“The Mandela Cern Effect”

“The Mandela Cern Effect” is a term coined to describe the phenomenon of large numbers of people remembering something one way, and others remembering it another way. The theory is that both groups of people are correct, but one group came from one timeline or reality and another group came from another timeline or reality. Based upon current Quantum Mechanics theories, this could definitely be the case. It was called “The Mandela Effect” thanks to the lovely Fiona Broome, who took notice when Nelsen Mandela seemed to pass away over and over again. Her memory of his previous passing was echoed by a whole lot more people’s memories, too, of the same. This term can also be used to describe alternate histories such as earth geography differences, movie releases, and recent historical events.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is back in action at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) after a 3-month technical stop for maintenance.


Scientists hope now that, the largest accelerator in the world will continue to open the path for new discoveries in fundamental Physics by providing up to 1 billion proton-proton collisions per second.

Machine coordinator at CERN, Mike Lamont explained that: “We really had to reboot the whole machine in 2015 and that was a lot of hard work to do all that. This year, after a 13 week stop we expect things to be a lot easier and they have proven to be easier.”

“The parenthese has gone well, machine check out has gone well,” he added.

Beams are made of “trains” of proton bunches moving at almost the speed of light around the 27 kilometre ring of the LHC.

By sending bunches around the ring, the LHC is able to generate collisions, from which scientists study the basic constituents of matter, the so-called fundamental particles, to try to provide answers to elusive concepts about the origin of the Universe and its composition.

“For sure 2016 will be a very exciting year. I expect a lot of data. (2016) is called the “Luminosity Production Year” because we will push the luminosity. So I expect a huge amount of beautiful physics results,“Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of CERN said.

Among these new results could be a potentially ground-breaking discovery which scientists are currently giving a second look at: a possible new fundamental particle first sighted late last year.

If proven, its existence would profoundly reshape existing physics theories.


People who experience the Mandela Effect have a different view of the earth when they think about how it always looked to them. The hardest thing to explain is why so many people all have the same wrong memories. Someone may say that you just don’t know geography but why then are your mistakes repeated by so many others who also remember so many other things different from how they are in this reality but all in the same incorrect way as thousands of other people.

Author: tatoott1009.com