dB
- Sensor performance in incoherent scatter mode
- Parameters of the different subsystems chosen so that the radar will generate estimates of incoherently scattered signal power with statistical accuracies of better than 10 % in the integration times specified in the Performance Specification Document
- Sensor performance in in-beam interferometer mode
- 2D resolution of better than 20 m at 100 km altitude in interferometer mode.
- The interferometry receiver subsystem together with the main TX/RX antenna and the outlier receiving antenna arrays arranged to provide samples of the target visibility function on about 150 different baselines with lengths ranging from about six wavelengths (λ) to more than 750λ
- System configuration
- Summary of Data Products
- Standard data products from the 3D system at each of the following levels
- Beam-formed data stored in ring buffer of relatively long duration (hours to days) in a manner which allows for users to access and copy selected intervals
- At least one set of time-integrated correlated data from each set of beamformed data calculated, and permanently stored in a Grid/Web accessible master archive
- At least one, and possibly several, analysed data sets permanently stored corresponding to each set of correlated data. These should be usable for quick-look applications and statistical studies
- Use of primary data products to derive routine value-added parameters (such as velocities, conductivities, currents, and heating rates) to be available together with the analysed data sets
- Additional data products also available from some (but not necessarily all) experiments usingtheEISCAT 3D radars
- Data on the properties of measured spectra (both ion-line and plasma line) comprising spectral power, numbers and locations of spectral peaks, asymmetries, spectral moments, and so on
- Data produced by interferometry applications (cross-phase, coherence and reconstructed visibility functions) stored in a ring buffer of sufficient duration
- Standard data products from the 3D system at each of the following levels
- EISCAT_3D Data Storage, Access and Visualisation Baseline
- Data Storage
- File-based and relational storage philosophies for data storage
- Storage systems to provide secure access for users and automated, secure remote backup, be Grid-compatible, and allow easy association between data and metadata
- Data Access
- Standard access applies to the majority of users, who wish to access the archived correlated and analysed data sets that EISCAT will store permanently, together with the appropriate metadata – accessible via the Web and ultimately via the Grid
- High-volume data access designed for interferometry data, beam-formed data and correlated data stored in medium term “ring buffer” storage at the pulse-to-pulse time resolution level
Access to data may be regulated according to “rules of the road” similar to those presently applied by the EISCAT Scientific Association.
- Data Visualisation
- Sample-level data
“Level meters” and similar utilities implemented; enabling the operator to probe the data flow rates the various antenna elements, to verify that the array is operating correctly - Beam-formed data
An approach similar to that used for the sample-level data implemented to enable scientists and operators to assess whether a particular beam-former is operating correctly and whether all of the input data streams from the antenna array are present - Correlated data
A capability provided to display data from multiple beams simultaneously, and to show detailed data from particular beams on request. The software will have the capacity to display data in the frequency domain (both ion line and plasma lines) and to show time histories of raw data - System Status Information
A user-friendly interface to provide operators and science users with various kinds of system information (transmitter power, system temperature, measurements of signal phase etc.) together with other “status” information required to establish that the various elements of system hardware are working correctly together.
A fault-diagnostic and corrective capability built into the interface. - Analysed data
A set of tools displaying the results of the initial analysis of each correlated data set, in a format suitable for verifying the correct operation of the system. Links between the visualisation utilities for correlated data, the analysed data, and system monitoring data to enable the presence of a fault in any one part of the system to be easily recognised elsewhere and its causes and consequences determined
- Sample-level data
- The Design Study has now ended.Information from the Design Study is also available from the old website.The design study ran as a Specific Support Action under the Framework Programme 6 initiative (EU contract no: 011920, project acronym: EISCAT_3D).The project started 2005-05-01 and ended 2009-04-30.The total project cost amounted to 2605 k€ (budget 2882 k€) whereof EU paid 1963 k€ (budget 2017 k€) .The project used 364 staff-months (budget 368 staff-months) from the participants. This corresponds to about 8 person-years per year during the four year project.The conclusions from the EISCAT_3D Design Study can be found in the Final Design Study Report.Background, and a large amount of documentation from the different parts of the EISCAT_3D Design Study, can be found using the links below.
- Data Storage