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Lyudmila Putin: “my husband is long dead”
German newspaper Die Welt published a sensational interview the former first lady of Russia Lyudmila Putina.
My husband unfortunately already long dead. I had to admit it publicly, because it can no longer see what’s happening on his behalf. It’s terrifying people. They are not before will not stop. I am afraid that now they will kill me and daughters as well as killed him.
Our family was not ideal. When I married, I had a crush on officer-Scout. But the reality proved very different. Putin turned out to be vile, cruel man, a tyrant. He never considered me, just noticed my existence. I was need it only for reference on the composition of the family and as a mother to his children. It’s hard for me to talk about it, but Putin beat me, demeaned, mocked me. Life with him was torture.
I tried to fight, not once was going to file for divorce. But for this person there was nothing Holy. To get me to silence it passed me in a psychiatric clinic. I went through all the circles of hell. Drugs, psychotropic substances, bullying. I was locked up for a long time in prison and I had not seen sunlight for a long time, never seen people. Still remember it with a shudder. From young and self-confident woman I turned into shadow, my will was broken, I sogalsilas² to all the conditions, only to come out from there.
But what started after his death generally defies description.
He then was a difficult period. I certainly told nothing, became even more introverted. A month before his death, at night, without warning took daughters – I don’t even know where.
HERE IS THE PAGE: http://rusjev.net/2015/03/27/lyudmila-putina-moego-muzha-davno-net-v-zhivyih/
And then he is gone. At night we came home to some people – someone I knew, someone had seen for the first time. Dug up all the upside, revised papers, all the walls in the House prostu ali. They told me only one thing: “If you want to live – be quiet.” All questions about her husband briefly responded that he will soon come that it important retreat and that in the interests of national security to me is not worth it to discuss with anyone. A few days later appeared his first … understudy. Then I learned that the murder of Vladimir was prepared ahead of time, it removed when the first double was almost ready to take his place. Outwardly, he certainly was very similar to Putin – I was impressed. But it was a completely different person.
They somehow managed to hunt down girls. And I have put forward an ultimatum – either I play the role of a devoted wife, or neither me nor daughters no longer live. I had no choice. I first tried to avoid public events. Corrosive journalists ‘ attention, intrigue and gossip – it all sickens me. But pretend wife stranger I was even scarier.
So they prepared a look-alike for me is that when I said something wrong, as planned under the scenario, ‘ hidden harm. If they had managed to bring my twin to more-or-less successful similarities, I would have killed for a long time.
Miraculously we managed to escape. For obvious reasons I can’t call people who have helped us to stop this terrible mock and escape. “Divorce” was my deliverance. Now I live abroad, I’m good. But I’m scared to watch what happens with Russia.
People come to your senses! You live like beggars, barely keep ends meet because you mercilessly obovorovyvaût and cheat. And now there is a question of the survival of the indigenous people of Russia. If you no longer feel frightened and ignore what is happening in the country, you don’t live.