Scientists just decided to magically do PLASMA LASER CONTROL tests.
A real time tunable plasmon laser– something I’ve been working on for a while now. Which you guys all know about.
Ripping Michael Janitch / dutchsinse OFF , from the end of last year.. and then doing the experiments the DAY I ORDER my parts? The exact same day?
Now a team of scientists magically does the experiments after I fully put out the idea on what I’m doing?
This is like stanford saying they got a PAPER THIN BATTERY made out of Aluminum and Carbon idea the night my video came out with a paper thin battery made out of Aluminum and carbon.
In otherwords, this is a ripoff, no doubt about it. People are taking the ideas they find here, and claiming them as their own.
Thanks to Lori G. for sharing!
this is getting outrageous… Stanford stealing the battery was a billion dollar loss for me.. and they claimed THEY had the idea at SAME TIME I put out my video????????? LOL
What are the chances? Scientists magically decide to do LASER PLASMA CONTROL experiments…. same time that I ordered my supplies to do LASER CONTROLLED PLASMA and put out notices to my viewers for fundraising help.
Got to love it.
This is like last month, when Stanford magically got an idea to make “paper thin batteries” out of ALUMINUM AND CARBON the same day I put out a video making “paper thin batteries + printed voltage” made out of ALUMINUM AND CARBON…..
Both times the Journal of Nature has been involved as well.
Each time now, these people are NOT giving any credit or reference for their magic finds, and dating their Journal of Nature submissions to be the day of my online publications.
This is totally wrong in my opinion. Downright old school underhandedness you might expect in the 18th century among railroad companies, or in a Westinghouse vs. Tesla idea theft conspiracy.
I don’t care what ANYONE thinks, I know they ripped me, and just wait until I put out my next invention… they’ll steal it too.. but they might want to think twice before building it without consulting me first smile emoticon
LOL ! Just wait.
(Phys.org)–A combined team of researchers from Northwestern and Duke Universities has succeeded in building a plasmon laser that is tunable in real-time. In their paper published in the journal Nature Communications, the team describes how they built their device and to what uses it might be put.
Traditionally, light can only ever be focused down to a point half the size of its frequency–aka the diffraction limit. Scientists have found a way around that limit, however, by building what are known as plasmon lasers, which are lasers that couple their beam with plasmons (oscillating surface electrons) on the surface of metals–gold for example, arranged in an array. But that approach has had its limitations as well, because it has had to rely on a solid bit of material called the gain–such lasers could not be tuned very easily, and not in real-time at all. In this new effort, the researchers report that they have found a way to use a liquid material as the gain, and because of that, are able to tune their laser in real time.
To make the new kind of laser, the team used a gold array with a plasmonic nanocavity array and a liquid dye solvent as the gain material. Doing so allows for changing the wavelength of the laser by changing the refractive index of the dye.
As the team notes, using liquid in the array has two main advantages over those based on a solid gain–the first is that they dye can be quickly dissolved in different solvents with different refractive indexes, allowing for tuning the laser in real time. The second is that because the gain is liquid, it can be fed via channel into the cavity, which allows for dynamic tuning by using different liquids.
The researchers suggest that a laser based on the one they have built could be used as part of highly sensitive sensors to note very minor changes in chemical processes–biomedical applications come to mind, such as a tool for use in early cancer detection. The team also believes their laser could be integrated with other electronics to create a lab-on-a-chip device.
Explore further: Researchers take a step towards development of optical single-phonon detector
More information: Real-time tunable lasing from plasmonic nanocavity arrays, Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6939 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7939
Plasmon lasers can support ultrasmall mode confinement and ultrafast dynamics with device feature sizes below the diffraction limit. However, most plasmon-based nanolasers rely on solid gain materials (inorganic semiconducting nanowire or organic dye in a solid matrix) that preclude the possibility of dynamic tuning. Here we report an approach to achieve real-time, tunable lattice plasmon lasing based on arrays of gold nanoparticles and liquid gain materials. Optically pumped arrays of gold nanoparticles surrounded by liquid dye molecules exhibit lasing emission that can be tuned as a function of the dielectric environment. Wavelength-dependent time-resolved experiments show distinct lifetime characteristics below and above the lasing threshold. By integrating gold nanoparticle arrays within microfluidic channels and flowing in liquid gain materials with different refractive indices, we achieve dynamic tuning of the plasmon lasing wavelength. Tunable lattice plasmon lasers offer prospects to enhance and detect weak physical and chemical processes on the nanoscale in real time.
I’ve now been officially screwed out of BILLIONS of dollars by a well known institution.
Instead of giving credit — Stanford University RIPPED the paper thin Aluminum Graphite Carbon battery idea and claimed it as their own.
To prove their complicity, they claim they filed their “invention” with the Journal of Nature and science a few HOURS before my video went public….. grin emoticon OMG WTH?!
So.. someone working at Journal of Nature is in cahoots with Stanford…. Someone at Stanford saw my video , did their own test, then quickly contacted Nature to work out their submission time to be slightly before my VIDEO.
LOL! I had worked on this for a long while leading up to the video release. In my video you can see my DATED and worn paper written version was dated March 8th !!!
They claim they had a breakthrough idea and then quickly submitted it to Nature , an idea to use carbon graphite and aluminum to make voltage a few HOURS before I put out my video? derp! Yeah right! Obvious lie.
Here’s what really happened.
I put out my video at 2am.. and by 6am someone at Stanford has done the tests and is on the phone working out some BS with Nature , while also simultaneously submitting patents. Now they’re ALREADY IN TALKS with manufacturers.
I GOT SCREWED, and all I asked for was credit for the idea, but apparently that was too much, and they went the extra mile to really screw me by deliberately trying to predate their work to beat my VIDEO upload time. LOL!
My video showing you all what I discovered was multiple weeks (months) in the making, I had to make and test the units in the weeks leading up to making the video… how ironic that Stanford says they personally discovered this just HOURS before my video was fully uploaded….
Stanford proves PAPER THIN battery from Aluminum / How To Debunk Metabunk Mick West Is With The Truth He is a Paid Pet
Stanford has just “invented” the battery that I showed you how to make 3 weeks ago. Literally the SAME ITEMS I SHOWED IN THE VIDEO !!!!! Aluminum and graphite . I’m not upset they’re making it. As I said in the video, someone would need to really manufacture this using better materials, and in a
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