BREAKING! HILLARY CLINTON ON THE RUN… CONGRESS FINALLY GOT HER. FBI informant is ready to testify before congress and Hillary Clinton wouldn’t want that to happen.
There is a rumor circulating in the Alternative Media that Tony Podesta has been indicted, but that the indictment is sealed.
An indictment is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime, typically made by a grand jury. A sealed indictment is an indictment that stays non-public until it is unsealed when the named person is arrested. (USLegal)
Normally, I don’t post rumors, but this rumor is too important to ignore. So I’ll just present the rumor, and leave it to you to decide on its credibility.
To begin, Tony Podesta is the brother of powerful Clinton operative John Podesta, who was chair of Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign. A powerful Democratic lobbyist in his own right, Tony Podesta was ranked 23rd most powerful person in Washington, D.C. by GQ magazine in 2012.
Both Tony and John Podesta were invited by satanic artist Marina Abramovic to a “spirit cooking” dinner, in which human menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are ingested.
Tony Podesta is also known for his gruesome art collection, including a sculpture, The Arch of Hysteria, which mimics the posture that cannibal serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer had positioned one of his victims.
The rumors and speculation began when NBC News reported on Oct. 23, 2017 that Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal criminal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on whether the Group violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
On 31, 2017, Emily Zanotti of Daily Wire reported that:
Eagle-eyed court watchers on Twitter noticed, late Monday, that there are four sealed cases listed on the U.S. District Court’s docket in Washington, D.C., located on the docket between George Papadopoulos’s sealed plea bargain (#182) and Paul Manafort’s sealed indictment (#201).
Legal experts immediately concluded that the four sealed cases could mean Special Counsel Robert Mueller isn’t done issuing secret subpoenas and grand jury indictments.
After yesterday’s wave of charges, snagging Manafort and his business partner, Rick Gates, and revealing that former Trump foreign policy aide Papadopoulos struck a deal with Federal prosecutors, D.C. watchdogs — particularly on the Left — assumed we were only beginning to see what Mueller had in store. […]
There is one indication that Mueller has at least one more indictment up his sleeve. The Manafort indictment is marked as INDICTMENT (B), which presumes there’s an “INDICTMENT (A)” lurking somewhere, maybe in “sealed document #200.” The subject of that indictment is anyone’s guess; it could be Flynn, or it could be Tony Podesta who hinted in his resignation letter yesterday that he was under scrutiny.
Indeed, NBC News confirmed on November 1, 2017, that the Podesta Group is the unnamed “Company B” listed in Mueller’s Manafort and Gates indictments:
The lobbying firms the Podesta Group and Mercury Public Affairs are the unnamed companies in the grand jury indictment of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, according to three sources with knowledge of the investigation.
The indictment, unsealed Monday, refers to “Company A” and “Company B” as the firms Manafort and Gates solicited in 2012 to lobby on behalf of the Ukranian government. Company A is Mercury Public Affairs and Company B is the Podesta Group, the sources said. […]
According to the indictment, the lobbying firms were paid $2 million from offshore accounts controlled by Manafort.
On November 3, 2017, James Brower, who describes himself as a former “State Assistant for Trump” in Massachusetts tweeted:
Brower followed that with another tweet, on November 4 at 11:08 AM:
“There are a total of 7 sealed indictments, one was Manafort, second is Podesta…”
Brower’s latest tweet on Nov. 7:
Also on November 3, an anonymous tipster posted this on the 4chan message board:
Followed by this the next day, Nov. 4, on 4chan:
Which then led to this claim on Voat on Nov. 4:
Trump and the military have been planning the second American Revolution. But instead of the British, this time they’ll be fighting the CIA, FBI, NSA, Deep State and all their puppets, actors and hired goons to take back control of the country. Trump has gone to Asia for the next 12 days and is being protected by the Air Force and Navy in classified locations while the military takes over in America. North Korea is just a false flag, they’re controlled by the CIA. MSM is controlled by the CIA. Deep state is controlled by the CIA. KKK and terrorist organizations in this country are aided by the FBI+CIA. Every branch of the government, every organization, is helplessly corrupt and compromised except for one; the military. The constitution gave full control of the military to the president for a reason – to deal with any branches of government that become too powerful. ANTIFA is a false flag, the military has already infiltrated them to gather intel, they won’t be a threat. Soros, Obama, Clintons, Podestas, etc. will be BTFO.
Proof: Q Anon predicted POTUS’ twitter would go down temporarily and that they’d get it back up. Q Anon mentioned more info would come out shortly (Final JFK file drop released today). Also predicted information of Podesta’s indictment would be today, actionable tomorrow. Huma is indicted Monday. There are more predictions Q Anon got right, not just those.
The biggest nugget of proof will be if Trump tweets out this exact message: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….” If he tweets out this exact message, that’ll be the green light for Operation Alice and Wonderland.
