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In 1868 the 14th amendment was ratified ending slavery by giving all Americans citizenship .All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States, and of the state’s wherein they reside united states code and an eighth amendment 14, however what the public was not told that while under the Labor Code a Fourteenth Amendment citizen can only be found within the jurisdiction of the united states.
That is all government employees all those who live in territories occupied by the federal government such as Washington DC and the former slaves the rest of the population was not subject to the 14th amendment and thus could still claim jurisdiction under the original constitution in addition to that after the conclusion of the Civil War the federal government was now occupying the southern states placing these capture citizens under the jurisdiction of the Libra code the southern states had to agree to ratify this amendment in order for them to be granted their freedom from federal role thus instead of ending slavery the 14-amendment out all southerners captive is slaves in the plantation known as United States of America just like how all citizens were turning to corporations in 1792 subject them to the revolutionary war debts Fourteenth Amendment citizens.
In 1868 the 14th Amendment Was Ratified Ending Slavery By Giving All Races Americans Citizenship https://t.co/nzVjUXRUnF
— Tat’s Revolution (@tatsrevolution) December 22, 2016
Were created to be franchisees subject to the corporation the United States incorporated and like all corporate brands you do not have any constitutional bill of rights protections Rufus such can be found in the all caps person of your name which signifies a corporate entity after the Civil War the United States defaulting on its were dead during the bankruptcy proceedings cutting lawyers in league with international bankers found a loophole with an article 1 section 8 Clause 17 of the United States Constitution which allow the creation of the duplicate entity known as the corporation united states of America to replace the now-bankrupt in default republic of the United States of America.
This occurred with the passage of the District of Columbia organic act of 1871 which incorporated the area the district of Columbia into a private for incorporation chartered in the city of London known as the United States incorporated this corporation designated Congress as the board of directors to continue the business of the government under martial law thanks to Libra code federal jurisdiction under the organic act was expanded to include polio capture citizens in the southern states but all Americans in all states thus America lost her sovereignty under the yoke of the crown of England and the international bankers during the same time the corporation the united states adopted its own constitution which was identical to the original National Constitution 24 the people one word was changed from its original form the constitution for the United States of America.
To its present-day all capitalized which signifies a corporate entity the Constitution of the United States of America incidentally the titles of nobility amendment was removed from this new constitution with Illuminati and full control over the United States they now sought to rule the world after the death of Adam Weiss off in 1830 Giuseppe Mazzini was selected to head the Illuminati in 1871 the mental power was passed on again to the American general Albert pike as its new director pike became fascinated with the idea of a one-world government and eventually constructed the Illuminati’s blueprint of world domination his plans called for the financing three world wars in the twentieth century the first war would bring about an atheist communist state from the ashes as ours Russia the second war would bring about the Jewish Holocaust under a fascist government different support the Zionist State of Israel the third war would manipulate the differences of Christians and Muslims for their own annihilation then finally political Zionism would come out as victors of all these three world wars would require an enormous funding since most of the royalty of Europe was already deeply in debt thanks to numerous wars and conflicts created by the Rothschild banking dynasty the only place left that could possibly pay for such ambitious plans was in how prosperous American republic after the Civil War the United States.
Went to the great industrial expansion the new industries of oil steel textile and railroad Olney generous financing which the Rothschild family was more than here to provide to access these markets the raw shots in their agent Jacob Schiff to infiltrate the New York banking scene which is controlled by GP more by the turn of the century the raw shelter fully introduced themselves into the tide fraternity of wall street banks such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers they now sought their most prized possession full control over the American monetary system with help from Jacob Schiff and JP Morgan the Rothschild’s former scheme which would seduce Congress into relinquishing control the money supply this occurred with the panic of YEAR 19 YEAR 07 when a liquidity crisis caused many banks and businesses to fail all across the United States the meltdown began when JP Morgan published rumors that the Knickerbockers Trust Company of New York was in solid with a bank run on hand they were forced to call on their loans creating a chain reaction which would threaten to implode the entire banking system the failures continued until JP Morgan company provided a generous alone to the insolvent banks but.
JP Morgan was not trying to save the American banking system but rather he used the crisis to destroy his competition by choosing which banks he would bail out but the biggest casualty of the economic fallout was the looming bankruptcy of the corporation the United States which had no means to pay back their loans which were due in 19 12 anticipation of this bankruptcy representatives from the world’s most powerful families men in November 19 10 at a secret meeting at the Jekyll island club resort in Georgia to discuss the foreclosure of the corporation of the United States into brainstorm solutions which will prevent future liquidity crisis such as occurred during the panic 10-7 those in attendance included senator nelson Aldrich Paul Wartburg representatives from JP Morgan company and Jacob Schiff representing the Rothschild family they propose to 20 year extension on the national debt at the United States would agree to charter a privately owned central bank which would serve as a bank of last resort by lending money to other and solvent banks in order to prevent future bank runs a week later and they merge with their plans to create what is known as the federal reserve system because the current president Taft we never agreed to sign away the American monetary system to cabal of international bankers they wait until they got their man the progressive Woodrow Wilson into power in return for the Baker’s generous campaign contributions Woodrow Wilson unluckily promising Baker’s he would sign the federal reserve act if he was elected to office many powerful forces were opposed to the creation of a privately controlled central bank to neutralize this thread JP Morgan invited the major opponents of the federal reserve act on board the maiden voyage of the newly built Titanic luxury steam liner build by the White Star Line home by JP Morgan ordered the captain de steer his ship into an iceberg and under gunpoint prevented them in from escaping on to the lifeboats killing many of his enemies and one large swoop when word of this got back to Woodrow Wilson he commented there exists this power in the world so subtle so organized so watchful that we dare not speak above a whisper when speaking condiment action of it at the beginning of MONTH 19 13 the United States had defaulting on its debt after being denied a new line of credit in the AL President Woodrow Wilson based a constitutional crisis with no other sources of funding he went along with the Baker scenes engineering at Jekyll island resort to avoid any opposition senator nelson Aldrich quickly push the Federal Reserve back through both houses of Congress in December MONTH twenty-third 1913 almost of Congress was away on Christmas vacation a quorum call was issued a few selected congressional traders voted by voice to avoid public record and passed the federal reserve act which President Wilson sign into law.
