Forensic findings on Obamas birth certificate: A 100 percent forgery, no doubt about
There is a problem with President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: It’s a forgery, say multiple forensic experts who have examined it. A report detailing the evidence will soon be presented to Congress.
On April 27, 2011 the White House released Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate in an attempt to quell a public firestorm over the validity of the shorter version he provided prior to his 2008 election. A group of concerned citizens in Arizona suspected the Certificate of Live Birth produced in 2011 by the administration was fabricated; they asked Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County to investigate.
“We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it,” said Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator Lt. Mike Zullo in an exclusive interview with WorldTribune.
This is a key development, asserts Lt. Zullo, because Mr. Hayes is a certified handwriting analyst and forensic document examiner who worked repeatedly for Perkins Coie, a reputable law firm, and was deemed a dependable professional in their legal cases. Moreover, Perkins Coie has defended Mr. Obama in his legal jousts on the birth certificate matter over the past five years.
“Mr. Obama’s operatives cannot discredit him,” said Lt. Zullo. “Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm’s reliable expert. The very firm the president is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases.” In addition, Mr. Hayes is a Democrat whose business is based in Hawaii. He cannot easily be accused of having a political axe to grind in this matter, explains Lt. Zullo.
Mr. Hayes initially agreed to simply take a cursory look at the document. Yet, within one hour, he called Lt. Zullo. “There is something wrong with this,” said Mr. Hayes.
A few weeks later, the expert, who has over 20 years of experience and has authored five books on his craft, presented a detailed 40-page report with a stark assessment: “…based on my observations and findings, it is clear that the Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate, but a digitally manufactured document created by utilizing material from various sources,” writes Mr. Hayes. “In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated,” states Mr. Hayes.
The report by Mr. Hayes is now an affidavit that belongs to the Cold Case Posse and cannot be retracted, regardless of any political or social pressure he encounters, explains Lt. Zullo.
“There has been a very effective media campaign to discredit anyone who tries to work with us,” said Lt. Zullo. “It is impossible to discuss this issue without being lambasted.”
Those who defend Mr. Obama say inquiries into the president’s birth certificate are based on conspiracy theories; these are “birthers,” they insist, who simply refuse to accept the credible evidence presented by Mr. Obama.
As a precaution against others misusing or manipulating Mr. Hayes’s report, Lt. Zullo has copyrighted it.
Mr. Hayes’s report has provided yet another certification – among a resounding 1,200 computer software tests undertaken by Lt. Zullo’s team – that demonstrates, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the long-form birth certificate has been fabricated. Lt. Zullo appointed two reputable computer science professionals, working independently of one another, to examine the long-form birth certificate. Both experts confirmed the document is inauthentic.
“Somebody made this,” said Lt. Zullo, referring to the long-form birth certificate as a nine-layer, computer-generated PDF document. “Someone spent days doing this.”
“The recreation of an official document is a crime,” said Lt. Zullo. “Either there is no original birth certificate or there is something in the original that is being concealed.”
The Maricopa County Cold Case Posse consists of an all-volunteer unit of accomplished individuals with experience in criminal investigations and legal professionals working under the law enforcement authority and direction of Sheriff Arpaio.
Sheriff Arpaio asked Lt. Zullo in August, 2011 to quickly quell the concerns of about 250 citizens who asked for an investigation. Yet, to his dismay, Lt. Zullo was unable to do so, having concluded within five days of his work that the document was compromised. He has since traveled to eleven states in eleven months, relying on public donations, on a grueling campaign to gather information about the certificate.
He filed an affidavit on May 14, 2013 to the Supreme Court of Alabama chronicles much of the evidence he has compiled thus far. In particular, he depicts a two-day meeting of investigators, attorneys, and information technology professionals, including Mara Zebest, a nationally recognized computer expert.
“All in attendance agreed unanimously that the White House computer image .pdf file contained anomalies that were unexplainable unless the document had been fabricated piecemeal by human intervention, rather than being copied from a genuine paper document,” states the affidavit.
The Cold Case Posse has determined that the certificate of live birth the White House presented is not a photocopy of an original document but one that “was pieced together electronically from multiple sources,” according to the affidavit. The registrar’s signature stamp and date stamp are from different layers of the document and are imports from other sources.
“The fact that the stamps can be picked up and moved about the document leaving a white background…is evidence enough of tampering,” states the affidavit.