I purchased a 5-day membership of SearchQuarry and searched for an arrest record for “Anthony Podesta” in the District of Columbia. The search results says there’s no arrest record of Anthony Podesta in DC as of 11/4/2017.
The “Q Anonymous” who’s been posting on 4chan clearly knows what he’s talking about. Below are his 4chan posts, from October 31 to this morning, Nov. 5 (h/t FOTM‘s MCA):
There is a buzz in the Alternative Media that the orthopedic boots worn by Hillary Clinton and John McCain may actually be ankle bracelets, worn to prevent them from fleeing the United States.
Remember Hillary Clinton saying she broke her big toe while “running down stairs wearing heels and falling backward” and so had to discontinue her book tour in the UK?
Here she is, in her last public appearance in the UK, wearing a special boot during an appearance on the BBC’s “Graham Norton Show” on Oct. 15, 2017.
When I posted about her broken toe, FOTM‘s Dave, who recently had much experience with toe and foot medical issues, remarked that “Broken toes do not require boots like that.”
It turns out that the real reason why Hillary discontinued her book tour, broken toe or not, is because she got wind that news would break the next day about Uranium One — that the Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ had known, as early as 2009, about a multi-million $ payoff bribe that the Russian government “routed” to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State, prior to the State Department’s approval of a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of 20% of American uranium.
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Coincidentally, RINO warmonger Sen. John McCain — whose foundation, the McCain Institute for International Leadership, is funded by the Saudis(remember this!), Rothschilds and George Soros — recently also acquired an orthopedic boot on his right foot, just like Hillary.
CNN reports that McCain’s office said in a statement yesterday, Nov. 6:
“Senator McCain was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend for a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon, as well as for other normal and non-life-threatening side effects of cancer therapy. Senator McCain has returned to work in the Senate and will be wearing a walking boot until his injured tendon is fully healed.”
Bloomberg reported in 2016 that Saudi Arabia donated $1 million to the McCain Institute, a contribution the Institute has refused to explain publicly. (See “McCain cuts off questions about Saudi donation“)
Baxter Dmitry of YourNewsWire observes that the secretive $1 million donation from Saudi Arabia “looks suspiciously like a Clinton Foundation style pay-for-play ‘donation’” and explains why McCain has “certain ‘viewpoints’ about the Middle East, and keeps making secret trips to Syria.” Saudi Arabia — and Israel, too — is adamantly opposed to Syria’s Assad government and seeks its overthrow by “rebels” who include Al Qaeda jihidasts.
I would appreciate FOTM readers with medical background, especially in orthopedics, to weigh in on Hillary’s and McCain’s boots.
There is a buzz in the Alternative Media that the orthopedic boots worn by Hillary Clinton and John McCain may actually be ankle bracelets, worn to prevent them from fleeing the United States.
Remember Hillary Clinton saying she broke her big toe while “running down stairs wearing heels and falling backward” and so had to discontinue her book tour in the UK?
Here she is, in her last public appearance in the UK, wearing a special boot during an appearance on the BBC’s “Graham Norton Show” on Oct. 15, 2017.
When I posted about her broken toe, FOTM‘s Dave, who recently had much experience with toe and foot medical issues, remarked that “Broken toes do not require boots like that.”
It turns out that the real reason why Hillary discontinued her book tour, broken toe or not, is because she got wind that news would break the next day about Uranium One — that the Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ had known, as early as 2009, about a multi-million $ payoff bribe that the Russian government “routed” to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Secretary of State, prior to the State Department’s approval of a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of 20% of American uranium.
Article Continues Below
Coincidentally, RINO warmonger Sen. John McCain — whose foundation, the McCain Institute for International Leadership, is funded by the Saudis(remember this!), Rothschilds and George Soros — recently also acquired an orthopedic boot on his right foot, just like Hillary.
CNN reports that McCain’s office said in a statement yesterday, Nov. 6:
“Senator McCain was treated at Walter Reed Medical Center over the weekend for a minor tear in his right Achilles tendon, as well as for other normal and non-life-threatening side effects of cancer therapy. Senator McCain has returned to work in the Senate and will be wearing a walking boot until his injured tendon is fully healed.”
Bloomberg reported in 2016 that Saudi Arabia donated $1 million to the McCain Institute, a contribution the Institute has refused to explain publicly. (See “McCain cuts off questions about Saudi donation“)
Baxter Dmitry of YourNewsWire observes that the secretive $1 million donation from Saudi Arabia “looks suspiciously like a Clinton Foundation style pay-for-play ‘donation’” and explains why McCain has “certain ‘viewpoints’ about the Middle East, and keeps making secret trips to Syria.” Saudi Arabia — and Israel, too — is adamantly opposed to Syria’s Assad government and seeks its overthrow by “rebels” who include Al Qaeda jihidasts.
I would appreciate FOTM readers with medical background, especially in orthopedics, to weigh in on Hillary’s and McCain’s boots.
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