Wilson later a minute with remorse when referring to the Fed I have been wouldn’t Lulu in my country this app gave away the keys of the printing presses at the US Treasury to a foreign corporation chartered under the crown of England know is that was herb baked the federal reserve was created by congress in 1913 and it was entrusted with the power branded originally to the Congress by the US Constitution to coin money and regulate the value thereof the Federal Reserve Bank advertise itself as a nonprofit corporation that operates as if it’s another branch of the government however its board members are unelected and their means are conducted behind the closed doors away from public scrutiny the board of directors of the federal reserve system is chosen by the president from a list prepared by the bankers themselves it’s important that whoever I pick is viewed as an independent person from politics all the secrecy becomes very suspicious considering how the federal reserve monitors and controls trillions of dollars within the world’s banking system after the federal government losses ability to issue its own money the national debt soon sword to astronomical heights because now the government had to pay the federal reserve interest on its currency printed circulation but this interest on the national debt I can never be repaid as the.
Federal Reserve required all debts to be paid with gold which the government did not have an even worse interest portion of the national debt was not issued into the money supply in other words more and more dead would have to be issued to continue servicing the growing interest payments on loans in order to cover this interest payment Congress was forced to pass the income tax legislation which became law in 1913 with the ratification of the 16th amendment also known as income tax amendment initially they love you too 1% of voluntary tax on all incomes over 3,000 and a progressive surtax on incomes over 20,000 but this would soon increase with the outbreak of World wine to income-tax allow the federal reserve system to confiscate the areas of the common man but the industrialist and finance years were exempted from paying income tax because they could afford their assets in tax-free foundations which they claimed were devoted to philanthropy examples of such include the.
Rockefeller Foundation the melon Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment the main purpose of the income tax is not to raise revenue but to redistribute wealth and to control society technically the 16th amendment was not ratified by the necessary states as it violates the constitutional claws and no direct taxes despite this Congress went ahead and tax the people anyway the government was able to do this because under their corporate charter Congress was operating as the board of directors and therefore they had the authority to enter the symbol is gratified but remember this amendment is nothing to do with Jillian States Constitution which is replace back in 1871 with the corporate Constitution it’s actually very simple Congress tried to act an income tax in 18 94 the,
Supreme Court said that’s unconstitutional when the Supreme Court says something is unconstitutional is unconstitutional they tried again in 1913 the supreme court said the 16th amendment conferred no new power of taxation so if they didn’t have it then and they didn’t get they don’t have it there is no constitutional basis for tax on the wages of Americans living and working in the 50 states of the union. and of argue in 1933 the United States once again declared bankruptcy to make our citizens subjects the repayment national debt the bankers chartered a Delaware corporation known as the Bureau of Internal Revenue but this corporation was illegally masquerading as part of the government placing them under constant threat of lawsuit to escape this litigation they move their jurisdiction outside of the united states to Puerto Rico this occurred in 1953 when they change their name to the internal revenue service or IRS incorporated a supporter recon trust within the division of the Department of the Treasury of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico further proof can be found within the United States Code which lists the IRS has trust fund number 62 the Puerto Rico special fund Internal Revenue this was done to divert all income tax payments to the international monetary fund by a very central bank’s of Europe North America which in turn by the crown of England.
