HAARP experiments, and laboratory tests prove that Microwaves can induce plasma discharge.
US Navy did the experiments, the results speak for themselves.
S-Band RADAR induces plasma airglow…. meaning… S-Band RADAR like NEXRAD can strip electrons in the atmosphere, causing heating, electron buildup, and eventually plasma discharge (lightning or precursor to lightning).
It is proved electron cascade causes CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) the precursor to rain formation.
It is also proved microwaves induce rotation above the transmitter.
Put it all together. S-Band RADAR strips electrons, which cascade and build up inside the transmission area — the electron cascade produces heating, which produces rotation above the transmitter , the excess electron buildup (before lightning discharge) causes CCN water formation as well.
Meaning.. in the end… NEXRAD RADAR can produce its own weather. Proved in the laboratory that it is “possible”.
We see it happen over and over again, above the transmitters, military bases, and airports with similar systems.
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