Massive plume event occurring across Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri…
Excessive craton pressure.. just like in 2011, and 2012.. when we saw dormant volcanoes moving on the West coast.. and when we saw large earthquakes at the fracking operations..
We see multiple vent offs occur along the Southern / Southeastern portion of the craton as the gas/oil wells experience overpressure, they all burn off in unison .
These are NOT farmers fields all being lit at once.. these are unexpected burn offs from fracking / oil operations, and geothermal areas.
This happened in 2011 before the Japan mega-quake.. and in 2012 before the two borderline 9.0M hit indo-australia..
Everyone denied in 2011, and 2012.. saying “farmers fields”… then we did the search on each plume and found oil/gas wells at each location IN the fields.
High Frequency array RING / HAARP RING
Massive plume event occurring across Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri…
These are NOT farmers fields all being lit at once, nor are they “control burns” which are somehow extremely well timed across the entire Southern United States.
As we confirmed 2 years ago when this happened, and again in 2014, these are unexpected burn offs from fracking / oil operations, and geothermal areas.

Excessive craton pressure is showing. Just like in 2011 before the Japan mega-earthquake, and 2012 before the large fracture of the Indo-Australian plate.. we saw dormant volcanoes moving on the West coast.. and when we saw large earthquakes at the fracking operations.
This is happening today. Earlier this morning, before we discovered today’s plume event, I made this post on the dormant volcanoes showing activity on the West coast (just like in 2011).
Today, after the past several days of dormant volcano movement on the WESTERN portion of the craton…… we now see multiple vent offs occur along the Southern / Southeastern portion of the craton.
The craton is under pressure, displacing dormant volcanoes out West, and displacing oil/gas operations in the Midwest. Now the pressure is causing flare offs in the Southeast as the pressure transfers from WEST to EAST along the edge of the craton.
What we are seeing on Satellite could be something like this, a geothermal release off an oil/gas well:
Each plume can be verified to be coming from a different gas/oil well, (if you take the time to look up each location on google earth). As each area experiences overpressure from below the plate, several operations all burn off in unison .
This happened in 2011 before the Japan mega-quake.. and in 2012 before the two borderline 9.0M hit indo-australia.
Everyone denied in 2011, and 2012.. saying “farmers fields” were being burned all at once, or that the national park service was timing burns across 7-8 stats all at once…… then we did the search on each plume and found oil/gas wells at each location , some indeed were in farm fields, but it wasn’t the fields burning, it was the well inside.
Feeds seen in the screenshots here: GOES satellite feed from College of Dupage:
To top it all off, at the same rough time as this plume event across the Southeast, tatoott1009 caught a major RADAR Pulse “HAARP Ring” (HF array pulse) out of South Georgia, North Florida:
Major RADAR pulse “HAARP ring” event today in the plume area.. South Georgia and Jacksonville Florida!
Good catch tatoott1009! Watch the gulf coast where the pulses are for the next 2 days just in case.
New budget of 25 million for HAARP type High Frequency arrays (HF / VHF)
Here we are in 2015 a full year after they announced a temporary “closure” of the HF (high frequency) facility in Gakona, AK — and we come to find out that the only thing that changed up in Alaska is the NAME of the facility. The US Navy has requested 25 million for a few
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