Bitcoin is a Scam ! Is Bitcoin Doomed?
Edison’s Revenge on the Dollar
Mike Ward:
You know Thomas Edison as one of history’s most prolific inventors…
That’s the story we’ve all been told.
But there’s another story…
For 90 years…
Based on the headlines alone, Bitcoin seems in a dire spot this week.
“Bitcoin virtual currency is on verge of collapse,” blared the Los Angeles Times.
“Mt.Gox site disappears, Bitcoin future in doubt,” wailed CNNMoney.
Forbes, in a more rhetorical frame of mind, asked: “Is Bitcoin an Investment or a Cult?”
As suggested by the CNNMoney headline, the crypto-currency’s current travails stem from the Japan-based Mt.Gox exchange, which went offline for mysterious reasons, possibly eliminating a fortune in Bitcoin in the process.
“As there is a lot of speculation regarding MtGox and its future, I would like to use this opportunity to reassure everyone that I am still in Japan, and working very hard with the support of different parties to find a solution to our recent issues,” Mt.Gox CEO Mark Karpeles wrote in a note posted to the front of the otherwise-blank exchange.
“Furthermore I would like to kindly ask that people refrain from asking questions to our staff,” his note added, “they have been instructed not to give any response or information. Please visit this page for further announcements and updates.”
Rumors have circulated for days about the causes for Mt.Gox’s shutdown, ranging from an epic heist of the Bitcoins under its stewardship, to financial improprieties leading the exchange to the edge of bankruptcy. On Feb. 24, a handful of Bitcoin companies (including Circle and Coinbase) issued a statement outlining MtGox’s troubles, hinting at security and “trust” issues but foregoing details. “This tragic violation of the trust of users of Mt.Gox was the result of one company’s actions and does not reflect the resilience or value of bitcoin and the digital currency industry,” it read. “There are hundreds of trustworthy and responsible companies involved in bitcoin.”
For those who held a fortune in Bitcoin on the Mt.Gox exchange, however, the damage may have already been done. The Daily Dot did an excellent job of cruising Reddit to find Bitcoin owners affected by the shutdown, some of whom lost the equivalent of hundreds of thousands—even millions—of dollars. “$16k was my initial investment, though the actual value at time of closing was closer to $40k,” one Redditor posted. “I will tell myself I lost $16k and sleep somewhat better. Sigh.”
Other stories verged on the tragic. “I lost $357,000,” another Redditor claimed. “Not to try to earn a bunch of sympathy or anything but this was not only my money but it was going to be my 5 year old son’s education fund which i took out of fidelity about 1 year ago to mess with bitcoins.”
A “Crisis Document” circulating online, purportedly from someone connected with Mt.Gox, suggested that the exchange lost 744,408 BTC due to “malleability-related theft.” Wired suggested that, if the document and its information are authentic, the theft of 744,408 Bitcoin is equivalent to $350 million. But the potential damage of Mt.Gox shutting down goes far beyond those (possibly) lost Bitcoins.
Currency, at its most fundamental level, depends on trust: I give you a dollar or Bitcoin or yen with the full expectation that the mechanics supporting that unit of currency are sound; if that stability’s ever in doubt, it places the currency’s existence at risk. So not to be too alarmist, but if Bitcoin’s most prominent exchange can just “disappear” and take fortunes with it, should the world still trust Bitcoin? How quickly the crypto-currency recovers will hinge on how the broader Bitcoin ecosystem handles this crisis.
Edison’s most controversial invention remained cloaked in silence…
You won’t find it in any history book…
And it was almost wiped from all records.
In 1921, Thomas Edison Developed a Plan to
Re-Invent the One Force That Drives Everything…
I’m Mike Ward, and this is the story you’ve never been told.
In 1921,Thomas Edison tried to re-invent the dollar.
Now, while, the U.S. government and Federal Reserve initially silenced Edison’s radical plan.
It could only stay hidden for so long.
Over the years, an underground movement championed this monetary breakthrough…
And recently, its existence was brought to light.
It’s Sparked a Rebellion That Quickly Spread to Main Street America…
To Every Corner of the Globe
Right now, this radical new form of money…
Is being used by millions of people in over 100 countries.
It’s trading on exchanges around the world…
From Toronto to Singapore…
To the United States…
It was once valued at less than a penny on these exchanges…
But in 2013, a single unit of Edison’s breakthrough money was valued at:
- More than 482 Australian dollars
- 330 euros
- 280 British pounds.
- And 447 U.S. dollars.
In Fact, a Single Dollar Invested in it When it
First Launched, Was Recently Worth $44,700.
Now, that bears repeating.
One dollar transformed into $44,700 in 2013.
This new currency is changing the lives of average people who are turning small sums of money into thousands…
Tens of thousands…
Hundreds of thousands…
Even millions of dollars…
Edison’s Revenge on the Dollar is beginning to re-balance the existing power structures dictating who can become wealthy in America.
It’s why the U.S. Department of Justice calls it a “renegade currency.”
Why the European Central Bank fears it will negatively impact their reputation.
A Senior Economic Adviser to President Reagan Calls it
“A Competitive Threat “ to All Currencies.
And why the IRS is sounding the alarms…
That this may be the ultimate 21st century tax haven…
Now, even though our Federal Government…
And our Federal Reserve are concerned about it limiting their power…
36 cities across 20 states allow you to pay for everything from water bills to parking tickets with Edison’s Renegade Currency.
200,000 companies in the United States can currently pay their employees with it.
700,000 American businesses are turning to Edison’s Renegade Currency.
Including, Walmart, CVS, Lowe’s, and NIKE.
You can use Edison’s Renegade Currency to buy gold & silver.