There is a substantial conclusive body of evidence that proves that our income tax system represents the most pernicious for material it is the greatest hopes ever perpetrated by government against the working men and women of America I could eliminate all income taxes tomorrow and have more than enough money to fund the government by using some other guys right idea we tax the Federal Reserve at. triple zero six doubles our money until we decide to put them out of business permanently because we certainly should not have central bank’s the evidence proving income tax is paid to the united kingdom is found deep within the IRS individual master file which contains every transaction and financial record gathered by IRS officials throughout your lifetime one of these codes determines what kind of tax your pain after looking as code up within the IRS 62 and I manual you find that they have been correctly classified all Americans as domiciled corporations in either Guam the virgin islands or Puerto rice furthermore all taxpayers have filled out a 10 40 form are subject to attacks are doing commerce with the United Kingdom under treaty with the,
United States there is no law there is no law that requires the average American worker in the private sector to pay a direct on a portion tax on their labor in compensation for services there is no all as you follow the money trail you find that the taxes collected on the 1040 form is then sent to the crown of England as a tribute payment the crown of England is a sovereign corporation located within the 677 acres of the city found within the heart of Greater London this tiny strip of land contains the world’s most powerful banking houses such as the bank of England and Lloyd of London owned by the house of Rothschild it is these bankers and their counterpart the temple bar attorneys that constitute the power base known simply as a crown even though the Queen of England is a member of this club she is not its corporate head that job was given to the pontiff of Rome the Pope was given control over the monarchy with the signing of the Treaty of 1213 between King John and Pope and sent the third which forever pledge England as a vassal state of the holy roman empire in 1297 that treaty was used as a president to incorporate the city as an independent city-state controlled by the Vatican which would govern England without directly relying on the marquee just like how the corporation in the united states was subject to the crown of,
England so too with the subjects of the British Empire and slave with dead by the financial division of the Vatican had coded within the city of London today this smoke like a banker’s a full authority over the affairs of parliament and this has been the case in 1694 when pope and sent the 11 hard William of Orange to dispose the steward kings and charter the Bank of England located within the crown of England is the original Federal Reserve charter which according to the farmer claims legal team allocates at sixty-seven percent of the income tax collected by the IRS was be divided to the crown of England another twenty-three percent was be paid as a dividend to 300 shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank and the last ten percent was be paid to the employees of the IRS to keep them quiet about this sweet deal since nineteen thirteen none of the income tax collected by the IRS has gone to the federal government the federal government is funded totally through black-budget sources such as drug trafficking and off-budget accounting on the comprehensive annual financial report.
Meet Your Strawman!
Ahhhh, the Government. It loves you and wants to keep you safe and well.
It even wants to make paying taxes, fines and court costs easier for you.
How? Well, you’ll need to meet your stawman! He was born the same day you were.
He looks like you, has the same name and lives’s in your house but YOU never knew he existed!
You will have even paid his parking tickets or taxes!
The worst part? He’s been dead from day one!
From every birth certificate a “legal personality” or “Legal fiction” is created with the
same name to confuse little old you into thinking it’s YOU!
So, there is a human you and a paper you or as it’s commonly known a “strawman”.
So when it seems like Government officials, court clerk’s or the police are speaking
English. They Aren’t! They’re speaking legalese.
Designed to make you agree to verbal and written contracts without even knowing about it.
All spun from Black’s Law dictionary. For example, when the police say
“do you understand?” you’ll say “yes”. What they are really saying is
“do you STAND UNDER our authority”? Opps a daisy! You just created a verbal contract
with them! Oh, you clever Government!Did you know that whenever you register something you are handing over title to the person you
register it with? That’s right!
Whenever you register something with the Government they assume it believes it belongs to them!
Registered your car? Super! Now you are the registered “keeper” of your vehicle and Government can crush it when you don’t pay your strawman’s taxes.Expecting a new bundle of joy? Well then you need to register your little
darling with a birth certificate. Then they can start the process all over again
and create a new strawman for your little one.Isn’t that great? So when Jnr. grows up he’ll be able to generate
revenue just like you have! When You “notify” on your baby by signing the birth certificate your child becomes a ward of state.
If the government doesn’t like what you’re doing they’ll assume it’s OK to take the
child away or make new rules for things they don’t like! Not enough school? Smacking your child? Shouting too loudly?
Then it’s off to Social Services for the little one.When you get a bill, it’s sent to you but belongs to your strawman.
When you get a bill, it’s sent to you but belongs to your strawman.Not YOU. That’s why Bills, Fines and summons start with MR, MRS or MS.
Sometimes you’ll see your surname in CAPITALS. Just like on a gravestone.That’s because your strawman is dead and just a silly piece of paper created before you could comprehend or even consent to it. When you go to court, you represent your strawman.
So you, the human take on any costs, fees, taxes and fines involved for the strawman.
The “Human you” doesn’t even need to pay them.But you made a contract with the court by appearing on behalf of your Legal personality
or “strawman”. Just like Government knew you would.Confused? Well don’t worry. The Government doesn’t want you to know
Anyway. If you knew you’d stop paying things like council tax and parking tickets. Because when you go to court you are representing
your strawman. You are YOU! Alive and made of flesh and blood.your strawman. You are YOU! Alive and made of flesh and blood.
Your strawman or “legal personality” is a piece of paper created from your birth certificate
and you think it’s YOU. What a Silly Billy! Would you like to know more? Well then go over to https://tatoott1009.com/
Get up, get informed and get real!
Your Birth Certificate Was Made Into a bond its Worth Billions!
When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \”something\” is your credit.
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \”average value\” are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
This post is getting much attention on my blog at the moment. The sooner this information gets out to the masses, the sooner we will be able to put an into the fraud, lies, deceit and corruption, once and for all. For those in doubt, don’t take my word for it, conduct your own research and I’m certain you will draw the same conclusions.. ~
Who knew, it says American Bank Note Company right there on our birth certificates!? I’m connecting so many dots today I think my head might start spinning around and poking green vomit, like the little girl in the Exorcist. Ok I’m sorry, that’s gross. But that’s how disturbing this stuff is. This type of awareness should not leave the reader feeling powerless, but em-powered. The reason this has gone on for so long is a direct result of our collective ignorance. I realize this stuff is not easy to believe and even harder to understand, especially to the newly awakened, and even more so to the still asleep. This is a quote I forced myself to memorize for this very reason: truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. Dresden James
When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that something is your credit.
