Proof Actor – Randy Quaid and his wife Evi – were SET UP
Recent information has been presented that shows that Randy Quaid and his wife were set up! It all revolves around the theft of their home in Santa Barbra California. Here is her “Evi Quaids” video showing the documents!
Also, the Quaids passports were revoked, years back and a petition has been set up on the White House – We The People – to try and help bring attention and or the reinstatement of their passports! Here is that link http://wh.gov/iZFF2
BOTH – Randy and Evi are U.S. Citizens! Randy was born in Huston Texas and Evi was born in Vermont!
Lastly, the MSM is guilty of gross slander against the Quaids, ever since this entire fiasco started back in 2007. So it may very well be up to the Alternative Media to shine the light on this ever stagnant, story!