To buy Domino’s pizza and have it delivered.
To pay for lunches and dinners at over 12,000 restaurants in 45 states.
In Texas, a man who recently converted 1,200 U.S. dollars into this new money…
Because of its rapid rise in value…
He was able to turn around and pay for a Porsche with it.
In New York, a Luxurious Condo
in the Exclusive, Trump Soho
Complex Was Recently Listed
For $1.9 Million Dollars…
But You Couldn’t Pay For it With
Dollars, a Check, Wire Transfer…
Even A Credit Card.
You Could Only Use Edison’s Renegade Currency
Right now, the whole world is embracing it.
In France, you can have your salary paid in it.
Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Australia, South Africa…
It’s a similar story.
In Finland, dentists will accept payment in Edison’s Renegade Currency.
The same for a brewery in Berlin.
In Toronto, you can rent office space with it.
In Argentina, you can buy a vacation home.
And in New Zealand, one company will even let you pay for a private flight to outer space.
Edison’s Renegade Currency is creating a new, international monetary system…
Something Like This Has Never Happened Before in History…
It’s Happening Right Now
And What’s Coming May Change Everything
As we speak, the founders and financial backers of Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo…
Major players in natural gas and oil…
As well as with AT&T and Fidelity…
They’re moving into Edison’s Renegade Currency.
Some eBay auctions are now being held in it.
MoneyGram is using it to facilitate millions upon millions of dollars’ worth of financial transactions.
Western Union is beginning to assess the technology necessary to harness it.
Edison’s Renegade Currency May Soon Be Built Into
Every Web Browser and Cellphone on the Planet
Every Email May Soon Have the Ability to Deliver it
By Simply Clicking The “Send” Button
Now, coming up, in this exclusive Money Morning TV event…
I’m going to be joined by an acclaimed, Pulitzer-Prize nominated financial journalist and former board member of a major Silicon Valley Venture Capital Fund.
He will reveal Edison’s Renegade Currency…
And why some of the biggest venture capitalists are predicting each unit of it could soon be worth…
- $1,000…
- $100,000…
- Even $1 million in the future.
Then, later on in this broadcast…
You’ll receive 3 unique investment opportunities you can make with Edison’s Renegade Currency today…
If you are looking for income outside of stocks, bonds, and CDs…
You will discover what could be a 280% annual dividend in Edison’s Renegade Currency.
If are looking for aggressive capital gains, yet you want to avoid risky plays like options or futures…
You’ll be given a powerful and unconventional opportunity to turn Edison’s Renegade Currency into a 463% windfall.
If You Are Looking For That Rare, Life-Changing Investment…
You will be handed an amazing, off-the-grid opportunity in Edison’s Renegade Currency to turn…
- Every $10 you invest into $437.
- Every $100 into $4,367.
- And every $1,000 into $43,670.
I’m pleased to now be joined by Michael Robinson.
Michael Robinson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated financial journalist and investment analyst.
His work exposing an $80-million-dollar scandal at Bank of America captured international headlines…
His book “Overdrawn: The Bailout of American Savings” foretold the nation’s banking crisis…
And his unparalleled mix of hard-hitting reporting and investment analysis has been featured in The New York Times, Detroit News…
The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Examiner, andThe Kansas City Times.
Michael has also risen to the top of Silicon Valley as a board member and senior adviser to a prominent venture capital fund.
And now he is Money Morning’s Director of Technology and Venture Capital Investing.
Michael Robinson, thank you for being here.
Michael Robinson: It’s great to be here, Mike.
Mike Ward:
Michael, we’ve got a big story developing right now.
It’s a true threat to the Fed…
In fact, every Central Bank’s Cartel-like control over world currencies…
We’ve never seen something like this before.
And now some of the biggest venture capitalists, folks in your circle…
They are pushing millions of dollars into it…
The biggest companies…
They’re starting to integrate it into their operations.
But even more important…
This new money…
We’ve tracked down people using it to turn hundreds of dollars into thousands of dollars.
Into hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Many are even turning into millionaires.
Michael, take us through this phenomenon.
It Was Born From the “Forgotten Depression” of 1921
Michael Robinson:
You know, Mike, this is a really fascinating piece of economic history in the United States.
It all started in 1921.
Now back then we were in the middle of one of the worst depressions in U.S. history.
Remember, this pre-dates the Great Depression, but this is a big one.
It was a scary time in America.
Our GDP plummeted, the equivalent of $1 trillion of our economic value today.
Gone, in the blink of an eye… in 18 months.
Our dollar plunged over 17%…
Dropped right off a cliff.
So Thomas Edison blames all of this chaos on the Federal Reserve.
And you know what, he was right.
He believed that, even though we had a gold-backed dollar…
The Fed still had far too much power to manipulate our money supply and economy.
And what the Fed really wanted was “a single currency based entirely on mortgage loans.”
Those were his exact words.
Mike Ward:
It sounds like Thomas Edison hit the nail on the head here.
Because look, that’s exactly what our dollar has been built on for years now?
That’s exactly what caused our 2008 recession, our financial crisis.
Edison saw it coming.
Edison’s Plan to Decimate the Fed’s Power
Michael Robinson:
Without question.
Edison’s solution was to weaken the Fed’s power.
Now, how do you weaken an institution with centralized power?
You decentralize it.
So as an inventor, Edison does what inventors do.
He sits down and invents what became known as Edison Dollars.
A free market-driven dollar.
Edison Engineered His Money to Be Decentralized…
Decentralized across 36 commodities…
Decentralized across 12 warehouses…
Six in the cotton states, six in the wheat states.
And the only way new money could be created, would be if new commodities were added to those warehouses.
