Jan 9, 2015
This footage was sent to us by a photographer/videographer who specializes in aerial videography using a quadcopter.
They told us that they were doing a pre shoot run to get some ideas about what they would shoot when the actual shoot day came.
When they returned home and reviewed the footage this creature appeared on one of the shots. He says he doesn’t know if its a bigfoot or a sasquatch, but he was confused about it and sent it to us for our opinion.
This footage of a supposed bigfoot sighting or sasquatch sighting was taken somewhere between Roseville California and Grassvalley or Colfax California.
What do you think? Bigfoot? Sasquatch? Guy in sweater?
To see Original Clip without our commentary click here:
More bigfoot in the news.. hmm
‘Mysterious Beasts’ Spotted by Arizona Highway Cameras
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