I don’t think very many people thought they would meet the deadline As Kiewit approaches the November 1st deadline for phase one, laborers continue work on the main spillway to ensure it can handle flows of 100,000 cubic feet per second this winter. Crews finish placement of the final structural walls, complete the temporary RCC walls and continue cleanup. Work continues at the emergency spillway to construct an underground secant pile or cut off wall to prevent uphill erosion.
HISTORY IN THE MAKING YOU HAVE TOO SEE On October 24, 2017, crews made the connection between the lower and upper chutes, having placed more than 300,000 cubic yards of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) in the middle area of the main Lake Oroville spillway. Crews will continue to finish the RCC walls and place a layer of enriched RCC over the surface of the center chute.
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