So Edison takes his plan to the Governor of the Fed, the New York Fed…
The heads of national banks.
Mike, guess what?
They all united against him.
They buried Edison’s Dollar movement before he could ever get it started.
In fact, only one copy of Edison’s plan ever made it out to the public.
Mike Ward:
So how was Edison’s vision kept alive all these years.
An Underground Movement Kept Edison’s Plan Alive
Michael Robinson:
By a trail of breadcrumbs, Mike, that a few influential people followed.
Edison Dollars were initially championed by Henry Ford.
So a free market capitalist gets behind a free market dollar.
And the trail starts…
Edison, to Ford…
Then it leads to Irving Fisher.
Fisher was a famous economist, who believed that the money supply should increase along a fixed set of rules, with no Fed intervention.
He was a major supporter of Edison Dollars.
Now, it leads to one of Fisher’s protégés…
John Maynard Keynes.
In 1944, at the Bretton Woods meetings…
Keynes proposes his own, commodity-backed currency…
He called it Bancor.
Here’s the difference…
This is important…
Edison wanted to overhaul the U.S. dollar.
Keynes wanted to overhaul all currencies.
Now we have to follow those breadcrumbs again.
Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Milton Friedman enters the scene.
Dr. Milton Friedman Had a Critical Role to Play
Mike Ward:
You interviewed Milton Friedman years back.
He discussed the role you found he played in this evolution of Edison’s new money.
Michael Robinson:
That’s correct, Mike.
Dr. Friedman and I were talking at his condo in San Francisco…
His wife was with him, you know, they’re great people.
So we’re having this incredible conversation, and at one point he tells me, point blank…
Michael, we don’t need the Fed.
Just replace it with a computer.
And, I should say, he started promoting this idea heavily after we talked.
He wanted this computer to print these dollars on a set schedule.
Month after month, week after week, year after year, like clockwork.
The same number of dollars is printed.
No more, no less.
Edison Dollars were low tech.
Friedman fixed that.
Mike Ward:
From Edison to Ford to Fisher to Keynes to Friedman…
They kept upgrading the original vision…
But in 2009, we hit a point where the economic conditions were just right for a 21st century version of Edison Dollars to appear.
21st Century Edison Dollars Rise Up
Michael Robinson:
Mike, what emerged was a perfect version of Edison Dollars…
- Backed by multiple commodities
- Free market driven
- Inflation-proof
- The money supply is controlled
- Same amount printed on a set schedule
- It cannot be manipulated by any central banker, or any government
Because it eliminates, not only the Fed’s centralized power…
But that of all central banks.
The only way to make all of this possible was for Edison Dollars to be reborn high-tech.
As a digital currency.
One created to act just like virtual gold.
But also backed by an even more powerful commodity…
Energy, Mike.
Every day so much energy is allocated into maintaining this virtual currency…
It could power 31,000 American homes.
And its network isn’t 12 decentralized warehouses across America…
These modern Edison Dollars are stored in a decentralized network of millions upon millions of computers across the world.
If you took the top 500 super computers on the planet…
All 500, and combined them…
This virtual currency’s network would be 8 times stronger than that.
And this movement is growing at light speed.
We just saw a 1,500% increase in trading activity on it.
In U.S. dollars…
In euros, you name it…
In only 3 months.
These modern Edison Dollars have now surpassed the total value of 20 national currencies.
When have you ever heard of something that big, growing that fast?
Mike, these are 21st century Edison Dollars.
I’m talking about Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the Realization of Thomas Edison’s Dream.
Mike Ward:
Michael, a lot of folks have heard of Bitcoin.
And it’s unleashed a firestorm in the press.
I want to read some of these quotes for you now.
Forbes, Bitcoin: “the currency of a $10 trillion dollar global market.”
Time magazine, this concept is “perfect money.”
Fox Business, Bitcoin may become “the world’s payment method of choice.”
The Washington Post, quoted experts calling Bitcoin:
“The Holy Grail…”
“Astonishingly Secure…”
“Invisible to the Taxman…”
“It Could Soon Rival the Dollar.”
And it’s not just the press supporting Bitcoin, Michael.
Ron Paul said dollar alternatives like Bitcoin are:
“They offer freedom of choice.”
“They’re commodities that offer better value than what the Fed is printing.”
The VP of PayPal, Bitcoin “the perfect currency by design.”
Bill Gates: Bitcoin is a “Techno-Tour de Force.”
Now, this one is particularly intriguing.
The CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, had this secret meeting in the UK.
He was there with the vice president of the council on foreign relations…
And a former advisor to the Secretary of State…
They were talking about how Bitcoin helps overcome problems people have with central banks.
It operates like gold, like gold mining…
And that Bitcoin is going to be worth a lot of money.
Michael, you’ve got the Bitcoin Revolution covered from a lot of angles.
Your background in venture capital where all this money is flowing into Bitcoin.
Your Silicon Valley, technology background.
Your investment background.
So let’s start with a very important question.
How in this day and age is Bitcoin even possible?
What Sparked the Bitcoin Revolution?
Michael Robinson:
The global economy is based on hocus pocus, on magic.
The magic wand of central bankers and greedy governments.
So to understand the “how’s and why’s” of Bitcoin, you have to step back and look at all the pieces of a very big puzzle.
Take our dollar.
It’s lost 96% of its value since 1913…
The Australian Dollar, it’s fallen 99% over that same period.
The Canadian Dollar, 95%.
The British Pound, down 99%.
Warren Buffett recently stated the obvious about all of this.
He publicly said:
“People are Right to Fear Paper Money.”
“It’s Only Going to Be Worth
Less and Less Over Time.”
– Warren Buffett
These currencies are dying in front of us.
