Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg & WHY COPS FEAR-SHTF 2 _SHOOT a COP=With-a-Camera
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWvIC6mNsvc&w=640&h=360]
Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg
Bilderberg 2012: The Official List of Participants
Social Media ‘Young Turk’ Takes Steering Role at Bilderberg 2012
Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg
Security tighter than ever for power players
Bilderberg 2012: Secretive summit kicks-off in Virginia
Wildrose leader Danielle Smith attacks premier’s attendance at Bilderberg conference
EU Titans To Address Euro Crisis At Bilderberg
Jim Tucker: Bilderberg = Global Mafia
Greens Demand Bilderberg Confab Be Made Public
Bilderberg Has Alex Jones Thrown Out of Marriott Hotel
Bilderberg Has Alex Jones Thrown Out of Marriott Hotel
Bilderberg Launches Unprecedented Security Crackdown
First Dedicated Program Exposing Bilderberg Airs on Britain’s SKY TV
Agenda 21 To Be Discussed at Bilderberg Confab
Confirmed: Westfield Marriott Kicks Out ALL Guests 2 Days Ahead of Bilderberg
Alex Jones Banned From Bilderberg Hotel, Calls For Press Mob
Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests
The globalists and their minions are gathering in Chantilly, Virginia, for the Bilderberg confab ahead of the U.S. election. The Infowars team has taken to the road and is now in Virginia. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest news and information about the moves of the elite and their plans as revealed to us by trusted inside sources. During the event, stay tuned to Infowars.com. Bookmark this page for ongoing reportage.
Recent Bilderberg Articles
Ancient Roots of Bilderberg Reveal Prusso-Teutonic Agenda for World Domination
Bilderberg’s Syngenta Settles After Contaminating U.S. Water Supply
Bilderberg Digging Their Own Graves
9/11 Truth Spring And Bilderberg Spring
Bilderberg Concerned Over Mass Protests
Bono’s Secret: Frontman for Genocide (& Investments w/ Bilderberg’s Blackstone & Facebook)
Drudge Poll Shows Majority Believe Bilderberg Real Power Masters
DHS, CYBERCOM: Government & private sector “must” share data to prevent cyber threats
Mark of the Beast: Bilderberg Pushes Mandatory Internet ID for Europe
Bilderberg Demands Internet ID for all EU Citizens
Facebook IPO Funds NSA Data Mining Front / Bilderberg Hacks U.S. Elections
Bilderberg 2012: Dark Cabal Meet to Plot Final End Game
Expose Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary
Bill O’Reilly Ignores Questions on Occupy Bilderberg
Born To Rule: Bilderberg’s Torchbearers
Bilderberg Meeting is Illegal
Kurt Nimmo | Every U.S. citizen at the Bilderberg conclave is committing a felony.
Sneering MSNBC Anchor: “I’m Way Too Lazy” To Research Bilderberg
Steve Watson | Is it any wonder global elite confab avoids media scrutiny?
Bilderberg 2012: The Official List of Participants
Infowars.com | In the past, moles inside the organization would release the secretive list to journalists.
Social Media ‘Young Turk’ Takes Steering Role at Bilderberg 2012
Infowars.com | Patrick Henningsen and Charlie Skelton take a deeper look into Bilderberg’s new guard emerging this year in Chantilly.
Washington Times Breaks U.S. Media Blackout On Bilderberg
Paul Joseph Watson | Washington Post fails to mention the fact that dozens of hugely influential power brokers are meeting in their own back yard.
Why Does The Mainstream Media Ignore The Bilderberg Group?
The American Dream | Over the next several days, more than a hundred of the most powerful people on the planet will attend a secret conference at a hotel in Chantilly, Virgina.
Security tighter than ever for power players
The Washington Times | Chantilly’s Westfields Marriott hotel is the site of an “unprecedented” security crackdown as the world’s richest and most powerful arrive for the annual Bilderberg conference.
Bilderberg 2012: Secretive summit kicks-off in Virginia
RT | For a little over 50 years, an elite organization has met all around the world in total secrecy with nearly zero press coverage.
