Its pretty obvious that a great many posters here have slugged down the “ism”.
Some one says we should read history OK lets step back in time…
If Freedom is so bad why did the Boat People flee the communist take over of Viet Nam? Many did not make it. We will never know how many thousands died. Why did so many die trying to escape from behind the Iron Curtain?
If communism is so wonderful why did “Peoples Republics” murder in one way or another over 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th Century.
If capitalism does not work were did the 300000 aircraft come from that the US made in WW-II?? How did the Pacific Fleet rise from the wreckage of Pearl Harbor to be larger than any 2 other NAVYS on the planet in less than 4 years? Why were there so many aircraft from CAPITALIST (free) countries being flown by Russian’s on WW-IIs eastern front? (30% of the Soviet Air Force was British and American Aircraft this from a surviving German fighter pilot Gunter Rahls)
Finally where would the world be today if American manufacturing had been scattered about the world (in many cases to our sworn enemies) in 1938 as it is today?
Socialism/Communism does not work. Look at a night time satellite image of the Korean Peninsula for confirmation. Does anyone wonder why North Korea is so dark?
Communism was first tried in America by the PILGRIMS. This was why they damned near starved. The Natives did not save them CAPITALISM DID. LOOK IT UP. The people that could work and produce were forced to feed the people that would not/could not and they basically quit working too. Putting fish in the garden for fertilizer was common in Europe BTW. But we are not told of the fundamental change that ultimately saved them. Now we are changing back to what they had to abandon to survive. WAKE UP!
We have be propagandized for DECADES by school teachers, the “news media”, film makers and any place else the Marxist/Leninist/Communist types could insinuate themselves to do what Khrushchev told us would happen. But the USSR has not subjugated us we have done it to ourselves by not paying attention. By voting in people whose prime interest was to make us all wards of the state.
The greatest damage came with FDR being able to appoint leftist leaning Supreme Court justices THE WHOLE COURT eventually. They gutted the Constitution in the late 1930s early 40s and we have never recovered. THIS is where the Nanny state and Federal Control of every facet of your life comes from. Read Madison’s take on the Constitution or any of the others that worked it all out. If it does not say the Gov’t can do it them the Gov’t CANNOT DO IT. But NOW we are told that if its not specifically banned the Gov’t can do it. This is 180 degrees from the intent of the people who wrote the original document. LOOK IT UP.
Even worse we are increasingly becoming wards of the UN via treaties. Look carefully at the UNs statement of human rights. You have all sorts of rights under the UN. Unless your rights interfere with something the gov’t (UN) wants to do.
67 year old cartoon predicted the future 2016… by Tats-Revolution
How about FDRs ongoing state of emergency that gives the Gov’t wide spread powers and basically makes the Constitution a dish rag? Does anyone here know of this unrepealed power grab by the Executive branch? They did not tell you about it in Civics class? LOOK IT UP. There are hundreds of pages of primary source documents on the Constitution. The Federalist papers and the Anti-Federalist writings. Its ALL out there. But what is put down here, prior to ratification, is “inconvenient” to a great many who work for “change”.
If the SCOUS gives a green light to Obamacare guess who will come around to make sure you get properly signed up. The IRS.
I hope the Kool Aid flavored “ism” tasted good, cause its sure not good for you.
BTW history has shown that McCarthy was right…
But the leftists and dupes in the “news media” didn’t like him so now the threat of Communism expounded by McCarthy is called a “witch hunt”. Except in this case the “witch” was far too real.
Copy this below and share it with EVERYONE you know! District of Columbia Act of 1871
Ken Smith notes: The first and best of the Harding College “Fun and Facts About America” cartoon series. A sleazy salesman tries to sell bottles of “Ism” to a union worker, businessman, farmer, and politician, promising them that they’ll had everything they desire once they swallow it. And, incidentally, once they sign a paper giving up their “freedom”. Great footage of a giant, hairy, green monster hand of “the state” grabbing these foolish Americans and subjecting them to all manner of indignities. Funded by Alfred P. Sloan, who knew about big fists.