None of us are blind to what’s going on.
Think about 2009, when Bitcoin launched.
The entire world was stuck in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.
Everyone, starts pointing their fingers at their banks, their governments…
And of course, people started looking for options.
Now, what’s been happening since 2009?
Ungodly amounts of money printing, quantitative easing, and zero-percent interest rates, as far as the eye can see.
Mike, people just get fed up.
Bitcoin is a Global Rebellion Against the Fed,
Against All Corrupt Central Banks.
At Its Essence, Bitcoin is About Control.
But, the picture is still bigger than that.
Go on Mastercard’s website, why do they think Bitcoin is popular?
Their words, not mine…
“Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
And with Bitcoin “there’s no sovereign credit risk.”
Look at Cyprus, the government tried to steal money from its citizens’ bank accounts.
So more people start looking around…
They’re saying who can you trust?
What currency do you trust?
What investments do you trust?
And from all of this demand for trust and control comes the Bitcoin Revolution.
And it became unstoppable.
But is Bitcoin Even Money?
Mike Ward:
Now, the fact that Bitcoin is this virtual currency…
Michael Robinson:
Every currency is a virtual currency.
Mike Ward:
I don’t think there are too many people who disagree with that notion.
But this is what led a lot of folks in world governments and central banks to ignore Bitcoin until it had grown so big and powerful, they couldn’t anymore.
But is Bitcoin even money?
Michael Robinson:
Yes, Bitcoin, absolutely is money.
Because there is no central bank, it’s money that runs through this decentralized network around the world.
Bitcoin is created at a set amount…
In set time increments.
There’s no manipulating it.
That’s why everyday folks look at Bitcoin, how it behaves, as a virtual gold standard.
Mike Ward:
You’re absolutely right there, but governments and central banks, when Bitcoin emerged they looked at it as some fly-by-night operation.
The Foolish Mistake Central Banks Made
When They Overlooked Bitcoin
Michael Robinson:
They made a very big mistake, Mike.
This foolish view overlooks an important detail.
Just to keep Bitcoin running, it requires vast amounts of people to pool their computers to power this decentralized network.
I talked about this figure earlier…
Take the top 500 supercomputers…
The ones being used by governments, militaries, monster tech companies…
Combine them all into one super-super-super computer.
Then make eight of them.
That’s how powerful the Bitcoin network is.
Mike Ward:
It’s worth mentioning that, you don’t have to, I don’t have to…
We don’t have to join this network to trade Bitcoin, or invest in Bitcoin.
Michael Robinson:
No, we don’t.
All folks need to understand is this network isn’t going anywhere.
And Bitcoin is not some fad, or some hyped-up story.
You can’t walk into Walmart, CVS, NIKE, Lowe’s.
Into 700,000 American businesses…
They’re not accepting seashells for purchases.
Western Union has been in business 160 years.
It transferred $79 billion to over 200 countries last year.
MoneyGram has been in business 70 years.
Last year it transferred $1.26 billion dollars across 197 countries.
They aren’t doing money transfers with baseball cards.
The French Banking system has fully integrated Bitcoin – meaning you can get your salary paid in it.
And there are 200,000 American businesses equipped to pay salaries in Bitcoin…
They’re not equipped to pay salaries in fancy beads.
Look at Bitcoin as an electronic transaction or payment.
One with no borders and no country.
A Currency With No Borders… No Country…
No Crooked Central Bank
Mike Ward:
That really is the best way to explain it.
I mean after all, when we pull that dollar out of our wallets and put it in our bank account…
Or you pull out your credit card, make a wire transfer, go online and pay a bill…
Those are all electronic transactions.
Exactly, like Bitcoin.
Michael Robinson:
Now, MoneyGram becoming a major Bitcoin player…
And the president of PayPal admitting they’re considering accepting Bitcoin…
This is a big deal.
We need to take a moment to stop and think about what this means.
It’s critical folks understand where everything could be heading.
PayPal processes 60% of all web transactions.
So imagine Bitcoin getting some slice of that.
eBay is a $14.5-billion-a-year business.
And its Latin American divisions are already accepting Bitcoin.
Imagine if every eBay division does the same thing.
But now, let’s step back and think even bigger.
Bitcoin is in the Early Stages of Being Integrated
into Every Internet Browser… All Of Them
This technology is already available for both Chrome and Firefox…
Microsoft prepared an internal report on Bitcoin where they described it as “a radical new approach to monetary systems.”
That means Internet Explorer may not be too far behind.
We need to take a moment to stop and think about what this all means.
When this next phase happens…
It will instantly put Bitcoin in front of every person with an internet connection in the world.
Now let’s add another piece…
The Technology Has Now Been Launched to
Integrate Bitcoin into Every Email and Every Cellphone
It’s amazing.
There are 107 trillion, that’s trillion emails sent out a year.
So put those pieces together.
MoneyGram, Western Union – online wire transfers.
eBay – online auctions.
Every internet browser.
Every email.
Mike, we’ve got global online sales, landing somewhere around $10 trillion a year now.
And Bitcoin is on the verge of being in the mix with it all.
Mike Ward:
Michael, if Bitcoin captures 1% or 5% of these markets look out.
Michael Robinson:
It’s not stopping there.
We’ve got to keep going down this road.
Cellphones are also in play.
iPhone and Android apps have already been built to integrate into the Bitcoin network.
There are 6 billion cellphones in the world.
And it’s estimated mobile phone transactions will soon surpass $617 billion a year.
So now imagine you open up the box of your new cellphone and Bitcoin is already built inside.
Bitcoin Has Been a Thrill Ride For Profit Seekers
Mike Ward:
The possibilities are endless.