During our interview, Lt. Zullo narrated his encounter in Hawaii on May 21, 2012 with Deputy Attorney General Jill Nagamine, who after repeated questions, failed to confirm the document released by the president is the same as any that might exist in their records.
“If you make a copy of your driver’s license and alter it, is it still a copy?” asked Lt. Zullo. She did not directly answer the question, and instead replied: “But you still have a driver’s license.” She agreed to confirm only specific items on a list, not that the document the White House produced is identical to any in the Hawaii archives. This incident “sent all the alarm bells ringing,” said Lt. Zullo.
“If an official document is altered in any way, it must be stated that it is an amended version,” said Lt. Zullo. “Failure to do so is a crime.”
The Cold Case Posse continues to gather evidence. The current report, consisting of 300 pages and likely to balloon to 400, will soon be delivered to Congress.
“We can’t send it to the Department of Justice for obvious reasons,” said Lt. Zullo, referring to the lack of credibility of current Attorney General Eric Holder who has been embroiled in multiple scandals, and is accused by leading Republicans of lying to the American people.
“I am working on this 24/7,” said Lt. Zullo. He has endured long hours on the case, under intense pressure from Obama administration operatives and supporters who seek to discredit Lt. Zullo and anyone who cooperates with the investigation.
When I asked why he persists, he replied, in the terms of a devoted officer of the law:
“I know it’s a felony.”
“The entire United States has been defrauded by a document that is usually automatically issued to every person in America. This is a blatant manipulation. If President Obama can’t be honest about his birth certificate, he can’t be honest about anything,” Lt. Zullo said.
“The original ‘birther’ is President Barack Obama himself,” said former Deputy Sheriff of Florida County and current talk-show host Carl Gallups in an interview with WorldTribune.
“It was Barack Obama who said for 16 years, along with his publisher that he was ‘Kenyan born,’” said Mr. Gallups, referring to the promotional materials for Mr. Obama’s book by his literary agency Dystel & Goderich prior to his presidential election that referred to him as having been “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia.” Mr. Obama’s bio was changed on the agency’s website in April, 2007, stating he was born in Hawaii. When Breitbart News broke this story, Miriam Goderich issued a press release stating that “a fact-checking error” occurred while she worked as an agency assistant. In other words, for sixteen years, the “error” had gone undetected.
Mr. Gallups, host of Freedom Friday, a pastor for 30 years, author of the Amazon best seller The Magic Man in the Sky, is now the premier media reporter covering the investigation. He has been given a unique position of trust and confidentiality in the case due to his extensive law enforcement background. Mr. Gallups also accompanied Lt. Zullo to CPAC and Capitol Hill earlier this year in order to present the evidence to politicians.
“Barack Obama has not been vetted,” said Mr. Gallups. “It is the responsibility of Congress to determine the eligibility of any candidate to hold office. The Senate examined whether Senator John McCain was qualified to run for president and concluded that he was. Yet, no one has done the same for Mr. Obama.”
Mr. Gallups explained that he, like most Americans who first hear about this, assume someone, somewhere has determined that a candidate running for office, especially the highest office in the land, has documents that have been thoroughly examined. “Yet, the procedure to run for office is for a political party to endorse a candidate,” said Mr. Gallups. “The Democratic National Committee determined that Mr. Obama was eligible. Once a party endorses a candidate, the individual states are not required to do any examination. The only other agency required to do the vetting is the Electoral College. But in this case, they did not do so either.”
“Everyone feared a public backlash of some kind,” explains Mr. Gallups of attempts to thoroughly vet Mr. Obama prior to 2008. Yet, based on his expert analysis as a former law enforcement officer, the long-form birth certificate document is indeed a fabrication.
“From the beginning, I have always said, as a law enforcement officer and patriot, if I can be proven wrong, I will back down, will declare my mistake and apologize.” He has issued numerous public challenges for anyone with credible evidence to come forward.
“This is not fun; it is not easy,” he said. “I have been marginalized and insulted simply for stating the truth of the matter. As a patriot, ex-cop, father and grandfather, I know what I know. Please prove me wrong. I will back away.”
Mr. Gallups echoes the sentiment of many who have looked at the evidence: initial dismissal, then shock, disbelief, an assumption that it is all a mistake that will quickly be debunked and then the horror of concluding that the certificate Mr. Obama has presented is fake.
