Land rising out of the sea in Hokkaido Japan – Rose 50 feet (over 1,000 feet long) OVERNIGHT
A massive sudden (1 day) rise of land has occurred along the coast of Hokkaido Japan. Major global earthquake activity is taking place, and serious crustal movement is obviously underway in the region around North Japan. here is Global Earthquake Activity on the rise – Full earthquake update + forecast dutchsinse The new land began
4/27/2015 – Japan coast line subsides and Sea Floor rises – Blamed on Ocean waves! Story now making news around the world
The Japan coastline has undergone some serious movement over the past few days, and we’re not talking about earthquake movement. Now being officially blamed on “waves” from the ocean causing a collapse which pushed up the ground from the sea floor . Original photos do not show this massive land slide, rather just a surface
1st hand Video from Kathmandu Nepal shows damage to roads and bridges, collapsed sewer lines, and many damaged structures. This is just a small sample of the overall damage to the region. Many fissures seen in pictures, and ground subsidence producing pavement fractures which also form their own man made cracks (fissures) below the immediate
4/28/2015 – Volcanic Blast at Mount Sinabung – New fissure sends out hot clouds of ash burning villages
A viewer (Jordi M.) reported this to me , asking if I had heard anything about a new eruption at Mount Sinabung in Indonesia. I hadn’t heard anything until they notified me. After doing a search, this video came up, dated today April 28 2015, out of Indonesia with this description: “Dahsyatnya Awan Panas Sinabung
4/28/2015 – 6.2M earthquake DEEP in the Asthenosphere – West Pacific Earthquake Alert / Watch
This is troubling to see. A 6.2 magnitude earthquake has struck deep in the Asthenosphere below Fiji in the West Pacific. This earthquake occurred at at depth of 579km / 359miles. You might be asking “why is it troubling to see a deep 6.2M in the West Pacific”? The answer resides in what follows the
4/28/2015 – Volcanoes in Nevada erupt STEAM PLUMES – Weather Service observing the event
A series of volcanic plumes have erupted from a dormant volcanic location in Western Nevada – Cold Springs to Middlegate Nevada.
Steam plumes from a volcanic field near Cold Springs, NV.
The plumes were large enough to be mistaken by the National Weather Service as “Strong Cell Storms”!
The NWS was obviously very interested in this event , and apparently knew something seismic was going on AN HOUR BEFORE the plumes erupted.
Almost exactly 1 hour before the plumes erupted, the NWS sent out a powerful RADAR pulse directly over the location in question (Cold Springs to Middlegate, NV).
Link to Nevada RADAR here:
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