And since it’s a pure, free market currency investing in Bitcoin has been nothing but a thrill ride.
One single dollar invested in Bitcoin in 2009, became worth $44,700 in 2013.
But it wasn’t a straight line-up.
In June of 2011 Bitcoin began to crash in value.
Everyone thought the end was near.
But then it surged, and you hear these numbers, and it’s almost unimaginable…
So that means $1,000 invested in Bitcoin after this plunge, transformed into over $223,752.
Now, if you just got started in Bitcoin in 2012…
That same $1,000, turned into over $115,394…
And if you waited until 2013, once again, that same $1,000 could’ve become over $33,963.
People are becoming rich from this volatility
And Michael, later I want to talk about those 3 very different, very unique ways to capitalize on this Bitcoin revolution.
But before we get to all of that…
For many folks, I think, this is a very big question on their minds.
Explain how this money works.
Three Technologies Make Bitcoin
Virtually Anonymous, Safe, and Secure
Michael Robinson:
Bitcoin has three major technologies in play that give it all of these incredible benefits.
The first is nothing new.
It’s the security technology that allows you to make a purchase with your credit card.
This has been around since the ’70s.
But those transactions have to go through the banks.
Bitcoin eliminates this middleman.
The second technology was developed by the U.S. Naval Research Lab.
Our Navy uses it in the Middle East for exchanging intelligence.
Law Enforcement uses it to help conceal their online investigations.
And Bitcoin uses it to conduct nearly anonymous transactions online.
Meaning I don’t know you, you don’t know me.
No identities, no addresses.
We’re just a set of numbers.
Now, that third technology is called quantum cryptography.
It’s a fancy name for a technology that keeps hackers and online criminals from stealing your financial info.
From stealing your money.
If Somebody Wanted to Take Down
the Entire Bitcoin Financial Network…
They Couldn’t
Mike Ward:
Just to make sure we really understand this one critical point, if one computer was compromised it wouldn’t matter to the network.
Michael Robinson:
No central bank – no central computer – no center to attack.
Mike Ward:
Michael, safety is obviously a big concern.
Nowadays, one out of every 167 credit card transactions is fraudulent.
But the world’s leading Bitcoin processor has reported exactly zero cases of payment fraud.
You Can Counterfeit dollars, euros… Any Paper Currency
You Can’t Counterfeit Bitcoin
Michael Robinson:
That’s another great benefit.
While dollars, or any paper currency can be counterfeited…
You can’t create counterfeit Bitcoin.
Yes, every person in this decentralized network is anonymous.
But each Bitcoin creates a footprint of where it’s been.
So, if you were to steal my Bitcoin, you couldn’t do anything with it.
Mike Ward:
It’d be like someone stealing the Mona Lisa, and then going into your local art gallery, or Christie’s auction house and trying to sell it.
Michael Robinson:
Yeah, steal a famous painting, just hang it on your wall.
Steal some Bitcoin – good luck finding anybody willing to take it.
Bitcoin as a Virtual Swiss Bank Account
Bitcoin is like having the greatest Swiss bank account on earth, only more private.
As in, if I turn that $500 worth of Bitcoin into $100,000 worth – no bank – nobody needs to know but me.
And the beauty of this is, you don’t have to fly to a Swiss bank.
You don’t have to be a millionaire to get into Bitcoin.
You can start off with very little money.
Now, combine that privacy with a currency that, during these early volatile stages…
Yes, it has some risk, but it’s limited risk.
The small amount you invest, sure you could lose some of it.
Or, it could make you wealthier than your wildest dreams.
Mike Ward:
So, let’s say I’m like most folks, I want to trade Bitcoin.
How do I do that?
Trading Bitcoin is Incredibly Simple
Michael Robinson:
It’s the same as if you wanted to trade in your dollars for euros.
Just go to a currency exchange.
There are plenty of them online.
Two of Microsoft’s and Facebook’s top execs just backed a new Bitcoin exchange.
Others were funded by some of the creators, or backers of Skype, Twitter, Groupon, Instagram.
From there what you do with your Bitcoin is up to you.
If you want to buy cars, or real estate…
Pay for your traffic tickets, or dinner, great.
You can do all of these things.
Bitcoin Represents Freedom
Mike Ward:
Now Michael, let’s talk about where all of this is heading.
Driven by a pure, grassroots movement, Bitcoin has seen as much as a 44,312-fold increase in value.
This isn’t hypothetical wealth being created either.
Even though it’s anonymous, people all around America are stepping forward to share how much Bitcoin has changed their financial futures.
I’ve never seen this kind of wealth being created and finding its way into the hands of average folks.
Michael Robinson:
Mike, we can’t just look at this as an American phenomenon.
This is truly global.
A woman in Berlin named Heidi, she runs a tour guide business.
She made 600,000 euros, so $774,000 U.S. dollars in Bitcoin.
Now she’s accepting Bitcoin as payment for her tours.
Another part of Berlin, the Kreuzberg district…
There are 12 stores…
Just in this area Mike, taking Bitcoin.
A bakery, a record store, a brewery, you name it.
In China, people are using Bitcoin to buy wine…
Go to coffee shops…
Purchase medical equipment…
And make money.
Four people who went into Bitcoin together, they made $280,000.
One businessman even became $3.9 million richer from Bitcoin.
Mike Ward:
This is all so amazing when you consider that Bitcoin wasn’t even worth $1 until February of 2011.
But now, Forbes has written about $1,000 Bitcoin.
I’ve heard $2,000 Bitcoin predictions.
I even saw Business Insider reporting that Bitcoin could eventually capture between 1 and 10 percent of the entire, global currency market.
