Tropical Storm Chantal — High Power Microwave pulse leads storm NW Cloud Seeding Woodstock (1969)

Were all familiar with the famous images of Woodstock hippies , circa 1969 , rolling in the mud at the music festival.



Now, in modern day 2013, a new piece of information comes to light.. cloud seeding (chemtrails) were reported by people at the Woodstock festival in 1969.

Video here:

4MIN NEWS Cloud Seeding Woodstock 1969) by TATS-2-MIN-NEWS



A few odd events are occurring around Tropical Storm “Chantal”.

First , a High Power Microwave (HPM) pulse is seen coming from the Northwest of the storm , the pulse going towards the center of the forming tropical system.

Seen on :

Also, this separate event (seen below) occurred at the center of the storm – most likely the RADAR pulse from an aircraft recon done inside the storm.

A RADAR pulse / “HAARP ring” at the eye of the storm, out to sea.