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this average value are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
Is it starting to make sense now? Why it’s not too farfetched to imagine the day when you will be able to walk confidently into your bank to legally, lawfully and ethically deposit some of YOUR value into your account? Why should we not be able to cash out a few billion dollars that we have created, backed by our labor, only to be stolen from us by the very people who claim to represent OUR collective best interests? The whole concept of energy harvesting is starting to make a whole lot more sense now, isn’t it?
More about the Straw man in this article: https://tatoott1009.com/2014/02/01/your-birth-certificate-was-made-into-a-bondits-worth-billions/
The birth certificate created a FICTION (the name of the baby in upper case letters). The state/ province sells the birth certificate to the Commerce Department of the corporations of USA, which in turn places a bond on the birth certificate thereby making it a negotiable instrument, and placing the fiction, called a STRAWMAN, into the warehouse of the corporations of USA. Representation for the created fiction was given to the BAR (British Accredited Registry/Regency), owned and operated by the Crown, for the purpose of contracting the fiction (which most of us think is ourselves) into a third-party action. Do not underestimate the power behind this trick. It is to con us into contracting with the feds so that they can legally confiscate our property. All these contracts have only our signatures on them because corporate fictions cannot contract (only natural beings have the right to contract and the right not to contract). Because there is no full disclosure we are never told that we have just signed away what we believe to be our property these contracts are fraudulent, and hence, we are still the lawful owner and the profit earned by the feds from selling securities (our property) belongs to us and must go into a fund for our benefit, otherwise it would be fraud. Not wanting to be charged with fraud, the feds had to create a remedy for us and hope we wouldn’t discover it. For even a deeper understand of the Birth Certificate (registration) process click here.
The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A bankrupt entity city, state/ province, country cannot operate in commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA has been bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it, the only asset it has are men and women and our labor. We are the collateral for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the application for a birth certificate. The Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the Federal Reserve Bank which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the surety on said bonds. Our labor/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence we become the ˜transmitting utility for the transmission of energy. The United States Government, in order to provide necessary goods and services, created a commercial bond (promissory note), by pledging the property, labor, life and body of its citizens, as payment for the debt (bankruptcy). This commercial bond made chattel (property) out of us all. We became nothing more than ˜human resources and collateral for the debt. This was without our knowledge and/or our consent, via the filing (registration) of our birth certificates. When mums apply for a birth certificate, the application is registered. The legal title of her baby is then transferred from mum to the State. Mum is left with equitable title of her baby whom she can use for a fee a use tax and since the property does not belong to her, she has to treat it in the manner which the owner wants.
Proof ALL of Your Debt is PRE-PAID!
I had a discussion with a friend the other day when I asked the question on Face book, If you found out your mortgage, car loan, student loan, credit card was fraudulent debt, would you keep paying it? I included a link to the post I put out about Key Bank waiving a $32K loan. This was his response:
If I borrow money from someone, I’m going to repay it. I don’t care if it’s the mafia, some made-up big brother organization, or a bank. Stealing is stealing, regardless what you believe, two wrongs don’t make a right.
The problem with this response is that it’s based on a backwards view of what money and credit REALLY is. What if everything we’ve ever been taught by the system to believe about money and credit is an illusion? Well, it is. Many of those who will read this article already know that. Yet even those who do know, still can’t quite wrap their heads around how the system works in actuality. Believe me, they do an extremely good job of keeping these Truths very well hidden. This article does a phenomenal job at breaking it down in very simple, easy to understand terms. All of the facts presented are supported by hard data. Also included is an example of a response letter from AT&T to a charge being disputed, whereas the disputing party requested funds be taken from their Prepaid Treasury Account, to settle the alleged debt. What is not shared by this blogger is the documentation submitted to AT&T, which I am working on trying to retrieve from him now.
Before I get to the meat and potatoes of this brilliant article, here are a few facts to consider in the response to my friend on Face book:
A deposit created through lending is a debt that has to be paid on demand of the depositor, just the same as the debt arising from a customer’s deposit of checks or currency in the bank. Of course they do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers The Story Of Your Enslavement: Meet Your Straw man
July 29, 2013
Many of the readers here will already be familiar with the Straw man; the corporate fiction created by our Birth Certificate. The information I have to share here is a pretty simple breakdown and can be shared with those who might still be skeptical. For anyone looking to do more research on this, I highly recommend reading Mary Elizabeth Croft’s free e-book here. ~BK
A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the
world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. – Dresden James
Registration vs. Recording
“Registration” comes from Latin “rex, Regis” etc. meaning regal. So think about what occurs to
whatever you ‘register’ – you hand legal title over to the Crown. When you register anything with the public,
it releases the legal title to the government corporation and leaves you with only equitable title – the right to use,
not own, and for that use you will pay a ‘use’ tax which is every tax, be it income, sin, sales, property, etc. as opposed to lawful taxes – excise and impost. So that it doesn’t appear that the government now owns the
property which you have registered they put it in a name which so much resembles your own that you won’t
suspect it, however, the NAME is owned by the government. If you choose rather to record your legal title to your property with the public, you maintain your status as Title Owner. This is one of the most important
things you can ever learn for the sake of your commercial affairs.