That would dictate every Bitcoin carry a value of between $100,000 and $1 million.
But we have to imagine, once it’s auto-integrated into every web browser, cellphone and email.
It’s Almost Unfathomable How High Bitcoin Could Go
Michael Robinson:
Mike when someone is talking about $1,000 or even $1million Bitcoin…
What are they talking about exactly?
Let me put that another way.
Let’s say you had a backpack with a million dollars’ worth of gold.
Now, I come to you and ask if you can get it weighed.
So you go to your bathroom scale and that backpack weighs say 45 pounds.
Now you take that backpack to an actual gold dealer.
They put it on their scale and tell you the gold weighs about 721 ounces, give or take.
So, what’s the answer?
What Scale Are You Using to Weigh the Value of Bitcoin?
If Your Scale is Weighing Bitcoin in Dollars,
It’s a Historic Bull Run.
$1 dollar of Bitcoin becoming worth thousands, tens of thousands of dollars.
Now, let’s use a different scale.
Instead of looking at the U.S. dollar and this no. 1 printed on it…
Let’s look at the Fed’s Dollar Index.
That weighs how the dollar compares to all world currencies.
And then look at how many Bitcoins it takes to buy that Dollar index.
What you have now is, even with Bitcoin’s falls in 2011 and 2013…
What You Have is a U.S. Dollar in
a Death Spiral Against Bitcoin.
Let’s use this same scale to look at Wall Street’s post-recession bull run.
How Many Bitcoin Does it Take to Buy the S&P?
A Whole Lot of Bitcoin in 2009 and 2010
But Today it’s Starting to Look a Lot Like We Have
a Secret Stock Market Crash Happening in Bitcoin
So if you want to determine where Bitcoin is going to land in the future, ask yourself, are you confident in the U.S. dollar, or any currency?
Are you confident in the stock market?
Bitcoin suggests the world isn’t confident in either.
And that bodes quite well for Bitcoin’s future.
I see a rare and historic window of opportunity.
What We Have is the Most Exciting
Investment Opportunity on the Planet.
And This is All Just Getting Started.
Mike Ward:
Let’s talk about making money from this Bitcoin Revolution?
Michael Robinson:
Major venture capitalists are flooding into Bitcoin.
We’re seeing funding from the inventors of Gmail, AdSense, Yahoo Mail.
Peter Thiel was the first venture capitalist to fund Facebook.
He funded LinkedIn and Yelp.
He co-founded PayPal…
Thiel just poured millions into a Bitcoin company.
Fred Wilson was the big venture capitalist behind Twitter.
He just invested millions into a Bitcoin company.
These are not stupid people.
But you don’t need to spend millions to get into Bitcoin.
It’s just the opposite.
This is That Venture Capital Opportunity
That Creates Millionaires… That Allows
Everyday Folks to Become Venture Capitalists
We know this because it’s happened repeatedly.
Bitcoin rises…
It falls…
It rises back higher than before.
And every step of this creates a lot of money.
I like having something like that in play.
Bitcoin is an opportunity to spend a few hundred bucks…
$500, maybe $1,000 and that could turn into millions…
What that means is you shouldn’t bet the farm on Bitcoin, because you don’t need to.
Mike Ward:
You’ve created this very unique…
This very comprehensive multimedia Bitcoin training system and investing package.
It’s designed so anyone can use it.
It’s called…
The Blueprint For the Bitcoin Revolution 2.0.
How would you describe it to folks?
Michael Robinson:
First off, I call it version 2.0, because Bitcoin is about to move into that next phase of its evolution.
The big one.
This is the phase where it completely integrates into the mainstream.
This is where I believe the biggest money will be made.
Now this package has four distinct parts to it, which really allow everybody…
People who’ve never heard of Bitcoin…
People who may already be making money off it…
Everybody can take this and put it to work immediately.
It starts with a very detailed guide.
I call it…
Edison’s Revenge: Cashing in On
Bitcoin’s Unprecedented Windfalls
You will get the full history of Bitcoin…
You’ll learn the technologies driving Bitcoin.
How this decentralized global network operates.
How Bitcoin are created.
How they are used for commerce.
Why they’re viewed as virtual gold, inflation proof, private, and safe.
How some people may be using them as a tax haven.
The Press Has Suggested Bitcoin
May Be a Powerful Tax Haven
Mike Ward:
Michael, let’s focus on that last one for a moment.
Bitcoin has stirred up a lot of controversy regarding taxes.
MSN Money has reported that it is “ideal for anyone who wants to live outside of the US tax structure.”
That it’s “virtually tax free.”
But there’s more to the story than that.
That part of the guide is a must-read for anyone who feels the government is overtaxing them.
Michael Robinson:
Yes, it is.
This guide also acts as a “how-to-manual” for do it yourselfers.
It guides you step by step through Bitcoin Wallet options.
As the name suggests, this is where you keep your Bitcoin.
I guide you, step by step, through how to set up your Bitcoin wallet.
This literally takes a minute, Mike.
Anybody can do it.
Next, I guide you, once again, step by step, through the Bitcoin currency exchanges.
The differences between the exchanges…
The pros, the cons of each.
How to fund them.
I guide you, step by step, through Bitcoin trading charts and trends, so folks can gradually become experts and get more comfortable with Bitcoin investing.
I talk about the types of investments available in Bitcoin.
The conventional investments – trading the currency itself.
Bitcoin investment funds.
I even explore the unconventional investments that are starting to crop up…
After we’ve covered all of this…
This is Absolutely, Unequivocally, When it Gets Exciting
Now we’re talking the specific investment opportunities I’ve got in my sights.
Mike, I’ve actually interviewed the CEOs of these exchanges, the CEOs of Bitcoin investment funds, and other major players.