What many in the media fail to grasp is that so-called “birthers” would rather be wrong than right. It is more upsetting for many of them to believe that this kind of crime can be committed than that it was not.
The difference between a conspiracy theory and a crime is that a conspiracy theory cannot stand against the test of forensic evidence. Those who dismiss this investigation as merely “kooky” must answer these questions: Are leading experts in their field who have provided their professional assessment to a criminal investigation merely to be ignored?
Why would these experts risk their reputation and also commit perjury? It is therefore kookier to disregard these assessments summarily than to view them with an unbiased eye.
The evidence currently being accumulated by the Cold Case Posse requires consideration. It is time for Congress to do its constitutional duty and examine all this hard evidence in the clear light of day.
Grace Vuoto is the Editor of Politics and Culture at World Tribune, host of American Heartland with Dr. Grace on WTSB Radio and is the founder of the Edmund Burke Institute for American Renewal.
In an article published online Friday, Rachel Rose Hartman of Yahoo! News lamented that President Obama’s upcoming trip to Africa would not include a stop in Kenya, “the country of his birth.”
Whoa. What?
The mainstream media for years has been lockstep behind the president in affirming his birth in Hawaii, even derisively labeling those who question the official story as “birthers.”
And in fact, Talking Points Memo reports that within 90 minutes of the story’s publication, Yahoo! News added the following: “Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified the president’s birthplace.”
The wording of the story was then changed from referencing Kenya as “the country of his birth” to “his ancestral homeland.”
A screenshot of the original article (emphasis added) can be seen below:
A screenshot of the amended article can also be seen below:
Hartman’s article spoke of the Obama family’s upcoming visit to Africa, which is expected to take place from June 26-July 3, and planned stops in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania.
Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes, however, told reporters Kenya wasn’t on the itinerary.
So was Hartman’s reporting that Obama was born in Kenya a slip-up or a sign of something more?
The answer may be impossible to discover. A spokesperson for Yahoo! News told the Washington Post there would be no comments available beyond the correction.
Social media monitor Twitchy, however, noted that many users of Twitter were quick to assume Hartman a “birther” and blasted her as racist while demanding she be fired.
Curiously, before Obama was elected, it was fairly common to find references in the media that referred to the former Illinois senator as born in Kenya.
The Kenyan government, as well, in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in Kenya to “honour the birthplace of President Obama.”
Even Obama’s own literary agency billed him as “born in Kenya” as late as 2007 to promote the sale of his book, “Dreams from My Father.”
And while the White House released a purported copy of Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate April 27, 2011, the president’s refusal to release his childhood and college records, coupled with charges that the birth certificate is a forgery, as well as Barack Obama Sr.’s status as a foreign national, have led many so-called “birthers” to continue to question Obama’s birthplace and/or eligibility under the U.S. Constitution to serve as president.
Discover the most extensive archive of news reports on Obama’s eligibility anywhere!
As WND has reported, a special Cold Case Posse assembled by Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was even assembled to look into the question at the request of Arpaio’s constituents, who were concerned they were being defrauded by having an ineligible candidate on the 2012 election ballot.
Last year, Arpaio held a press conference at which he and Cold Case Posse Chief Mike Zullo outlined their findings.
In an affidavit, since filed with the Alabama Supreme Court, Zullo explained, “At that time, we announced that we had concluded that there was probable cause that forgery and fraud had been committed in respect of two documents: 1) the long-form or original birth certificate computer image presented by Mr. Obama, which contained multiple errors and anomalies, many of them serious and: 2) the selective-service document for Mr. Obama, which contained a two-digit year-stamp. This was contrary to specifications issued by federal regulations to the effect that the year of issue should be expressed as four digits on the stamp, and also contrary to any other selective-service registration document that we had been able to examine.”
The result of the evidence, he said, is one conclusion.
“Accordingly, Sheriff Arpaio continues to recommend that the Congress of the United States open an immediate investigation, including the appointment of a select committee, as regards to the authenticity of Mr. Obama’s documentation, whether any crimes have been committed, and to determine Mr. Obama’s eligibility for the office of president of the United States,” he said.
When Joel Pollak, a columnist for Brietbart.com, exposed his findings that a biographical sketch of Barak Obama in 1991 stated that he “was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii,” senior management deemed it prudent to distance itself from the “Birther” issue with this disclaimer:
Andrew Breitbart was never a “Birther,” and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of “Birtherism.” In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961…
[The biographical sketch that we discovered] is evidence – not of the President’s foreign origin, but that Barack Obama’s public persona has perhaps been presented differently at different times.