The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A bankrupt entity – city, state/
province, country – cannot operate in commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA/CA have been
bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it, the only asset it has are men and women and our labour. We are the collateral for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the application for a birth certificate. The Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the FRB/Boca, which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the surety on said bonds. Our labour/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence we become the ‘transmitting utility’ for the transmission of energy. The USG/CAG, in order to provide necessary goods and services, created a commercial bond (promissory note), by pledging the property, labour, life and body of its citizens, as payment for the debt (bankruptcy). This commercial bond made chattel (property) out of us all. We became nothing more than ‘human resources’ and collateral for the debt. This was without our knowledge and/or our consent, via the filing (registration) of our birth certificates. When mums apply for a birth certificate, the application is registered. The legal title of her baby is then transferred from mum to the State. Mum is left with equitable title of her baby whom she can use for a fee – a ‘use tax’ – and since the property does not belong to her, she has to treat it in the manner which the owner wants.
Colonel Edward Mendel House is attributed with giving a very detailed outline of the plans to be
implemented to enslave the American people. He stated, in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson
(President 1913 – 1921), Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that’s you and your children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency.
Every American will be forced to register or suffer being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels(property) and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading (Birth Certificate)to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a
contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and we will employ the high office (presidency) of our dummy corporation (USA) to foment this plot against America. – Colonel Edward Mendel House
This is why I coach those who intend to ‘marry’ not to sign anything. Centuries ago, a man put a ring on
a woman’s finger and declared, “With this ring, I thee wed”. Family members were the witnesses and that
was it. There was no state-issued license to sign … frightful! Children can be taken from their parents
because of the marriage license. Do not invite into your private contract a third-party which happens to be
public, cares not about the interests of the other two parties, and has every legal right to force them to
acquiesce to its demands. Your marriage ceases to be your own; the third-party will tell you if and when you
can end the marriage; the third-party will dictate that your children will:
- require a birth certificate and SSN
- require a government directed (AMA) doctor to attend to his health,
- be vaccinated by mandate,
- attend the Public School System,
- be prescribed and drugged by Ritalin,
- sign up with the armed forces, etc.
Your child will be a ‘ward of the state’ and the state will have prior say in what IT thinks is best for your
child – you will not have jurisdiction over him.
The birth certificate created a FICTION (the name of the baby in upper case letters). The state/ province
sells the birth certificate to the Commerce Department of the corporations of USA/CA, which in turn places a bond on the birth certificate thereby making it a negotiable instrument, and placing the fiction, called a
STRAWMAN, into the warehouse of the corporations of USA/CA. Representation for the created fiction
was given to the BAR (British Accredited Registry/Regency), owned and operated by the Crown, for the
purpose of contracting the fiction (which most of us think is ourselves) into a third-party action. Do not
underestimate the power behind this trick. It is to con us into contracting with the feds so that they can
‘legally’ confiscate our property. All these contracts have only our signatures on them because corporate
fictions cannot contract (only natural beings have the right to contract – and the right not to contract).
Because there is no full disclosure – we are never told that we have just signed away what we believe to be
our property – these contracts are fraudulent, and hence, we are still the lawful owner and the profit earned by the feds from selling securities (our property) belongs to us and must go into a fund for our benefit,
otherwise it would be fraud. Not wanting to be charged with fraud, the feds had to create a remedy for us …
and hope we wouldn’t discover it.
For decades, through its ‘public’ school system, the government has managed to deceive us about some
very important facts. All facets of the media (print, radio, television) have an ever-increasing influence in our
lives and are controlled by government and its agencies, via the issuance of licenses. We have slowly and
systematically been led to believe that any form of our names represents us, which is not so.
28 U.S.C. SECTION 3002 (15)
The United States of America, born in 1776. Our country is the offspring of a religious-based heritage of Liberty on the law. Blessed with great natural resources and a pioneer people given to industry and moral discipline, our nation grew to be strong, prosperous, and develop the finest governmental system ever devised by man.
America soon became known as the refuge of the world’s tired hungry and poor. Millions left everything in the old world to start over in a land that rewarded initiative, hard work, and perseverance. The many millions who did come here found comfort, hope, and knowing that indeed there was such a bastion of freedom and opportunity. A place where dreams could become reality.
Today our nation appears wealthier and more powerful than ever. New technologies have revolutionized our daily lives. Luxuries once enjoyed only by the rich are commonplace and very affordable homeownership is widespread and our people have the expectation of continued economic growth and prosperity. Yet more and more people are coming to realize that they may prosper materially only for a time because their freedoms are diminishing.
The sobering reality is that America has been led far from its praiseworthy beginnings. People and businesses grown under a heavy burden of economic political and social problems which are the result of a widespread departure from the fundamental truths that made our nation great. If the United States of America is to endure, sovereign people far and wide must once again come to understand ,embrace and live by timeless concepts called Americanism.