I’ve been talking to my network of contacts in Silicon Valley to get a read on where the money’s moving here.
I’ve Found Three Really Powerful,
Really Unique Ways to Play Bitcoin
The first deals with a Bitcoin investment fund…
I’ve investigated these funds, and I found this really exciting one…
I’ve crunched the numbers, and I believe it’s not going to pay out an 11% or 12% dividend.
Not even a 50, or 100% one.
It looks to me, like it’s about to start handing out, 280% annual dividends in Bitcoin.
And I’m not talking about some buy and hold for 40 years and it becomes that kind of dividend.
It’s becoming that dividend now.
In fact, those dividends aren’t even paid out quarterly, or even monthly.
But weekly, it’s so exciting.
Now, the second investment involves the Bitcoin, decentralized network itself.
It’s becoming more powerful.
And there is one particular opportunity in this network, which could give you a 463% windfall.
I explain this all in the guide.
Now, the third investment opportunity, this is a straight-up Bitcoin currency play.
This is the big one.
This is my no. 1 target, right now, this very moment.
I believe it could turn every $100 you put in into $4,367.
And every $1,000 into $43,670.
There is No Other Investment Opportunity on the
Planet That Offers This Kind of Potential
Mike Ward:
This guide, it covers Bitcoin from A to Z.
But it’s just the first piece.
This is a high-tech, multimedia package.
Michael Robinson:
It is.
I Have Also Filmed The Bitcoin Virtual Roadmap.
It’s a 3-disc interactive video series that takes the Bitcoin experience and supercharges it.
I’m right there with you on your computer.
I’m virtually guiding you through everything.
The first disc, I outline our big plan, our mission.
We discuss simple Bitcoin terminology.
I guide you, click by click, through setting up that Bitcoin wallet.
You’ll see it all happening on your screen.
Again, Mike, setting up a wallet can be done, quickly…
Snapping your fingers quick.
But it doesn’t hurt to have some help.
The second disc…
Here we’re focusing on setting up your trading account on one of the Bitcoin currency exchanges.
Folks can decide the exchange that best fits their needs.
I talk about how to trade in different currencies.
We go through the charts and patterns together.
We’re discussing what to look for…
Trends, trigger events.
That can lead to aggressive surges, and aggressive Bitcoin profits.
That third disc…
It’s the specific investment opportunities…
The Bitcoin investment funds, investing in the Bitcoin network, those lucrative Bitcoin currency trades.
The unconventional opportunities.
I show actual video interviews I’ve conducted with some of the major CEOs and major players in these opportunities.
This way you can understand why I’m so big on them.
We even talk about how and where to spend your Bitcoin.
Mike Ward:
So we’ve got the guide, Edison’s Revenge: Cashing In On Bitcoin’s Unprecedented Windfalls…
We’ve got the The Bitcoin Virtual Roadmap…
We’re going to mail these to folks today.
Now let’s talk about…
The Bitcoin Virtual Portal
Michael Robinson:
We obviously don’t want people to have to wait until the post office delivers this package.
There’s too much money in Bitcoin to wait.
So the Bitcoin Virtual Portal is an online library that contains a digital edition of the book and all three of the discs.
It also includes a quick-start series of reports we deliver in email format.
Checklists, quick tips, and shortcuts I’ve created for mastering Bitcoin.
I’m looking to streamline this experience for folks.
Mike Ward:
Which you absolutely are.
These first three pieces, the guide, the interactive discs, the virtual portal, they truly allow anyone to dive right into Bitcoin.
You are, without question streamlining…
You’re opening this entire world, this radical new form of money to everyday folks on Main Street America.
You’re putting them on this path that may lead to them becoming millionaires…
All from Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is Exactly the Type of Breakthrough…
The Type of Global Phenomenon…
Uncovered in The Nova-X Report
Which is why you’re including a 1-year subscription to it in this amazing package.
Michael, explain The Nova-X Report’s role in everything we’ve been talking about today.
Michael Robinson:
With The Nova-X Report I’m looking for small companies with a stranglehold, could be a technology, a medical treatment, a process innovation…
If this gives them a stranglehold on a sector with billions of dollars of potential that’s what I’m looking for.
The Nova-X Report takes folks behind the curtain, so to speak, so they can tap into the greatest source of individual wealth creation in the history of the human race.
Venture capitalism.
Bitcoin is the quintessential venture capital opportunity.
I believe average folks, they can use Bitcoin.
They can use it to start this journey towards becoming Main Street venture capitalists.
Mike Ward:
Which is exactly what you are helping folks do.
You were in early on rare earth minerals, which are critical to every piece of modern electronics.
Folks who followed you made 990% cumulative gains.
You’ve discovered huge opportunities in bio-tech.
Take Acadia Pharmaceuticals, that was a 732% gain for subscribers.
Michael Robinson:
Acadia was a great opportunity because they’ve made some key discoveries that address neurological and nervous system disorders.
And they’ve been working on some promising treatments for Parkinson’s disease, glaucoma, and schizophrenia.
There Are Major Disruptive Technologies
And Breakthroughs Happening All Around Us
Look at Lin TV.
We were really early to market with that.
The hidden value of Lin TV was they were quickly becoming a leader in mobile and online television…
They moved their whole platform to be an “on the go,” “anywhere you go,” TV company.
We all know this is the future.
The younger generation doesn’t even watch conventional TV.
It’s all on their phones or computers.
Lin TV simply stood out from the crowd.
Mike Ward:
Lin TV, was an incredible under-the-radar play.
And you delivered a 102% payday to subscribers.
Michael Robinson:
With Lin TV, I caught that stock at exactly the right time.
