A Connecticut man revealed shocking comments made by a Branford police officer this week who has openly defended door-to-door gun confiscation.
After the tragic Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, Conn. lawmakers mandated that all “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines be banned, requiring all in circulation to be registered with the state. Fearing the obvious move towards confiscation, the vast majority of gun owners have refused to submit, with estimates finding less than 13 percent of rifles being registered.
Navy veteran and former firefighter John Cinque, who made national news after telling state lawmakers he would not comply with gun registration, briefly commented on the officer’s statements in a discussion with gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti last Friday.
‘I Cannot Wait To Get The Order To Kick Your… by Tats-Revolution
“I’ve had contact with a police officer in my home town, I live in Branford, and his words straight out were, ‘I cannot wait to get the order to kick your door in,’” Cinque said.
In an exclusive interview with Storyleak, Cinque further detailed the disturbing comments made by Branford Police Officer Joseph Peterson, one of the state’s mostly highly decorated officers.
“It happened on facebook… he posted to a thread on my wall,” Cinque said. “I have known him personally for 20 years. He was interacting with other friends of mine and it was directly about the video.”
In multiple screenshots captured from the lengthy conversation, Peterson continually argued that law enforcement were not obligated to defy unconstitutional laws. Instead, Peterson stated that he would follow any order given, even if it meant confiscating firearms from close friends.
“But like I said I didn’t make the law,” Peterson told Cinque. “But if it comes down to that then I guess we see how you would respond…”
“I’m not going for any warrants… but if my dept gets them and we have to serve them I will see you then.”
As the conversation’s audience continued to grow, Peterson repeated his pledge, telling multiple people that he would never hesitate to carry out confiscation.
“So if they make a law confiscating guns… You will enforce it?” a Cameron Smith asks in a separate screenshot as Peterson reiterates his stance.
Angered by comments pointing out the state’s unconstitutional law, Peterson goes as far as to say that he would love to knock down Smith’s door personally.
“I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun,” Peterson said. “Hey everyone Cameron is a criminal law breaking psycho.”
Receiving considerable backlash, Peterson quietly disabled his Facebook page following the conversation, although a screenshot was obtained beforehand.
Despite the inability of some officers to understand what a constitutional law entails, Cinque revealed that countless Conn. officers are opposed to the state’s ruling.
“As for the cops who will stand with the people… there are many,” Cinque said. “None have spoken publicly but in private i know many who do not like this one bit… they realize they are being used.”
“They are supporters of the Constitutional rights of the people, but they need to speak publicly soon.”
Officer Peterson’s mentality is eerily similar to that of Conn. State Police Spokesman Lt. Paul Vance, who recently told one woman that he was “the master” after being asked about gun confiscation.
Although police have begun sending out letters demanding residents comply with the law, Second Amendment activists are standing by their line in the sand. As the police leadership takes its time to analyze the situation, one gun group is now demanding the law be enforced or repealed.
“If the state does not have the stomach to enforce these laws, then the legislature has until May 7th, 2014 to completely repeal these immoral edicts and let the residents of Connecticut return to their rightfully owned property and former exercise of constitutional rights and practices without any threat of State violence,” a press release from Connecticut Carry reads.
Just last month, gun blogger Mike Vanderboegh was informed that multiple cops and politicians wanted him “dead” for sending a 16,000 word email to the Conn. State Police and the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection. In the email, Vanderboegh warned that violence would surely unfold if officers attempted confiscation.
Despite denial by a few, the agenda of the country’s most powerful gun control groups has been thoroughly exposed. Only one month after the Sandy Hook shooting, rejected democrat proposals from New York’s SAFE Act gun bill were revealed to include outright gun confiscation. New York mayor Andrew Cuomo even publicly supported the idea, stating, ‘You could say confiscation is an option’ during an interview on station WGDJ.
Also last month, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mayor John C. Tkazyik announced his resignation from Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) group, pointing out the group’s hidden gun confiscation agenda.
“Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens,” Tkazyik wrote. “Nearly 50 pro-Second Amendment mayors have left the organization. They left for the same reason I did.”
During a Moms Demand Action gun control rally last year, a group that recently merged with MAIG, Austin, Texas City Councilman Mike Martinez admitted that his group was pushing gun control in order to reach an outright ban as well.
Unfortunately for them, even with tens of millions of dollars, the popularity of such groups continues to plummet even faster than the country’s gun crime.
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