We have just learned Clark County Sheriff Douglas C. Gillespie will break the silence and meet with cattle rancher Cliven Bundy.
Stay tuned below for live updates.
Leaked: Explosive Bundy Ranch Secret Audio Threats From BLM Special Agent Dan Love Against The Armed Bundy Supporters.
Breaking Cliven Bundy Cows Are COMING HOME by TAT’S 2 MIN NEWS
BLM federal agents are threatening to shoot Cliven Bundy supporters who are attempting to seize back stolen cattle as a showdown looms.
Despite the fact that the Bureau of Land Management has backed down and announced it will cease its operation to round up Bundy’s cattle, the rancher gave Gillespie a one hour time limit to seize all firearms from BLM agents involved in the siege.
Video footage from the scene in Bunkerville shows hundreds of cowboys on horseback, with supporters now vowing to take back hundreds of cattle the feds have already stolen from Bundy.
Infowars reporter David Knight is at the center of the scene and says he clearly heard BLM federal agents threaten to shoot men, women and children.
Police are now blocking roads and demanding that hundreds of Bundy supporters turn back as tensions mount.
SWAT teams are also in place.
Some are now reporting that BLM have pulled out of the area and police are allowing vehicles to pass.
Although a deal was brokered to end the siege, the situation remains volatile.
BUNKERVILLE (KSNV MyNews3.com) — The gathering of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle in northeast Clark County has been stopped by the director of the Bureau of Land Management.
The BLM announcement came as Bundy was meeting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie about the week-long dispute.
The BLM had been using contract cowboys to round up Bundy’s 900 head of cattle that have been grazing over 600,000 square acres in northeast Clark County for more than 20 years without his payment of grazing fees.
As of Friday they had secure 389 cattle from the Gold Butte area, nearly 90 percent of them marked with the Bundy Ranch brand.
All of the public land closed for the cattle roundup have been reopened, the BLM said today.
New BLM Director Neil Kornze made the following statement this morning:
“As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our number one priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.
“Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.
“We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner.
Ranching has always been an important part of our nation’s heritage and continues throughout the West on public lands that belong to all Americans. This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public lands ranchers do every year. After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially.”
Gov. Brian Sandoval reacted to the BLM decision with a statement.
“The safety of all individuals involved in this matter has been my highest priority,” the email said. “Given the circumstances, today’s outcome is the best we could have hoped for. I appreciate that the Department of the Interior and the BLM were willing to listen to the concerns of the people of Nevada.”
The wiki on Gold Butte ghost town (and its mineral importance).. was UPDATED LAST MONTH! Gee, wonder why.
“There’s GOLD in them there hills!”
Funny the wiki doesn’t mention the area provided MOST OF THE COPPER FOR WW1 !
And fails to mention the 2000 people who moved there to mine gold. The total amount of gold listed at 75,000 dollars? Lol… the town closed due to government interference removing the post office.
Here’s a page that hasn’t been ‘updated’ in the last month… the real history of this land.
Solar panels.. must be a cover for strip mining the land… since they grade and strip the land to build a solar farm, or to do fracking.
Gold Butte is located about 33 miles southeast of Glendale.
Mica was first discovered here in 1873, and then gold in 1905. By the next year, a post office was built. A gold rush in 1908 brought in more people, and the townsite now had a hotel, livery stable, post office, mercantile, and several residences. Another camp named Copper City was started two miles west at the site of the short-lived Lincoln copper mine.
By 1910 the gold rush was over and most mining operations ceased. No buildings remain, only a couple concrete slabs / foundations, two graves, and several old mine shafts.
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