What made America great and set it apart from other lands was it natural resources. No other lands are equally blessed. The people who built America came from elsewhere and created a government of planning and wisdom that spurred our nation to such heights. It wasn’t what government did that made America great it was what government was prevented from doing that made the difference. What sets America apart from other lands was freedom; the individual freedom to work; to produce; to succeed; and especially to keep the fruits of one’s labor’s. America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented.
However freedom in America was not totally unrestrained. Americans overwhelmingly chose to limit their actions with moral codes such as the Ten Commandments, personal morality, and limited government. It’s a combination that characterizes America and made it the envy of the world.
When our founding fathers decided they had enough of British oppression, they broke away and declared independence. They stated as self-evident truth in the Declaration of Independence that men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. In other words God gave man his rights and that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and in the very next sentence the founders define the proper role of government when they stated that to secure these rights governments are instituted. This is the entire philosophical base of our nation. Here the government cannot legitimately redistribute the wealth of power over the people’s lives and dominate man’s existence with oppressive taxation, regulations, and controls According to the founders government was to be a negative force which leaves people alone. Its sole function is to protect citizens from one another and from foreign governments and especially from their own government The founders did not create a government to be a positive force to do things for people to take from some to give to others They understood that when a government starts doing something for one citizen it has to take from another to do so and in the process it gains control over both.
British rulers didn’t accept the declaration of independence, so our forefathers had to fight a war to make it stick. By 17 83 the war for independence had been won and British forces were sent back across the sea, but the governmental system at that time was weak. It had no power to settle disputes between the states nor the power to tax for proper needs such as national defense. So in 17 87 delegates from 12 of the 13 States met in Philadelphia to revise the system and they produced an entirely new governmental structure known as the Constitution of the United States.
Keeping faith with the thunderous assertions in the Declaration, the Constitution was written to govern the government not the people and not the states, each of which was a jealous guardian of its own sovereignty. The founders created a central government with strictly limited powers. This left the states free to compete with one another to be the best state. The one with the least amount of taxation and controls. One where citizens would want to build a business and raise a family. That spirit of competition produced excellence, as honest competition always does.
It’s important to note that the Constitution wasn’t forced on the people. It was sent back to the states for ratification. Several of the founding fathers wrote essays explaining it, in an effort to persuade fellow Americans to adopt this new system of government. Some of the essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and Jon Jay were collected into a volume known as The Federalist Papers.
Those essays provide valuable insights into the intent of the founders in establishing our government. Eventually all 13 states ratified the Constitution and then each ratified the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights, further tying the hands of the federal government.
These amendments are indeed about rights but it would have been better had the Bill of Rights been labeled the bill of limitations on government . Why? Because it’s vital to realize that the Bill of Rights never gave citizens any rights whatsoever. Its sole purpose was to safeguard God-given rights by limiting government power. The founders even insisted that Congress shall make no law about speech, religion, the press, assembly, the right to petition, the right to keep and bear arms, and so on. These amendments are directed squarely at the federal government, not the individual, and not the states. They are like most of the 10 commandments which are essentially “thou shalt not”. The Bill of Rights says Congress shall not, shall not, shall not, all the way up to the marvelous 10th amendment which says in effect if we forgot anything you can’t do that either.
When Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention he was asked by a woman “Sir what have you given us?” His immediate response was “a Republic Ma’am, if you can keep it”. Yet most Americans today have been persuaded that our nation’s governmental system is a democracy and not a republic.
The difference between these two is essential in understanding Americanism and the American system. Before we discuss political systems however, it’s helpful to address the confusion that has been spread about the political spectrum. Many have been led to believe that the political spectrum places groups, such as communists, on the far left; fascist or dictators on the far right; and political moderates or centrist in the middle. However a more accurate political spectrum will show government having zero power on the far right to having one hundred percent power on the far left. At the extreme right there is no government the extreme left features total government. Under such labels as communism socialism, Nazism, fascism, princess potentates, dictators, Kings, and any form of total government. Those who claim that Nazis and fascists are right-wing never define their terms. This amounts to spreading confusion. Toward the middle of the political spectrum can be found the type of government limited to its proper role of protecting the rights of the people. That’s where the Constitution of the United States is. Those who advocate such a form of government are really constitutional moderates.
So let’s analyze the basic forms of government; they are monarchy or dictatorship ruled by one oligarchy, ruled by a few; democracy, ruled by a majority; Republic, rule by law; and Anarchy which is ruled by no one. In discussing these five we will see that they can be narrowed down to even fewer.
Looking first at monarchy or dictatorship. This form of government doesn’t really exist in the practical sense. It’s always a group that puts one of its members upfront. A king has his council of nobles or earls and every dictator has his bureaucrats or commissars; the men behind the scenes. This isn’t ruled by one even though one person maybe the visible leader. It’s ruled by a group so let’s eliminate monarchy dictatorship because it never truly exists.
Oligarchy, which is ruled by a group, is the most common form of government in all history and it is the most common form of government today. Most of the nations of the world are ruled by a powerful few and therefore an oligarchy.
At the other end we find Anarchy, which means without government. Some people have looked over history and found that many of its worst crimes were committed by governance so they decided that having no government might be a good idea but this is a mistake because the ancient Greeks stated, without law that can be no freedom.
