The snake-like formation, located about 18 miles off the coast, was dubbed the “Rott Nest Monster” across social networking sites, as users wondered about its origin.
On Twitter, @harbinger451 tweeted: “A flying snake heads towards Perth.”
And @David_Coombe said: “BOM radar produces many anomalies, though the #rottnestmonster is fun.”
In an interview with the ABC, meteorologist Neil Bennett said the phenomenon could not have been a cloud. “They don’t take on S shapes and things like that,” he said.
“The radar that we use are there for the detection of precipitation, it’s basically just a beam going out and hitting the rain droplets or ice particles from hail.
“Sometimes the beam itself rather than going straight it gets bent back to earth and you start to pick up reflections from the ocean, rather than rain droplets,” he added.
But the Department of Defence today confirmed that the enigmatic snake was in fact caused by a military exercise.
A spokesman for the Department of Defence told ABC News that the exercise was a regular training activity involving ships and aircraft designed to prepare a Navy warship for an operational deployment.
“The environmental conditions over the West Australian coast at the time of the activity provided a unique opportunity for this routine activity to be visible on the weather radar display,” he said.
“This exercise is ongoing.”
RADAR used to transmit power to distant Rectenna – NASA experiment
Dear Mr. Kara,
On April 28, 1997 U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen made the following statement:
“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.
Note that the Secretary did not speak the words in square blocks; these were added by the writers later, probably to “soften the tone” of the Secretary’s information release. So the Secretary confirmed that some nations of the world — not just some ragged terrorists, as the writers tried to imply for spin control — do possess novel electromagnetic weapons and are using them to induce earthquakes, engineer the weather and climate, and trigger volcanic eruptions.
In the case of Turkey, the quake might have been just another target practice shot by the KGB/Russians. In Russia, these weapons are totally under the control of the KGB, including research, development, manufacturing, deployment, and manning and firing the weapons. The weapons are not in the conventional Russian armed forces at all.
The weapons referred to by Secretary Cohen are longitudinal EM wave interferometers (LWIs). Longitudinal EM waves easily travel through the ocean and earth with very little loss. In a distant interference zone, there appears real EM energy again, of the kind we have in our textbooks. However, the energy arises from spacetime itself in the interference zone, as proven by M.W. Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden et al., “On Whittaker’s Representation of the Electromagnetic Entity in Vacuo: The Production of Transverse Fields and Energy by Scalar Interferometry,” Journal of New Energy, 4(3), Winter 1999, p. 76-78. (That entire issue of JNE contains some 60 papers by the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS), dealing with the kind of higher symmetry electrodynamics needed to understand such weapons).
Though tested in prototype in the 1950s, the first strategic LWIs were deployed in Russia in April 1963, and were used to kill the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear attack submarine, underwater off the East coast of the United States, in April 1963. The signatures of the kill are 100% decisive. One day later, the same weapon placed an enormous electromagnetic burst (explosion) deep underwater, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. From the surface of the ocean there arose a giant cone of water, rising a half mile into the air, turning into a mushroom, and falling back into the sea. This was the second test of the new Russian strategic LWIs, under KGB control. By this test and the fact that the West did not even recognize what killed the Thresher, Khrushchev managed to stay in power another two years or so, after his Cuban Crisis fiasco where he lost face in front of the entire world.
World-wide weather engineering started in earnest by the Russians on July 4, 1976 — as a quirky sense of humor and “bicentennial gift” to the United States.
The weapons have been used to shoot down aircraft, etc. worldwide also, mostly as tests, and have also destroyed ICBMs shortly after launch.
So while I cannot say for sure what generated the quake you spoke of, it easily could have been done by the KGB or by their prot’s (a powerful and very wealthy rogue Japanese group, consisting of the Yakuza and the Aum Shinrikyo). At the end of 1989, the KGB/Russians — who had developed even more powerful weapons — leased many of their on-site earlier LWIs to a rogue Japanese group comprised of Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo. Since then, weather control and engineering, and shoot-down of missiles and aircraft, have largely been done by this rogue group, under the close control of the KGB. Aircraft shot down included the TWA-800, e.g. and others.
The world is actually a secretly armed camp, armed to the teeth with unpublicized highly secret weapons, waiting to explode like a powderkeg at the touch of a match. These developments have eluded most of the scientific communities of the Earth (who are still mostly using a decrepit, hoary old U(1) electromagnetics theory put together in 1864, which is totally a material fluid flow theory and riddled with known errors, omissions, and curtailments). The developments over several decades also completely eluded the news media of the world, who are more concerned these days with yellow journalism than probing and investigating news. As an example, not a single news agency even reacted to the astounding revelation of Secretary Cohen, which merely shows how well the news media have brainwashed themselves with their own “formula news” and propaganda.
