This story was updated at noon Dec. 24.
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) — Police are investigating a fatal, officer-involved shooting in Berkeley.
It happened around 11:15 p.m. Tuesday at the Mobil gas station at 6800 North Hanley Road.
The Berkeley officer was responding to a theft call when he saw two black men standing to the side of the building.
When the officer got out of his vehicle and walked toward the men, police say one of them pulled a handgun and pointed it at the officer.
The statement from St. Louis County Police says, “Fearing for his life, the Berkeley Officer fired several shots, striking the subject, fatally wounding him.”
The second man reportedly fled the scene.
Early Christmas Eve police released surveillance video from the gas station where the shooting occurred. A St. Louis County Police spokesman says in the top portion of the video near the end, the teen is seen raising a handgun at the police officer.
St. Louis County Police confirmed the deceased suspect as Antonio Martin, 18, of St. Louis.
Police have recovered a handgun at the scene they say belongs to the suspect.
The officer 34 years old and a six-year veteran with the force.
The officer did not have his body camera on.
Belmar had few details on a theft call that brought the officer to the gas station. It is not known if the suspect was involved in the theft.
The person with the suspect is a person of interest, Belmar said. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has been notified.
Chief Belmar News Conference
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar held a news conference Wednesday morning at St. Louis County Police Headquarters in Clayton regarding the officer-involved shooting.
St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar briefs reporters about an officer-involved shooting during an early morning press conference in Clayton, Missouri, on December 24, 2014. St. Louis County Police are investigating a Berkeley, Missouri, officer-involved shooting death of an armed teenager at a convenience store on December 23, 2014. A large crowd of about 200 people quickly formed, resulting in a confrontation with police, a fire at a gas station and several arrests. Berkeley is located about two miles from Ferguson. Standing near Belmar is Berkeley Police Chief Frank McCall Jr. UPI/Bill Greenblatt
Bricks and rocks were thrown at officers overnight, and three incendiary devices were used, he said.
Belmar said pepper spray was used, but not flash bombs or tear gas.
One officer was hit in the face with a brick, and a Florissant officer is in the hospital with leg injuries.
Four individuals were arrested for assaulting officers, he said.
Belmar said it is unreasonable for officers to use a taser when a gun is pointed at them.
The suspect had a 9mm pistol with a defaced serial number, he says, which he did not fire.
St. Louis County Police Sgt. Brian Schellman (L) points to a man pointing a handgun at a Berkeley, Missouri, police officer in a surveillance video on a computer as St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar looks on during a early morning press conference in Clayton, Missouri, on December 24, 2014. St. Louis County Police are investigating a Berkeley officer-involved shooting death of an armed teenager at a convenience store on December 23, 2014. A large crowd of about 200 people quickly formed resulting in a confrontation with police, a fire at a gas station and several arrests. Berkley is located about two miles from Ferguson. UPI/Bill Greenblatt
The officer moved back, losing his balance. He fired three shots.
The suspect was known to law enforcement, Belmar said, and had been arrested several times since he turned 17.
The officer 34 years old and a six-year veteran with the force.
The officer did not have his body camera on.
Belmar had few details on a theft call that brought the officer to the gas station. It is not known if the suspect was involved in the theft.
The person with the suspect is a person of interest, Belmar said. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has been notified.
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