I don’t sit on stocks for years, looking at them like trophies in a showcase.
We’re looking to get in early to maximize our money…
And get out.
That’s what venture capitalists do.
When they get in, they’re immediately plotting their exit strategy.
Mike Ward:
Cray Incorporated was another example of you getting into a disruptive technology or trend and delivering a quick payday.
That 101% winner appeared in no time whatsoever.
Michael Robinson:
I’m one of Cray’s biggest fans.
So is the U.S. military.
Because if you want to track missiles in real time and be able to shoot them down in real time, you need to be able to crunch a lot of data.
This requires what Cray provides.
Cray builds supercomputers for government agencies and major corporations in the United States, Canada, Japan, South America, and Europe.
They were an innovative leader in Big Data.
An 83% Win Rate in the Most Lucrative Field of Investing
Mike Ward:
Michael, in just the last year, you’ve delivered 19 recommendations that paid out double- and triple-digit gains.
As we sit here, as these cameras are rolling, you have an 83% win rate on your current opportunities.
But let’s say I’m someone on the outside.
Everything you have been talking about with Bitcoin sounds incredible.
The Bitcoin guide, the Bitcoin Virtual Roadmap, the Bitcoin Virtual Portal…
And the types of investment opportunities you’ve been sharing with folks who follow you…
That sounds exciting too.
So, I claim this package today…
What should I expect to receive as a subscriber to The Nova-X Report?
Michael Robinson:
With The Nova X Report, Mike…
It’s a monthly publication.
It reveals the disruptive breakthroughs in technology.
It uncovers cutting-edge advancements in science and medicine.
I report on all of these exciting developments we’re seeing.
But most important, I show folks how to capitalize on them.
I reveal the biggest investment opportunity on my radar each month.
These are all straight stock plays.
No risky options, or leveraged moves.
When You’re Looking to Become a
Main Street Venture Capitalist… You Can
Get the Big Gains, Fast, Without the Big Risk
Each recommendation includes a concise, yet detailed examination of the company.
I show you how it looks after I run it through my RDTS…
My Radical Demand Tracking System.
It crunches the financials of these companies.
Their cash flows, assets, technical indicators.
Is money flowing into this stock?
Is money going to keep flowing into this stock?
I let folks see everything for themselves.
And I’m very big on portfolio management, Mike.
So when these investment plays hit maximum gains…
I issue an instant sell alert.
I also release weekly commentary…
Weekly, market analysis on every single pick.
I’ve built a members’ website that contains every communication.
As well as an investment research report library that uncovers major trends and opportunities.
I also record audio and video briefings.
I’ll share my interviews with CEOs and Silicon Valley insiders.
The Nova-X Report is a Complete Solution.
Mike Ward:
We’ve covered a lot of ground today.
And obviously this incredible Bitcoin package…
Folks who put this to work may find themselves as the next Bitcoin millionaire success story.
And with The Nova-X Report there every step of the way…
They stand to grow wealthier and wealthier as everything speeds up.
Michael Robinson, thank you for being here today.
Michael Robinson:
Great to be with you, Mike.
Mike Ward:
This opportunity you have in front of you now is very serious.
Bitcoin has already made many people very rich.
It has shown repeatedly that it can turn minimal risk into potentially life-changing rewards.
Hundreds of dollars potentially turning into tens of thousands of dollars.
Thousands of dollars transforming into hundreds of thousands…
Even millions.
And Michael Robinson will help you get in on the ground floor to use Bitcoin to become a Main Street venture capitalist.
Everything you need is in the comprehensive and lucrative package he’s prepared…
The Blueprint For the Bitcoin Revolution 2.0.
It starts with the guide, Edison’s Revenge: Cashing In On Bitcoin’s Unprecedented Windfalls…
You’ll also receive the 3-disc interactive course, The Bitcoin Virtual Roadmap…
And the online, Bitcoin Virtual Portal.
The value of these three pieces alone is $395.
But there’s a fourth piece to this package.
Michael Robinson’s The Nova-X Report normally costs $299 a year.
So as you can see, this is a very valuable package.
It is for people who are ready to step forward and capitalize on both this Bitcoin Revolution…
And also the cutting-edge, venture capital opportunities Michael Robinson brings to those who follow him in The Nova-X Report.
Which is why…
In The Very Near Future, This Package
Will Be Sold For $299 (Not Today Though)
Now, as I previously mentioned, Michael Robinson has delivered, in just the last year, 19 recommendations that paid out double- and triple-digit gains.
And he currently has an 83% win rate on all open recommendations.
So those who end up paying $299, may not have to wait too long to recoup it.
Money Morning subscribers regularly step forward to share their stories concerning how they made 5 times their membership fees back in a year.
10xs their membership fees in 2 days.
Or $1,100 in profits after their first four days on board.
$7,000 in under two weeks.
$36,000 in 3 days.
$45,000 profits…
Over $186,700 profits.
Even $1.5 million in just a year.
This opportunity is what you make of it.
And here’s what I’m going to do.
If You Are One of the First to Step Forward Today…
I’m going to authorize an instant $250 discount off the regular price of this package.
So you’ll only pay $49.
Here’s why I’m doing this.
I want you to take that $250 and use it…
Perhaps, on that Bitcoin investment fund Michael Robinson uncovered that could pay a 280% annual dividend…
Or the Bitcoin network investment opportunity he believes could reward you with a 463% windfall.
Or maybe even the big one.
That Bitcoin currency play that could turn every $1,000 into over $43,600.
The sky is the limit with Bitcoin.
But let Michael Robinson and my company, Money Morning prove it to you.
With This Entire Package, I’m Authorizing a
90-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee