For those of you who question the validity of the Russian story about Putin threatening to release 911 satellite footage, well, it’s very real and the USA has blinked! Since the story was released, oil is
up 4 dollars a barrel and John Kerry is talking about lifting the sanctions against Russia, where the E.U. would quickly follow! The Russians have the goods and the USA knows it!
Link to the origibal story from Russian News Agency Pravda http://www.pravda.ru/news/world/northamerica/usacanada/07-02-2015/1247485-0/
Link to Press Reset Earth’s video showin that the leader of Germany & France left there meeting in Munich to Jet over to Russia to work a deal with Russia & Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTmF6yrDIJw
Friday Feb 7 the stock market and oil rallies http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/big-week-us-stocks-oil-prices-rally/
Time Zones of Russia & New York http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?p1=166&p2=179
1988 American News Cast about Russian Satellites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKe47LPwM8M
John Kerry / Secratary of State talks about lifting sanctions http://rt.com/news/231827-us-sanctions-russia-minsk/
Proofr of Real Time Video Recall Satellite technology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUfUJmN4xCQMonty, Friday 3:53 PM
Ukraine CAUGHT HACKING US computers! IP
Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11
Pravda: US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of the tragedy of 9/11 (Editor’s note: Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons” was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow. The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian.
Rare Amateur 9 11 Footage With Audio Not Shown On TV (Video) Like this:Like Loading…