GREAT anti-communist PROPAGANDA
entirely animation; ostensibly (scummy) patriotic film which shows us the capitalist good guys and the socialists who wish to enslave us all.
malt shop and couple dancing to jukebox; grandpa sleeping on front porch; family in church pews; man golfing badly; tycoons on Wall Street with big cigars; men sitting around Franklin stove; racially mixed classroom; man building skyscraper; two men verbally arguing; man mowing lawn; men in jury box wolf whistle at woman on the stand; man in convict’s stripes in jail; ballot box; exterior of church; Statue of Liberty;
arguing between labor and management; snake oil salesman;
light bulb over man’s head; man tinkering in workshop; man driving early automobile and crashing;
money: gold coin; greenbacks under the mattress and sack of money with $ symbol on it dug up from the ground;
how savings were used from family to buy tools and property: capitalism
characters blushing;
racist caricatures of people of other nations and how they don’t stack up financially to Americans in per capita income;
cloverleaf traffic pattern;
in socialist the government is symbolized by giant blue and moving pushing people around; man in barbed wire camp labeled state concentration camp #5.
“When anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the another through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives. And we know what to do about it.” [At this point a mob brandishes bottles at “ISM” salesman threateningly; he begs for mercy; they disregard him and throw the bottles anyway. Cut to scene of the Lincoln Memorial and patriotic music.]
[Rick, I have never seen anything like this where the superego tells the mob to murder a socialist and the mob joins in happily]
Animation Cartoons Economics Capitalism Anti-communism Cold War
[This is one of a series of films produced by the Extension Department of Harding College to create a deeper understanding of what has made America the finest place in the world to live.]
[Harding College presents Make Mine Freedom, color by Technicolor. A John Sutherland Production. animated cartoons animation art cards title cards graphic design Statue of Liberty]
America is many things to many people. To a seventeen-year-old kid, it’s the malt shop on the corner. To Grandpa, it’s the front porch in the cool of the evening. To Mother and her family, it’s church on Sunday morning. And to Dad, it’s his favorite relaxation. [juke boxes jukeboxes jitterbugging dancing religion golf leisure recreation]
It’s the cracker-barrel philosophers in Crabtree Corners and it’s the tycoons in Wall Street. It’s all races, creeds, and religions. It’s freedom to work at the job you like, freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble.
Freedom to own property. Security from unlawful search or seizure. “Where’s your warrant, flatfoot?” [lawn mowers bill of rights policemen]
The right to a speedy and public trial, protection against cruel punishments and excessive fines, the right to vote and to worship God in your own way. [wolf whistles blondes sexism prisons prisoners convicts ballot boxes voting elections padlocks churches]
It is these freedoms that have made America strong. “Okay, okay so we got our freedom, but management’s lousin’ up everything.” “Labor is at fault. It’s ruining the country.” “My constituents, as your elected representative, I can assure you labor’s right, management’s right. [Statue of Liberty arguments dissension differences of opinion]
I’m strictly neutral.” “Labor, management, politicians? Phooey! Well, they can’t tell corn from oats.” “Hurry, hurry – step right up folks. Here’s the answer to your problems. Dr. Utopia’s sensational new discovery – ISM. [farmers tonics nostrums arguments snake oil salesmen snake-oil quacks]
ISM will cure any ailment of the body politic. It’s terrific. It’s tremendous. Once you swallow the contents of this bottle, you’ll have the bountiful benefit of higher wages, shorter hours, and security. Enormous profits, no strikes. Remember you’re the big boss. Government control, no worry about votes. Name your own salary. Bigger crops, lower costs. Why, ISM even makes the weather perfect every day.