Our founding fathers agreed and held that some amount of government is a necessary force in any civilized orderly society. In a state of Anarchy however, everyone has to guard life liberty and property and the lives of family members everyone must be armed and movement is severely restricted because once property has to be protected at all times, civilized people have always hired someone to do the gardening, sheriff, or police force for some branch of government. Once law enforcement was in place the people were freer. They could leave their property work in the fields and so on.
Ensure the proper amount of government makes everyone freer. There are some who advocate Anarchy however, not because they want no government, because they don’t like what they have. They use Anarchy as a tool for revolutionary change. The condition of anarchy is very much like a vacuum where something rushes in to fill it. These calculating anarchists work to break down the existing government with riots, killing. looting, and terrorism. Tragically the people living in such chaos often go to those best able to put an end to it, and beg them to take over and restore order, and who is best able to put an end to the chaos? The very people who started. The anarchists who created the problem then create a government run by them; an oligarchy, where they have total power. This is exactly what happened in Russia that led to taking land in taking total power, and in Germany where hitless Brownshirts created the chaos that brought him to power. Anarchy is in a stable form of government in it’s quick transition from something that exists to something desired by the power-hungry. It’s a temporary condition and because it isn’t permanent we eliminate it as well.
The word democracy comes from two Greek words, deimos meaning people and kratos meaning power to rule. Democracy, therefore means the rule of the people; majority rule. This of course sounds good but suppose the majority decides to take away one’s home or business or children. Obviously there has to be a limit. The flaw in democracy is that the majority isn’t restrained. If more than half the people can be persuaded to want something, in a democracy, they rule.
What about republic? Well that comes from the Latin res, meaning thing and public; the public thing. A true Republic is one where the government is limited by law leaving the people alone. America’s Founders had a clean slate to write on. They could have set up an oligarchy. In fact there were some who wanted George Washington to be their king, but the founding fathers knew history and they chose to give us the rule of law in a republic, not the rule of the majority in a democracy.
Why? Let’s demonstrate the difference in the setting of the Old West. Consider a lynch mob in a democracy. Thirty-five horseback riders chase one lone gunman and a vault. The 35 horseback riders catch and hang the gunman. Democracy has triumphed and there’s one less gunman to contend with.
Now consider the same scenario in a republic. The 35 horseback riders catch the gunman and vote 30 to five hundred twenty one to hang him but the sheriff arrives and he says you can’t kill him he’s got his right to a fair trial so they take the gunman back to town. A jury of his peers is selected and they hear the evidence and the defense and they decide if he shall hang. Does the jury even decide by majority rule? No, it has to be unanimous or he goes free. The rights of the government aren’t subject to the majority rule but to the law this is the essence of a republic.
Many Americans would be surprised to learn that the word democracy does not appear in the declaration of independence or the US Constitution, nor does it appear in any of the Constitution’s of the fifty states. The founders did everything they could to keep us from having a democracy. James Madison, rightly known as the father of the Constitution, wrote in SA number 10 of the Federalist Papers; democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general but in short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Alexander Hamilton agreed and he stated we are a republican government. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of democracy. Samuel Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, stated democracy never lasts long, it soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. The founders had good reason to look upon democracy with contempt because they knew that the democracies in the early Greek city-states produce some of the winless successes of government imaginable. In every case they ended up with mob rule, then anarchy, and finally tyranny under an oligarchy. During that period in Greece there was a man named Solon who urged creation of a fixed body of law not subject to majority whims. While the Greeks never adopted Solon’s wise counsel the Romans did. Based on what they knew about Solon’s laws, they created the Twelve Tables of the Roman law and in effect built a republic that limited government power and left the people alone. Since government was limited the people were free to produce with the understanding that they could keep the fruits of their labor in time. Rome became wealthy and the envy of the world in the midst of plenty. However the Roman people forgot what freedom entailed. They forgot that the essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government. When government power grows, people’s freedom recedes. Once the Romans drop their guard, power seeking politicians began to exceed the powers granted them in the Roman Constitution. Some learned that they could elect politicians who would use government power to take property from some and give it to others Agriculture subsidies were introduced followed by housing and welfare programs. Inevitably taxes rose and controls over the private sector were imposed. Soon a number of Rome’s people could no longer make ends meet and they went on the dole. Productivity declined shortages developed and mobs began roaming the streets demanding bread and shelter from the government. Many were induced to trade freedom for security. Eventually the whole system came crashing down. They went from a republic to a democracy and ended up with an oligarchy under a progression of the Caesars. Thus democracy itself is not a stable form of government instead it is the gradual transition from limited government to the unlimited rule of an oligarchy. Knowing this, we as Americans, are ultimately left with only two choices. We can keep our republic. As Franklin put it, all we will inevitably end up with an oligarchy, a tyranny of the elite.
Just as there is widespread confusion regarding political systems there is similar confusion in the economic arena. All during the 20th century, Americans were led to believe that there was a great struggle going on between capitalism in the Communist world. Undoubtedly a struggle existed, but the real adversaries were rarely identified properly. No discussion about economic systems will make sense without first defining terms and one of the most basic terms in economics is capital, whose definition is the means of production. To illustrate what capital is, let’s consider a very simple economy.