Presently, the world energy crisis — and particularly the “cheap oil” part of it — is being deliberately engineered from behind the scenes to escalate and place ever-increasing financial burdens on nations of the world. The plan is that the world economy is to be strained to the breaking point, so that it will begin seriously collapsing about 2008. A year or so before that (and perhaps even sooner), the despairing nations with their economies crumbling will be in increasingly great conflicts. This is rather like many independent and clashing servomechanisms, with the gain on their amplifiers being ever increased. Simple servo analysis shows such a system self-destructs because its conflict rises asymptotically to quick destruction.
In short, the nations of the world will unleash all the weapons of mass destruction in their arsenals; the only “defense” a nation has in the era of such mass weapons is to strike fast and with all its might, to destroy its perceived enemies before they destroy it. Years ago, all our strategic studies — back when we did them honestly and not for political correctness — clearly showed this “spasm response” by nations in total desperation; there was no other way out for any nation, once the WMD weapon arsenals start being used seriously. There is an immediate explosion that destroys civilization and contaminates much of the biosphere. The “High Cabal” (Winston’s Churchill’s name for that secretive group of financiers and loose cartels behind the several hundred interlocking corporations, etc. worldwide) wishes to remove about three-quarters of the population of the earth, as the “solution” to the “overpopulation” problem. They plan to escalate the energy crisis until it initiates the desired Armageddon for them. This plan has not changed since Bertrand Russell, one of their darlings because of his “logical positivism” (materialism by another name), made this astounding statement”
“At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars… War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect… but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread through the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?” [Bertrand Russell, philosophical spokesman for a group of Westerners, in his Impact of Science on Society.]
If you will refer to Laurie Garrett’s “The Nightmare of Bioterrorism,” Foreign Affairs, 80(1), Jan./Feb. 2001, on p. xx you will find the following quotation:
“Were a terrorist to disperse the smallpox virus, for example, populations that were once universally vaccinated would now be horribly vulnerable. Today the U.S. government stows only about 15.4 million doses of the smallpox vaccine—enough for less than seven percent of the American population. The World Health Organization (WHO) keeps another 500,000 doses in the Netherlands, and other national stockpiles total about 60 million more doses of varying quality and potency. If the smallpox virus were released today, the majority of the world’s population would be defenseless, and given the virus’ 30 percent kill rate, nearly two billion people would die.”
The Russians/KGB also are using other weapons to “thin” the immune systems of the population of targeted areas, so that the 30% kill rate rises to 50% or more. And Russian secret BW labs also perfected additional strains of smallpox — which were clandestinely sold to some nations not very nice at all, for terrorists’ use. These strains are invulnerable to all present smallpox vaccines.
What is being prepared worldwide is a “mix” of all sorts of weapons and attacks — everything from terrorists armed with incredibly developed pathogens and already inserted in various nations, etc. — worldwide. Every major nation is also already “seeded” with clandestine nuclear weapons placed in its large cities, ready to annihilate them. E.g., the highest ranking GRU defector to the U.S. is Lunev. In his book (passed by the CIA), Lunev even tells some of the ways that the Russians secretly brought such nuclear weapons into the United States, easily. Quoting Stanislov Lunev and Ira Winkler, Through the Eyes of the Enemy: Russia’s Highest Ranking Military Defector Reveals Why Russia Is More Dangerous Than Ever, Regnery, Washington, D.C., 1998, p. 22:
“Though most Americans don’t realize it, America is already penetrated by Russian military intelligence to the extent that arms caches lie in wait for use by Russian special forces — or Spetznatz.” Quoting p. 26:
Quoting p. 26:
“It is surprisingly easy to smuggle nuclear weapons into the United States. A commonly used method is for a Russian airplane to fly across the ocean on a typical reconnaissance flight. The planes will be tracked by U.S. radar, but that’s not a problem. When there are no other aircraft in visual range, the Russian airplane will launch a small, high-tech, stealth transport missile that can slip undetected into remote areas of the country. The missiles are retrieved by GRU operatives. Another way to get a weapon into the country is to have an ‘oceanographic research’ submarine deliver the device—accompanied by GRU specialists—to a remote section of coastline. Nuclear devices can also be slipped across the Mexican or Canadian borders. It is easy to get a bomb to Cuba and from there transport it to Mexico. Usually the devices are carried by a Russian intelligence officer or a trusted agent.”
Quoting p. 30:
“Other instruments of destruction the Russians have had success with are seismic weapons. Spitac and other small towns in the Transcaucasus Mountains were almost destroyed during a seismic weapons test that set off an earthquake. This would have obvious applications on America’s west coast and other areas of the world prone to earthquakes.”
As you can see from the latter quotation, Lunev was actually referring to the LWIs and their use to initiate earthquakes, precisely what Secretary Cohen confirmed in 1997. Again, the news media are completely asleep.