Wildrose leader Danielle Smith attacks premier’s attendance at Bilderberg conference
EDMONTON JOURNAL | Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith attacked Premier Alison Redford on Wednesday for attending the elite Bilderberg conference.
Source: Bilderberg Planning Fake Bomb Threat
Paul Joseph Watson | Excuse sought to widen security perimeter.
EU Titans To Address Euro Crisis At Bilderberg
Paul Joseph Watson | Globalists fear Greek exit could torpedo single currency.
Occupy Bilderberg 2012 Song
Infowars.com | Hip-hop against the Bilderbergers and the New World Order.
Jim Tucker: Bilderberg = Global Mafia
Infowars | An exclusive interview with legendary Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker who has reported on the secret Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Greens Demand Bilderberg Confab Be Made Public
Kurt Nimmo | Green Party Congressional Candidate says many now wise to the globalist confab.
Bilderberg Has Alex Jones Thrown Out of Marriott Hotel
Infowars.com | Westfields Marriott manager officially kicks Alex and crew out of the property after previously canceling reservations and closing the hotel early.
Bilderberg Launches Unprecedented Security Crackdown
Paul Joseph Watson | Talk of machine guns & surveillance spooks hotel guests.
First Dedicated Program Exposing Bilderberg Airs on Britain’s SKY TV
Infowars.com | Infowars.com journalist Patrick Henningsen hosts Charlie Skelton discussing Bilderberg on UK television.
Agenda 21 To Be Discussed at Bilderberg Confab
Paul Joseph Watson | Global warming alarmist Redford to attend elite conference.
Confirmed: Westfield Marriott Kicks Out ALL Guests 2 Days Ahead of Bilderberg
Infowars | Previous reservations no longer honored as Bilderberg hotel vacated in alarm over mounting protests.
Alex Jones Banned From Bilderberg Hotel, Calls For Press Mob
Paul Joseph Watson | Media not welcome at site of power brokers’ confab.
Editor’s note: The Bilderbergers now post the participant list on their “official” website. In the past, moles inside the organization would release the secretive list to journalists, most notably Jim Tucker of the American Free Press.
Bilderberg Meetings
Chantilly, Virginia, USA, 31 May-3 June 2012
Final List of Participants
FRA | Castries, Henri de | Chairman and CEO, AXA Group |
DEU | Ackermann, Josef | Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG |
GBR | Agius, Marcus | Chairman, Barclays plc |
USA | Ajami, Fouad | Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University |
USA | Alexander, Keith B. | Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency |
INT | Almunia, Joaquín | Vice-President – Commissioner for Competition, European Commission |
USA | Altman, Roger C. | Chairman, Evercore Partners |
PRT | Amado, Luís | Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF) |
NOR | Andresen, Johan H. | Owner and CEO, FERD |
FIN | Apunen, Matti | Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA |
TUR | Babacan, Ali | Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs |
PRT | Balsemão, Francisco Pinto | President and CEO, Impresa; Former Prime Minister |
FRA | Baverez, Nicolas | Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP |
FRA | Béchu, Christophe | Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire |
BEL | Belgium, H.R.H. Prince Philippe of | |
TUR | Berberoğlu, Enis | Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper |
ITA | Bernabè, Franco | Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia |
GBR | Boles, Nick | Member of Parliament |
SWE | Bonnier, Jonas | President and CEO, Bonnier AB |
NOR | Brandtzæg, Svein Richard | President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA |
AUT | Bronner, Oscar | Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt |
SWE | Carlsson, Gunilla | Minister for International Development Cooperation |
CAN | Carney, Mark J. | Governor, Bank of Canada |
ESP | Cebrián, Juan Luis | CEO, PRISA; Chairman, El País |
AUT | Cernko, Willibald | CEO, UniCredit Bank Austria AG |
FRA | Chalendar, Pierre André de | Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain |
DNK | Christiansen, Jeppe | CEO, Maj Invest |
RUS | Chubais, Anatoly B. | CEO, OJSC RUSNANO |
CAN | Clark, W. Edmund | Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group |
GBR | Clarke, Kenneth | Member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Justice |
USA | Collins, Timothy C. | CEO and Senior Managing Director, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC |
ITA | Conti, Fulvio | CEO and General Manager, Enel S.p.A. |
USA | Daniels, Jr., Mitchell E. | Governor of Indiana |