The sketch, contained in a 36-page promotional booklet along with those of 89 other authors, was designed to target interested persons in the publishing industry about upcoming books by the authors. Obama at the time was promoting a book entitled Journeys in Black and White that he failed to complete. But the booklet remained in the public domain from 1991 until April 2007 when it was “corrected.” In another release by Brieitbart, the original language of Obama’s bio read:
BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago…
But two months after Obama launched his presidential campaign in February of 2007, the bio, then 16 years old but still available on the Internet, was changed:
BARACK OBAMA is the junior Democratic senator from Illinois and was the dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He was also the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Hawaii to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister and was raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and Chicago…
Another conservative commentator distancing himself from any discussion that such revelations lend credence to efforts of “Birthers” to expose Obama’s real background was Erick Erickson of RedState.com:
I do not believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya. I don’t think it matters even if he were born overseas because his mother was an American citizen. I’m not going to debate it with the cult of birtherism…
The point is not that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The point is that Barack Obama has repeatedly been perfectly okay embellishing and having others embellish his qualifications and biography to make himself someone unique instead of just another Chicago politician.
And then, in perfect sync with the mainstream media’s proven efforts to direct attention away from the “third-rail” of “Birtherism,” Erickson goes on to list extensively other changes, modifications, amplifications and glorifications of Obama’s past that he has made, or has allowed to be made for him, in order to create and maintain his unique “persona” in keeping with the mainstream media’s sugar-coated view of the Chicago politician. That way Erickson redirects the conversation away from the “Birther” issue and focuses instead on something less painful and volatile and risky.
The media has known about Obama’s Kenya background for years. The Associated Press published an article about Obama when he was running for the Illinois Senate in 2004 which appeared here with the headline: “Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate,” going on to explain that:
Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack [sic] Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.
Which is why attempts to explain away the Kenyan reference in the bio exposed by Breitbart ring hollow. The literary agent involved in writing the bio for Obama, Miriam Goderich, claimed that “this was nothing more than a fact checking error by me – an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.” [Emphasis added.]
A sixth-grader could see through this. If there was never any information given to her about Kenya then how did that information get into the bio? Did she just make it up? And if it was an error how did it get past the screening and editing process? And how did the “error” remain uncorrected for 16 years? And why was it suddenly corrected two months after Obama announced for the presidency? According to Erickson and Brietbart: There’s nothing to see here – just move along!
The promotional booklet published in 1991 that was just brought to light and the response to it by some prominent members of the so-called “conservative” alternate media tell much more about them than it does about the current occupant of the White House.
African Press International (API) is a Norway-based English-language online news service that began in 2006. API claims to have “an audience covering more than 101 countries worldwide,” with a majority in Africa and the U.S., and “another large group of followers” residing in Europe.
API’s e-mail address is africanpress@getmail.no; its mailing address is Foreign Press Association in Norway/NIPS, Haakon VII’s gt 10, 0161 Oslo, NORWAY.
An API article on March 9, 2012, claims that on the evening of March 6, API “received President Obama’s genuine birth certificate” – a birth certificate that “places the president in the African continent,” specifically, in the Republic of Kenya.
According to the article,
“Many people seem to be of the opinion that there is a plan to hide from them the real thing. The US President says he is born in Hawaii. Many documents being circulated worldwide says otherwise. Therefore, it is very important to be outright and get the real thing on the table without witch hunt or without trying to malign the president’s name, unless the truth is not what he personally has said.”
But now that Obama’s genuine birth certificate is uncovered, the API declares that “The debate surrounding it will now end after the revelation, and those who have not been telling the truth will have to be made answerable one way or another” and “This may force the US president to apologise to the American people for having been kept in the dark on the issue….”
Here are two images of the purported Kenya birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama Jr. [click image to enlarge]:
The API article also states that API has sought to corroborate the birth certificate with Kenya’s Coast Provincial Birth Registration Office (CPBRO). The corroboration, in the form of “a duly signed official letter” from CPBRO, as well as “a very special document”, will be scanned “for all to see”, tomorrow, March 31, 2012, between 11.00 and 16.00. API promises that “The two documents will put the issue to rest and clear the air once and for all!”
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