Thanks to Tukker R. for reporting this!
Yellowstone supervolcano ‘turned the asphalt into soup’ shutting down Natl. Park’s roads
Angry bison charges at a small child in… by Tats-Revolution
From Associated Press + TWC :
The ever-changing thermal geology of Yellowstone National Park has created a hot spot that melted an asphalt road and closed access to popular geysers and other attractions at the height of tourist season, officials said Thursday.
As they examined possible fixes, park officials warned visitors not to hike into the affected area, where the danger of stepping through solid-looking soil into boiling-hot water was high.
“There are plenty of other great places to see thermal features in the park,” Yellowstone spokesman Al Nash said. “I wouldn’t risk personal injury to see these during this temporary closure.”
Naturally changing thermal features often damage Yellowstone’s roads and boardwalks. Steaming potholes in asphalt roads and parking lots — marked off by traffic cones — are fairly common curiosities.
However, the damage to Firehole Lake Drive is unusually severe and could take several days to fix. The 3.3-mile loop six miles north of Old Faithful takes visitors past Great Fountain Geyser, White Dome Geyser and Firehole Lake.
Unusually warm weather for Yellowstone — with high temperatures in the mid-80s — has contributed to turning the road into a hot, sticky mess.
“We’ve got some ideas. We’re going to try them. Our maintenance staff has really looked at the issue,” Nash said.
Several popular attractions at Yellowstone National Park are temporarily off-limits because of a melting road, officials said Thursday.
Extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas created a hot spot that melted asphalt on Firehole Lake Drive, a 3.3-mile loop that takes tourists past Great Fountain Geyser, White Dome Geyser and Firehole Lake.
As park officials examined possible fixes, they warned visitors not to hike into the affected area, where the danger of stepping through solid-looking soil into boiling-hot water was high.
“There are plenty of other great places to see thermal features in the park,” Yellowstone spokesman Al Nash said. “I wouldn’t risk personal injury to see these during this temporary closure.”
Naturally changing thermal features often damage Yellowstone’s roads and boardwalks. Steaming potholes in asphalt roads and parking lots — marked off by traffic cones — are fairly common curiosities.
However, the damage to Firehole Lake Drive is unusually severe and could take several days to fix.
Unusually warm weather for Yellowstone — with high temperatures in the mid-80s — has contributed to turning the road into a hot, sticky mess.
“We’ve got some ideas. We’re going to try them. Our maintenance staff has really looked at the issue,” Nash said.
Special end note:
Asphalt concrete pavement melts (and boils) at 200-300F (95-120C) temps.
Just a few quick road pavement info searches turns this up from the road department:
“Mixing is generally performed with the aggregate at about 300 °F (roughly 150 °C) for virgin asphalt and 330 °F (166 °C) for polymer modified asphalt, and the asphalt cement at 200 °F (95 °C”
Thermals melt road, force closure in Yellowstone National Park
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK – Firehole Lake Drive in Yellowstone National Park has been temporarily closed due to a damaged road surface, park officials said Thursday.
According to a press release, extreme heat from surrounding thermal areas has caused thick oil to bubble to the surface, damaging the blacktop and creating unsafe driving conditions on the popular and scenic road off the Grand Loop Road halfway between Old Faithful and Madison Junction in the park’s Lower Geyser Basin.
The 3.3-mile loop drive takes visitors past Great Fountain Geyser, White Dome Geyser and Firehole Lake.
The road will remain closed for the next several days while maintenance crews make repairs. The date for reopening the road will be determined after crews assess the situation.
Updated Yellowstone National Park road information is available 24 hours a day by calling 307-344-2117, or visit:http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/parkroads.htm
A grim report prepared by Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Lieutenant-General Viktor Bondarev on the just completed scientific mission of North America carried out by 4 Tupolev Tu-95 strategic aircraft and 2 Ilyushin Il-78 aerial refueling tankers that “electronically swept” for “magnetic anomalies” from Alaska to California warns that a “catastrophic event” may be nearing for this region.
US officials, it should be noted, characterized this purely scientific mission as a “bombing run” that came within 50 miles of California, but which their Air Forces were able to repel by their launching of F-15 fighter jets.
This report, however, states that this scientific mission was necessitated by a “severe mysterious magnetic anomaly” detected by the Kosmos 2473 satellite on 3 June occurring in the Yellowstone region of the Western United States which resulted in what is called an “earthquake swarm.”
Most important to note about the 3 June Yellowstone “magnetic anomaly”, this report continues, are that satellite measurements show it being precipitated by the mysterious earthquake swarm hitting the Brooks Range mountains in Alaska, and which seismologists are still at a loss to explain.
The information relating to the linking of these two “events”, this report says, was further verified by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) magnetic anomaly maps and data for North America showing a strange magnetic “disturbance/ripple” emanating from Brooks Range and ending at Yellowstone on 3 June, both of these areas, it is important to note, being part of the Rocky Mountains that stretch more than 4,830 km (3,000 miles) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in western Canada, to New Mexico, in the southwestern United States.