Those planning the self-destruction of civilization about 2007, also appear to have lots of help from the quarreling nations themselves. The nations of the earth are so beset by petty quarrels (Arab against Jew, Jew against Arab, Saddam Hussein thirsting to disrupt and control the MidEast and much of the oil supply, one group against another) and so blinded by these “local” bloodthirsty concerns and so intent on killing one another that they become willing pawns and tools for manipulation upon the grand chessboard, not even realizing they are serving the ends of hidden game-players manipulating them as silly pawns.
At any rate, as a single citizen without great resources, all I can do is point these things out, and also work intensively on trying to solve or partially solve the energy crisis. On this latter we have made excellent progress in the last 30 years. Our technical understanding now is such that well-funded research can quickly break out into production of self-powering electrical power systems, easily manufactured, to replace the present incredibly wasteful power systems which in effect have us all by the throat (as California has just shown). Make no mistake, the rising energy needs and oil needs in Asia alone will reach the level of the energy needs of today’s United States, about 7-10 years from now. The day of “cheap oil” is ended, and the world will never be the same again. The economic collapse is coming this decade, unless this energy crisis is quickly and permanently solved.
The same hidden folks engineering the destruction of civilization have also engineered its plundering during the interim period while Armageddon is being prepared by the nations themselves. The globulists successfully passed great treaties (such as NAFTA, GATT, etc.) which meant that the manufacturing jobs are now being exported to those “emerging” nations (read: cheap slave labor nations) where workers have no rights, there are no pollution laws, politicians are bought for a song, etc. It is almost a return to a special kind of feudalism. So some two trillion dollars per year are to be extracted off the backs of those poor nations (slave laborers), and from the oil, etc. At Kyoto, they successfully fooled the environmentalists (who are extraordinarily naive about science) and got exemption for 160 nations — the very nations being used to play a major role in extracting the two trillion dollars per year from the economy of the world.
But we have the answer to the energy crisis, and it can be solved forever, once any nation commits sufficient scientific resources to do the rest of the research and development. We are placing information on the solution on our website, www.cheniere.org, as fast as we can We are also trying to obtain substantial financing to go into intensive research and development on our own inventions in this field There are other inventions by other inventors and scientists that can also take and use energy from the vacuum, and we strongly hope that every legitimate researcher succeeds in getting units onto the world market and helping to solve the energy crisis in time.
The energy crisis part of it can be solved completely in two years, if we can get the conventional scientific community uprooted from its terrible fascination with a horrible old electrodynamics riddled with errors, that absolutely excludes and does not even model the active vacuum interaction with every system. Generators and batteries in fact do not power their attached circuits anyway, but just make dipoles The dipole — as is very well-known in particle physics — extracts energy from the vacuum, transforms it into usable, real EM energy, and pours out that energy in all directions, freely and indefinitely so long as the dipole exists. So the real problem is in the terrible “mindset” of the energy scientists and engineers. But real production electrical power systems have to be rolling off the assembly lines en masse no later than first quarter 2004, in spite of that mindset, or it is all over for civilization anyway.
We will continue to do everything we can to assist in meeting that “point of no return” in first quarter 2004 If that deadline is missed, humanity goes right down the tube to its destruction. The MidEast, e.g., is on the very brink of war right now, and if it explodes, it will also involve all the developed nations, with WMD strikes occurring right in their large population centers. In the U.S., e.g., we could wake up one morning and have 20 million Americans dying of anthrax, smallpox, etc. right in the streets.
Meanwhile, some nations such as the KGB/Russia along with their Yakuza/Aum Shinrikyo prot’s are maneuvering in the shadows, continually attempting to arrange a great strategic strike that will devastate the entire West and its allies That continues; we have narrowly avoided such strikes several times since January 1997.
Only time will tell how it all comes out. Just now the good guys are not doing very well, content in a complacent electrodynamics science obsolete after 136 years, and the bad guys are very far ahead. We hope to see that change very rapidly.
Thanks for your interest, and I hope this sheds some light in answer to your question,
Tom Bearden, Ph.D., LTC U.S. Army (Retired)
—–Original Message—–
From: A.J. Craddock
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 12:03 AM
To: Tom Bearden
Subject: Fwd: Info
From: “Ahmet Gokhan Kara” <agkara@sympatico.ca>
To: <webmaster@cheniere.org>
Subject: Info
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:56:07 -0800
Dear Webmaster
I would really appreciate if you forward this email to the Mr.Bearden
Dear Mr.Bearden
I have questions marks in my head I was wondering if you can help me to clear them up. Its about earthquake took place in Turkey on 17 August 1999 and I’m aware of the Tesla doomsday device. Before the earthquake there was some strange effects such as sky lit up like daylight and the people saw From Golcuk to Avcilar and that area they described as a fire ball . Now some investigator believe these electrical effects were associated with electromagnetic plasma and ball lighting and the strange array of flashes which result from Tesla-style technology… I know that you do have information regards to this issue I’m asking your help….Please do help
Thank you in advance
A.G. Kara
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