On the sands of a small island a castaway has just washed ashore. He has no food and he’s hungry. He searches the island. He finds no berries, coconuts, or anything edible. He goes back into the water and tries to catch fish with his bare hands but he fails so he goes back up on shore. He finds a bush. He breaks off a branch and gnaws a sharp tip and heads back into the water. With his spear he catches fish. His spear is capital. It’s the means of production for catching fish. He gave up some of his time and some of his energy to produce something. He could not eat but something that would help him to produce something that he could eat. Capital therefore can be tools, machinery, and even a man’s hand, made spear to catch fish. Such being the case consider that the Communists in the former Soviet Union as well as in China and Cuba have always used tools and machinery. Officials there even view people as capital therefore by strict definition are not communists but capitalists. For that matter, isn’t everyone a capitalist and so is not every economic system a capital system?
What then is the difference between what the communist system is and what the American capitalist system is supposed to be? The difference is ownership of the capital. Is the system monopolistic state-controlled capitalism or is it competitive free enterprise capitalism? It is between these two opposing economic systems that a battle has always raged.
Before we proceed, let’s also define free market. Basically, free market is a self-regulating system in which all parties are completely free to transact with one another. But where force fraud or injury damages one-party, the government’s role is only to punish. those who commit such offenses and to vindicate the rights of the other party. This protects the integrity of the free market or free enterprise system without intervening in it. The term private property also needs clarification, for private ownership and control of property is a key component in the free enterprise system. In order for ownership of property to be full and complete, all four of its aspects must be met. These are title, control, use, and the ability to dispose of what a person owns. In a free market economy these aspects are unrestrained so long as the owner does not infringe on the legitimate rights and claims of others. True ownership of property and freedom go hand-in-hand. They always have. now let’s compare the two systems of capitalism.
In the competitive free enterprise system, capital or property is both owned privately and controlled privately. In the monopolistic system, holding title, the capital can be accomplished privately or by the state, but more importantly capital is controlled by the state or by the elite few who control the state The communist manifesto, which contains the basic program for all communists and all socialists, explicitly preaches the destruction and abolition of private property. Karl Marx understood the powers of controlling capital and so have all communist and socialist who have ever looked and still look to marks as their leader. State-controlled capitalism results in high prices and low-quality. After all why would a monopoly strive to improve, it has no competition. On the other hand, honest thrifty and hardworking producers throughout the world prefer a competitive free enterprise system. For all, here low prices and high quality prevail because a variety of producers will seek to attract the widest amount of customers. Competition results in excellence and always has. Just as the political spectrum shows the range of government power, we can also plot the various economic systems along another spectrum. These forms of government control in the market stand in sharp contrast with a completely free market in the last.
In a century or so there have been basically four forms of state control economies. All on the far left of the economic spectrum, Fascism, Nazism, Socialism, and Communism. In each, the government controls the capital. The difference among these is how much they own or control outright. The government in fascist system doesn’t own businesses on paper but it does control them. In Mussolini ‘s Italy, even though he didn’t hold title to businesses, he told the owners what to produce, how much to produce, when to produce, where to buy raw materials, who to hire or fire, and what price to charge. The rest he said was up to them. The fascist system is more efficient than other state control systems insofar as those living under it think they still own their businesses. Shopkeepers concern themselves with maintenance on the machinery, employee relations, painting the building, and so forth. The government controls owners through an array of taxation and regulations
Under Nazism, which means National Socialism, its proponents went one step further and acquire ownership of some corporations such as Volkswagen. However Hitler didn’t seize ownership of other industrial giants he simply controlled them. Just as much Mussolini had controlled businesses in Italy, socialism is where government officials acquire possession of major industries such as transportation, communications, and utilities in order to leverage control over the entire economy through ownership of these vital segments of Industry and by creating government regulatory agencies, Socialist gain control over virtually everything else
Finally there is communism, the granddaddy of all in the economic sense. In a way communism is more honest than fascism because all of the capital is owned and controlled by the state. There are no pretenses about it.
Now let’s combine political and economic systems because ultimately, one never exists without the other. We see again that there are only two ultimate choices; a competitive free enterprise system in a republic or a monopolistic state control system under an oligarchy.
Immoral people have always been a vital element of America’s strength. The founding fathers well understood the biblical teaching that righteousness exalts a nation. They also knew that expecting a free market economy and limited government under a Republic to endure without morality was expecting the impossible.
James Madison cautioned that limited government alone was inadequate for our nation and John Adams observed our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
George Washington stated reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle. Yet there are people today who think that Liberty is licensed and that morality is unimportant or irrelevant to politics and economics but as Benjamin Franklin added only a virtuous people are capable of freedom as Nations become corrupt and vicious they have more need of masters.
The alternative to Americanism is what has condemned most of the human race to live as slaves throughout the millennia. It is the idea that rights or privileges dispensed by an oligarchy, according to the unlimited rule of men, that the state should control and own the nation’s capital with all economic activity directed from a central power and that morality is inconsequential and that security is preferred over freedom and opportunity. Our nation continues to be steered off course and the principles that led to America’s greatness are being cast aside. The simple question for us is do we continue the slide away from our nation’s founding principles or do we return to the kind of government we inherited. Time is running out for Americans who sense that something is wrong they have to decide what kind of a country we shall leave for future generations. All that is needed is for a sufficient number of Americans to get involved in the fight for freedom and to return our nation to less govern more responsibility and with God’s help a better world.
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