Upside Down Flag On The Back Of 1950 Currency the truth can hurt ?
Once a week we get asked about the 1950 upside down flag theory. Simply put, somewhere along the way someone noticed that the flag on the back of the bill is upside down. We most frequently hear it related to the ten dollar bill, but sometimes the twenty dollar bill is also implicated.
Let us put this rumor to rest. It doesn’t matter whether or not the flag on the back of a series of 1950 bill appears upside down. This is not considered an error and in no way does it command a premium.
It takes a team of eight engravers hundreds of man hours to engrave a plate used for printing currency. There is no rogue engraver out there inverting American flags. Whether the flag on the back of 1950 does or doesn’t appear upside down is all in the eye of the beholder. The fact of the matter is that the flag looks the way it is supposed to look.
So spread the message and please do not call asking about an upside flag on 1950 or any other bills. It is not a recognized error and it never will be. All currency from 1950 is only worth face value. Spend it, and save both of us some time and frustration.
found a ten dollar bill from 1950 (the flag above the treasury building is upside down).

on the back of $10 notes issued between 1928 and 1996 features a
scene of the Treasury Building with an automobile in the foreground.
However, because of the legal requirements that forbid a Government
agency from endorsing a commercial firm or product, it is not a Ford
Model T or any other specific type of vehicle. Rather, it was based on a
number of different cars manufactured at the time and was the creation
of the Bureau designer who developed the artwork that served as a
model for the engraving.vigneTTe on The back of the $100 noteThe vignette on the back of the $100 note is of Independence Hall in
Philadelphia. A man and a woman are in front of the hall close to the
building; there is no record that these two individuals are embracing. A
third man in the engraving is pictured looking toward the building. The
hands of the clock on the hall are set at approximately 4:10. Although
the time is not readily identifiable to the naked eye, it may be verified if
examined under magnification. There are no records explaining why that
particular time was chosen.
orign of the $ sing
Perhaps the most accepted explanation for the origin of the $ sign is that
it evolved from the Mexican or Spanish P for pesos, or piastres, or pieces
of eight. This theory, based on the study of old manuscripts, observes
that the S gradually came to be overwritten with the P forming a close
equivalent to the $ sign. The $ sign was widely used before the United
States adopted the dollar in 1785.
the green ingreenbacks
The term “greenback” was first given to the Demand Notes of 1861
because the backs of these notes were printed with green ink. It is
believed that the green ink was meant as a deterrent to counterfeiters who
would have used photography as a means of reproduction. The early
camera saw everything in shades of black and white and, as a result,
features printed in color lost their individuality when reproduced
With the introduction of Series 1928, the use of green was continued,
most likely because of the strong tradition of using green color on U.S.
currency. The association of the color green with paper currency has
continued to the present day.
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