A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in Japan has found evidence of slow slip earthquakes impeding the progression of large destructive quakes. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their study of both types of earthquakes and the events surrounding the large Tohoku-Oki quake in 2011, and what they found. Heidi Houston, with the University of Southern California, has published a Perspective piece on the work done by the team in the same journal issue. She also outlines the two large earthquake tracking systems that have been installed in Japan and on the bottom of the ocean along the Japan Trench.
The Japan Trench is a seafloor depression off the coast of Japan—it was created by tectonic forces as the Pacific plate was pushed beneath the continental Okhotsk Plate, a process that continues today. It is also the site of many undersea earthquakes, which can lead to tsunamis, at least in its midsection, according to evidence found by the researchers with this new effort.
As part of their study of slip (slow) earthquakes, the researchers were studying data recorded by the Hi-net seismograph array, which covers Japan with about approximately 800 seismometers, and GEONET, which is an array of sensors on the seabed in the Japan Trench. Slip earthquakes are much slower-moving earthquakes, so they do not shake the ground or cause damage. But they are also harder to detect. To detect them, new technology has been developed that looks for tremors, very-low-frequency earthquakes, and slow slip events (those that migrate enough to show up on sensors).
The researchers report that they found a lot of slip earthquakes happening in the northern and southern parts of the Japan Trench, but very few of them in the center section. Conversely, they found evidence of large earthquakes happening in the center section, but not in the northern or southern sections. And they also found that during the large Tohoku-Oki quake, the shaking occurred mostly in the center section—seismic waves stopped when they reached the boundaries of the northern and southern sections. Houston suggests this finding will need to be confirmed in other places, but for now, it appears that it might help with large quake forecasting efforts in the years ahead.
Megathrust faults in subduction zones—the interface where one tectonic plate slides jerkily beneath another—host the world’s most powerful earthquakes. Over the past 20 years, new seismic phenomena have been discovered and linked with giant earthquakes. On page 808 of this issue, Nishikawa et al. (1) combine numerous catalogs of slow and fast seismic phenomena to detect and characterize a range of slow slip processes that occurred before and after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake along the Japan Trench. This magnitude 9 (M9) earthquake and its resulting tsunami caused more than 15,000 casualties and $200 billion in losses.
This is an article distributed under the terms of the Science Journals Default License.
this is the official dutchsinse twitter account…
They thought I was here at this house in the country because I did my live stream from here that night before.. they thought I was here.. so they did it then… but no one was at the house at all.. mother out of town.. me 40 miles away in Saint Louis. Call came “from the house”
this is the 2nd time this has happened. 3+ years ago.. I came out here to my moms house when she still lived here. did my live stream from here for a few hours then went back to St. Louis. NEXT DAY , no one here at the house at all.. 911 called and dispatched here to this house.
The report only says the reason for dispatch, and result of the dispatch. The “result” says clearly.. the home owners (us) said no one called. I’ll testify this is what happened. No one will give me the number which called! wth? But the officer said it verbally that day!
This has now been explained to me …. the report says POSSIBLE POCKET DIAL as the reason for dispatch.. they ASSUME “possible pocket dial” with a 911 hangup. Then it says what we told them , that we did not call. So the report does not say we pocket dialed. The # isn’t ours!
Wife recalls from memory… phone number beginning with 314 area code and number ending in 2628… so it was 314-XXX-2628 .
I’ll be going legal to get the full number or someone will turn it up via investigation on their own.
Separate note : While on the phone, the sheriff looked up this report on his laptop.. could NOT FIND ANYTHING FROM JULY 6th for my house at all they said… verbatim they said “I don’t see anything on my laptop for this”
we may have them caught by this phone number that called. The fact no one will give me the number , when its claimed that I POCKET DIALED MYSELF…. this is highly suspect and needs investigation. Who called, and what was the number that called? This proves my case.
If it was my phone that pocket dialed.. should be no problem to give me the number … right???? So why won’t anyone give me the phone number of WHO CALLED 911 ? Something is very fishy now beyond just the 911 call on July 6.. now no one will give me the #…. somethings up.
if its supposedly MY phone number that quote “pocket dialed”.. why can’t anyone give me the number????? WTF…….
When your stalkers spoof a 911 call from your house , then blame YOU for it because of an incorrect police report… when you can’t get the number that called 911.. even though it is falsely claimed to be MY NUMBER .. wtf is going on??? This is evil.
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself…. never thought that would apply to my safety.
I just spoke with the sheriffs office.. they can’t amend the report since its already been published.. they can’t give me the number who called 911 supposedly from my location… and they can’t help me with the stalkers. Gov can’t help. I have to take care of things myself.
Ok moving on.. the past 7 days was the worst week in years… they tried almost everything to stop the operation, and almost succeeded….
BUT- here’s to better days ahead!
The call came in while I WAS ASLEEP, my phone in the car.. my wife in the shower.. her phone on the kitchen table. Only two phones we have.. and the number the officer told my wife called was a whole different number entirely than either of our phones.
I’m calling the sheriff tomorrow and getting the number which called 911. That will reveal everything. This is insane I have to defend myself from stalkers , correcting an incorrect police report WHILE ALSO NEEDING THE NUMBER OF THE PHONE THAT SUPPOSEDLY CALLED from my house!
My stalkers online have pulled and published the “swatting” police report.. trying to deny I was swatted. The police report INCORRECTLY says “possible pocket dial”. We told the officer directly THE PHONE NUMBER IS NOT OURS. What is the phone # that called 911?! Why omit the #!
The threats have been reported to the appropriate authorities who are now taking action. Thank you to all who reported the threats, the videos etc…
This has now been explained to me …. the report says POSSIBLE POCKET DIAL as the reason for dispatch.. they ASSUME “possible pocket dial” with a 911 hangup. Then it says what we told them , that we did not call. So the report does not say we pocket dialed. The # isn’t ours!
— dutchsinse (@dutchsinse) August 27, 2019
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