Of grave concern to Russian military authorities relating to these “events”, General Bondarev says in his report, was the “catastrophic effect” they had on the advanced “magnetoception” inertial navigation systems employed by many US-NATO-Russian warplanes which use these highly sophisticated aircraft flight devices.
Though no Russia military aircraft were near the “disturbed magnetic zone” emanating our from Yellowstone on 3 June, this report says, two US military aircraft were at its “boundaries” in the Southern California region on 4 June while this “event” was still “active” causing them both to crash.
The two US fighter jets crashing on 4 June, this report continues, were identified as a US Navy F-A-183 that went down when the pilot was attempting to land aboard the carrier Carl Vinson, and a US Marine Harrier AV-8B jet that crashed into a residential community in Imperial, about 90 miles east of San Diego, both of them occurring within hours of each other.
This report notes that no civilian aircraft would have been affected by this “magnetic anomaly” as only the most advanced military aircraft employ these “geomagnetic-satellite” coordinated flight systems which enable them to “hug the terrain” not unlike the magnetic systems used by birds and insects to navigate.
Russian concerns relating to “magnetic anomalies”, it is important to note, are related to the rapidly shifting north magnetic pole which since 2005 has been moving at a rate of 40 kilometers (25 miles) a year from Arctic Canada toward Siberia.
Frightening independent research from last year (2013) further warns that this shift is still picking up speed and according to this researcher should reach Siberia in at least within 2 years. [See video HERE (banned in US)]
One of the effects of the rapidly shifting magnetic north pole being noticed the most, this report notes, are the airport runway systems being disrupted because of it, and as we can read one such 2011 example which occurred in the US:
“Tampa International Airport was forced to readjust its runways Thursday to account for the movement of the Earth’s magnetic fields, information that pilots rely upon to navigate planes. Thanks to the fluctuations in the force, the airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to change taxiway signs to account for the shift, the Federal Aviation Administration said.
The poles are generated by movements within the Earth’s inner and outer cores, though the exact process isn’t exactly understood. They’re also constantly in flux, moving a few degrees every year, but the changes are almost never of such a magnitude that runways require adjusting, said Paul Takemoto, a spokesman for the FAA.”
The most chilling aspects of General Bondarev’s report relating to these “events” are the equations he uses in postulating that what is now occurring in North America with these “mysterious magnetic anomalies” occurring over a large expanse of the Rocky Mountains, and when combined with the rapidly shifting magnetic north pole and growing evidence of global climate change, give “huge credibility” to what is called “The Expanding Earth Theory”.
The expanding Earth or growing Earth hypothesis asserts that the position and relative movement of continents is at least partially due to the volume of Earth increasing and stands in contrast to that of plate tectonics, but which new findings relating to “aether theories” and dark matter, General Bondarev summarizes, means “grave consideration” must be given to the words of University of California, Davis, cosmologist Dr. Andreas Albrecht who warned: “We’ve hit some really profound problems with cosmology Ð with dark matter and dark energy, that tells us we have to rethink fundamental physics and try something new.”
Or in simple terms, this report ends, “We may be on the verge of a catastrophic North American “event” that could possibly change the world forever, we should be prepared.”
UPDATE 7/13/2014
Road Melts from Yellowstone Volcano’s Heat
Yellowstone National Park closed a popular road Thursday (July 10) after geothermal heat cooked the asphalt.
Part of Firehole Lake Drive, a scenic one-way road off of Yellowstone’s main loop, was shut down for repairs when oil bubbled to the surface, damaging the blacktop, the Park Service said in a statement. The closure doesn’t affect the Grand Loop Road, which sees 20,000 visitors per day during the summer.
Park spokesman Dan Hottle told Live Science that Firehole Lake Drive’s surface hit 160 degrees Fahrenheit (70 degrees Celsius) on Thursday, about 30 degrees to 40 degrees F (17 to 22 degrees C) hotter than usual.
Geothermal heat radiating from Yellowstone’s underground supervolcano, combined with warming from the summer sun, softened the 3.3-mile-long (5.3 kilometers) road.
Hottle noted that the road problems do not mean the volcano is showing signs of an impending eruption. “The supervolcano is not going to blow,” he said.
Road closures from heat damage aren’t unusual in Yellowstone, which has more than 10,000 geothermal features and 500 geysers. The park has previously closed Firehole Lake Drive for repairs due to heat damage, Hottle said. “This road has had this particular issue in the past, but it doesn’t happen too often,” he said.
The Park Service plans to work on repairs through the weekend, and hopes to reopen the road by early next week, Hottle said.
Within the next five years, the Park Service also plans to relocate a part of Grand Loop Road that takes visitors past Frying Pan Spring. “That area of the road is always buckled up and being repatched and repaired, so we’re moving it away from the thermal area,” Hottle said.
7/11/2014 — CONFIRMED — Road melts at Yellowstone due to geothermal heat — Oil bubbling
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