USA | DeMuth, Christopher | Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute |
USA | Donilon, Thomas E. | National Security Advisor, The White House |
GBR | Dudley, Robert | Group Chief Executive, BP plc |
ITA | Elkann, John | Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. |
DEU | Enders, Thomas | CEO, Airbus |
USA | Evans, J. Michael | Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co. |
AUT | Faymann, Werner | Federal Chancellor |
DNK | Federspiel, Ulrik | Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S |
USA | Ferguson, Niall | Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University |
GBR | Flint, Douglas J. | Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc |
CHN | Fu, Ying | Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs |
IRL | Gallagher, Paul | Former Attorney General; Senior Counsel |
USA | Gephardt, Richard A. | President and CEO, Gephardt Group |
GRC | Giannitsis, Anastasios | Former Minister of Interior; Professor of Development and International Economics, University of Athens |
USA | Goolsbee, Austan D. | Professor of Economics, University of Chicago Booth School of Business |
USA | Graham, Donald E. | Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company |
ITA | Gruber, Lilli | Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV |
INT | Gucht, Karel de | Commissioner for Trade, European Commission |
NLD | Halberstadt, Victor | Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings |
USA | Harris, Britt | CIO, Teacher Retirement System of Texas |
USA | Hoffman, Reid | Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn |
CHN | Huang, Yiping | Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University |
USA | Huntsman, Jr., Jon M. | Chairman, Huntsman Cancer Foundation |
DEU | Ischinger, Wolfgang | Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head Government Relations, Allianz SE |
RUS | Ivanov, Igor S. | Associate member, Russian Academy of Science; President, Russian International Affairs Council |
FRA | Izraelewicz, Erik | CEO, Le Monde |
USA | Jacobs, Kenneth M. | Chairman and CEO, Lazard |
USA | Johnson, James A. | Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC |
USA | Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. | Senior Managing Director, Lazard |
USA | Karp, Alexander | CEO, Palantir Technologies |
USA | Karsner, Alexander | Executive Chairman, Manifest Energy, Inc |
FRA | Karvar, Anousheh | Inspector, Inter-ministerial Audit and Evaluation Office for Social, Health, Employment and Labor Policies |
RUS | Kasparov, Garry | Chairman, United Civil Front (of Russia) |
GBR | Kerr, John | Independent Member, House of Lords |
USA | Kerry, John | Senator for Massachusetts |
TUR | Keyman, E. Fuat | Director, Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University |
USA | Kissinger, Henry A. | Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. |
USA | Kleinfeld, Klaus | Chairman and CEO, Alcoa |
TUR | Koç, Mustafa | Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. |
DEU | Koch, Roland | CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE |
INT | Kodmani, Bassma | Member of the Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs, Syrian National Council |
USA | Kravis, Henry R. | Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. |
USA | Kravis, Marie-Josée | Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute |
INT | Kroes, Neelie | Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda |
USA | Krupp, Fred | President, Environmental Defense Fund |
INT | Lamy, Pascal | Director-General, World Trade Organization |
ITA | Letta, Enrico | Deputy Leader, Democratic Party (PD) |
ISR | Levite, Ariel E. | Nonresident Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
USA | Li, Cheng | Director of Research and Senior Fellow, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution |
USA | Lipsky, John | Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Johns Hopkins University |
USA | Liveris, Andrew N. | President, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company |
DEU | Löscher, Peter | President and CEO, Siemens AG |
USA | Lynn, William J. | Chairman and CEO, DRS Technologies, Inc. |
GBR | Mandelson, Peter | Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel |
USA | Mathews, Jessica T. | President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
DEN | Mchangama, Jacob | Director of Legal Affairs, Center for Political Studies (CEPOS) |
CAN | McKenna, Frank | Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group |
USA | Mehlman, Kenneth B. | Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. |