And now then, because we are introducing this amazing item for the first time in this country, it isn’t going to cost you one cent. All you have to do is sign this little scrap of paper and you’ll get your bottle absolutely free.”
I hereby turn over to ISM Incorporated everything I have including my freedom and the freedom of my children, and my children’s children, in return for which, said ISM promises to take care of me forever. “I’ll take two bottles.” [Dr. Utopia’s Ism bulls agreements contracts nose rings noserings bullshit]
“Pardon me, pardon me.” “And who are you, my good man?” “I’m John Q. Public.” “Ah, my fine friend. You’re just in time to share this generous and gigantic offer. Sign right here.” “Hmmm, mind if I read it first?
Keep your shirts on, boys. Including my freedom – Freedom? Sign away my freedom? Why this is ridiculous!” “Don’t be corny, brother. Ha, ha, ha, ha.” “Sure our system of free enterprise isn’t perfect, but before we throw it away for some imported doubletalk let’s turn the clock back a few years to see what it’s done for us.
For example back in the 1890’s, Joe Doakes was just a guy who liked to tinker around his barn. Some people thought Joe was lazy. Some even thought he was nuts. But one day he had an idea. [Joe Doakes stable carriages craftspeople inventors creativity innovation]
And because he was free to dream his dream and tinker, Joe had a chance to make something of himself and his idea. So – [transportation motorized bicycles]
Of course some people didn’t think so much of Joe’s idea. But that didn’t stop him. [accidents crashes]
So Joe got some money from young Aunt Minnie and Uncle Angus and Grandpappy and Mr. Titus. When Joe’s friends and relatives used their savings to help him buy tools and property they were capitalists. [investors investments blushing embarrassment]
Don’t blush, folks. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Now naturally, Joe needed some help. So he hired Willy Lumpkin who was out of work anyway, and before long Willy had the know-how and became skilled labor.
Because capital, management, and labor work together, Joe’s idea grew. It grew and did things even he never dreamed of. Today the automobile industry provides millions of jobs that never existed before. [expansion growth factories signs]
And remember this is a story of only one industry. There are thousands more scattered all over the United States whose history of development is pretty much the same.
We’ve built a country under the American system that sends more young people to high school and college than all the rest of the world combined. [children]
Why even in the Depression our wages bought more food, clothing, travel, and entertainment than the wages of any other people in the world. Our country has a national income equal to the total national incomes of any other six nations in the world.
With only seven percent of the Earth’s people, we drive seventy percent of the world’s automobiles. That’s just a sample of the things the capitalistic system has given us in only one hundred and sixty years. [freeways cloverleafs 160 capitalism land use highways interchanges]
Before signing up, you boys ought to try a little taste of Dr. ISM’s formula to see what you’d get in exchange for your freedom. Go ahead. Try it.”
“You can’t do this to me. I’ll strike.” “The state forbids strikes. ” “Wait ’til the union hears about this.” “Ah yes, the union. Welcome to our ranks number 1313.” [workers labor slavery iron fists]
“I’ll take this case to the Supreme Court.” “The state is the Supreme Court. Our decision is as follows: No more private property. No more you.” [capitalists expropriation of industry giants giant fists]
“Well the farm folk’ll put a stop to this.” “Farmers don’t vote anymore.” “Well, what will they do for seed next year?” “You won’t have to worry about next year. The state will do your planting from now on.” [kulaks]
“We must fight to regain our freedom or everything is lost. Everything . . .” “Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.” [State concentration camp 5. State propaganda speaker 1320 phonographs victrolas repetition]
When anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred, or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives. [demagoguery demagogues]
And we know what to do about it. “Now gentleman. No violence please. Don’t throw those bottles. Don’t throw those bottles.” [vigilantism mob action mobs riots Emerald City shining cities]
“Working together to produce an ever greater abundance of material and spiritual values for all. That is the secret of American prosperity.” [The End. From sea to shining sea American flags Lincoln Memorial parades patriotism fife and drum]
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