Radio Frequencies now I understand the massive death of animals all over the world, all those birds falling from the sky also all those fishes that were found dead at the coast dolphins, whales etc so, they were testing this weapon with those poor animals and now with all those towers around they are killing us silently those towers need to be removed from our neighborhoods ASAP.
Its funny everyone wanted better service better wifi. But no one took into account what it would do..Becareful what you wish for because it may not be what you really want..an buisnesses dont care what there product does greed is really bad in this world
What they are doing to the public is called premeditated murder. Radiation causes cancer. This is well known in the medical and scientific communities. At the end of all kemo treatments (kemo is a nerve gas developed for warfare during world war I. Its intent was to kill.), the patient is given a radiation treatment ensuring that cancer will develope somewhere else in the body. The cancer victim becomes a source of income for the doctors for the rest of his or her life. This also decreases the population on earth.
4G cell towers are run at 50 watts x 10 x10 = 5000 per antenna but with the turn of a rheostat can output enough wattage energy to fry the brain of all living creatures up to .5-1 mile away (as a weapon). With the new 5G technology requiring closer proximity of cell towers death can be monitored and micro managed (all puns intended Ha Ha) to focus on specific and smaller areas. So instead of a 10-20 block area of mass annihilation with moderate survivability expectations using 4G. Instead using 5G they can expect specific highly localized low survivability outcomes using lower wattage’s. In either case just another means of culling the herd as has been occurring for decades. Life expectancy in the USA today is the lowest among civilized countries at 76 approx and dropping