GBR | Micklethwait, John | Editor-in-Chief, The Economist |
FRA | Montbrial, Thierry de | President, French Institute for International Relations |
PRT | Moreira da Silva, Jorge | First Vice-President, Partido Social Democrata (PSD) |
USA | Mundie, Craig J. | Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation |
DEU | Nass, Matthias | Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit |
NLD | Netherlands, H.M. the Queen of the | |
ESP | Nin Génova, Juan María | Deputy Chairman and CEO, Caixabank |
IRL | Noonan, Michael | Minister for Finance |
USA | Noonan, Peggy | Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal |
FIN | Ollila, Jorma | Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc |
USA | Orszag, Peter R. | Vice Chairman, Citigroup |
GRC | Papalexopoulos, Dimitri | Managing Director, Titan Cement Co. |
NLD | Pechtold, Alexander | Parliamentary Leader, Democrats ’66 (D66) |
USA | Perle, Richard N. | Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute |
NLD | Polman, Paul | CEO, Unilever PLC |
CAN | Prichard, J. Robert S. | Chair, Torys LLP |
ISR | Rabinovich, Itamar | Global Distinguished Professor, New York University |
GBR | Rachman, Gideon | Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times |
USA | Rattner, Steven | Chairman, Willett Advisors LLC |
CAN | Redford, Alison M. | Premier of Alberta |
CAN | Reisman, Heather M. | CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. |
DEU | Reitzle, Wolfgang | CEO & President, Linde AG |
USA | Rogoff, Kenneth S. | Professor of Economics, Harvard University |
USA | Rose, Charlie | Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose |
USA | Ross, Dennis B. | Counselor, Washington Institute for Near East Policy |
POL | Rostowski, Jacek | Minister of Finance |
USA | Rubin, Robert E. | Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury |
NLD | Rutte, Mark | Prime Minister |
ESP | Sáenz de Santamaría Antón, Soraya | Vice President and Minister for the Presidency |
NLD | Scheffer, Paul | Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University |
USA | Schmidt, Eric E. | Executive Chairman, Google Inc. |
AUT | Scholten, Rudolf | Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG |
FRA | Senard, Jean-Dominique | CEO, Michelin Group |
USA | Shambaugh, David | Director, China Policy Program, George Washington University |
INT | Sheeran, Josette | Vice Chairman, World Economic Forum |
FIN | Siilasmaa, Risto | Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia Corporation |
USA | Speyer, Jerry I. | Chairman and Co-CEO, Tishman Speyer |
CHE | Supino, Pietro | Chairman and Publisher, Tamedia AG |
IRL | Sutherland, Peter D. | Chairman, Goldman Sachs International |
USA | Thiel, Peter A. | President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital |
TUR | Timuray, Serpil | CEO, Vodafone Turkey |
DEU | Trittin, Jürgen | Parliamentary Leader, Alliance 90/The Greens |
GRC | Tsoukalis, Loukas | President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy |
FIN | Urpilainen, Jutta | Minister of Finance |
CHE | Vasella, Daniel L. | Chairman, Novartis AG |
INT | Vimont, Pierre | Executive Secretary General, European External Action Service |
GBR | Voser, Peter | CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc |
SWE | Wallenberg, Jacob | Chairman, Investor AB |
USA | Warsh, Kevin | Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University |
GBR | Wolf, Martin H. | Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times |
USA | Wolfensohn, James D. | Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company |
CAN | Wright, Nigel S. | Chief of Staff, Office of the Prime Minister |
USA | Yergin, Daniel | Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates |
INT | Zoellick, Robert B. | President, The World Bank Group |
Rapporteurs | ||
GBR | Bredow, Vendeline von | Business Correspondent, The Economist |
GBR | Wooldridge, Adrian D. | Foreign Correspondent, The Economist |
- Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List
- Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List
- Bilderberg 2009 Attendee List (revised)
- Davos 2012: From Capitalism to Fascism
- Geithner to Submit Economic Report to Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger
- Occupy Bilderberg 2012
- 2008 Trilateral Commission Attendee List
- Man added to official 9/11 victims list
- Wikipedia Threatens to Delete List of Bilderberg Attendees
- Expose Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary
- Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run
- Bilderberg Invasion 2012: The Globalist Hubris Leads to Virginia!
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