Here’s the most recent:
Another JPMorgan Banker Dies, 37 Year Old Executive Director Of Program Trading
First, the death in question, as reported by the Stamford Daily Voice is that of Ryan Henry Crane, a Harvard graduate, who is survived by his wife, son and parents at the very young age of 37. Second, Ryan Henry Crane was formerly employed by JPMorgan – a bank which was featured prominently in the news as recently as two weeks ago when another of its London-based employees committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of its Canary Wharf building. Third: Crane was an Executive Director in JPM’s Global Program Trading desk, founded in 1999 by an ex-DE Shaw‘er, a function of the firm which is instrumental to preserving JPM’s impeccable and (so far in 2013) flawless trading record of zero trading losses.
There was little detail surrounding the death:
Ryan Henry Crane of Stamford died Monday, Feb. 3. He was 37.
Crane was born Jan. 8, 1977, and grew up in Long Valley, N.J. He graduated from The Delbarton School in Morristown in 1995. He graduated from Harvard University in 1999, after which he spent the next 14 years at J.P. Morgan in New York. He was an executive director in the Global Equities Group.
We outsiders can only speculate about how 5 prominent banksters and a journalist were wiped off the planet earth within the past several weeks. There is basically three possible scenarios, but the one not being considered is the possibility that these individuals may have had enough money and power to erase their names from the system by faking their deaths. You decide which is more plausible based on the facts:
1) Suicide
2) Murder / Assassination
3) Faked their deaths
*** If you think “faking death” is ludicrous or ridiculous, then why is everyone accepting ‘SUICIDE’ before any investigations or autopsies are performed. 5 dead banksters and 1 missing journalists all wiped off the face of the planet in a span of several weeks —- all coincidentally caused by suicide — is just as ridiculous a theory to accept.
The odds are far greater that they all conspired to fake their deaths.
Dead Bankster #1 Mike Dueker : 50-year-old Mike Dueker, who had worked for Russell Investment for five years, was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State, says AP.
Dead Bankster #2 William Broeksmit: A 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG, William Broeksmit, was found dead on January 26 in his home after an apparent suicide in South Kensington in central London.
Dead Bankster #3 Karl Slym: The next day, January 27, Tata Motors managing director Karl Slym, 51, was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok. Police said he could have committed suicide. Mr. Slym was staying on the 22nd floor with his wife, and was attending a board meeting in the Thai capital.
Dead Bankster #4 Gabriel Magee: Another tragic incident occurred on January 28, when a 39-year-old Gabriel Magee, a JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of its European headquarters in London.
Dead Bankster #5 Richard Talley: Richard Talley, 57, and the company he founded in 2001 were under investigation by state insurance regulators at the time of his death late Tuesday, an agency spokesman confirmed Thursday. It was unclear how long the investigation had been ongoing or its primary focus. A coroner’s spokeswoman Thursday said Talley was found in his garage by a family member who called authorities. They said Talley died from seven or eight self-inflicted wounds from a nail gun fired into his torso and head. Also unclear is whether Talley’s suicide was related to the investigation by the Colorado Division of Insurance, which regulates title companies.
Missing Oil Markets Reporter David Bird: The case of David Bird, the oil markets reporter who had worked at the Wall Street Journal for 20 years and vanished without a trace on the afternoon of January 11, has this in common with the other three tragedies: his work involves a commodities market – oil – which is under investigation by the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations for possible manipulation. The FBI is involved in the Bird investigation.
Bird left his Long Hill, New Jersey home on that Saturday, telling his wife he was going for a walk. An intentional disappearance is incompatible with the fact that he left the house wearing a bright red jacket and without his life-sustaining medicine he was required to take daily as a result of a liver transplant. Despite a continuous search since his disappearance by hundreds of volunteers, local law enforcement and the FBI, Bird has not been located.
(N.Morgan) Our gold is gone and in reality, our Dollar is worthless, without the gold standard backing it up. Fort Knox lays empty and other countries want their gold back that we were “keeping” for them. Where will this lead? Karen Hudes thinks it will lead to WWIII. Can we pull the world out of this economic calamity? Former World Bank Attorney Karen Hudes says, “It may be that we don’t, in which case, we end up in what happened just before we went into the dark ages, when gold went into hiding.We can bring this gold that belongs to humanity out of its cloak of secrecy and out of hiding or we can go back into the dark ages.
And we can have pestilence and starvation. Civilization breaks down. We cannot pay for our international trade. Either we take back our gold, our legality, and we tell this group that thinks it’s above the law that it is not above the law, or we can kiss ourselves goodbye. Humanity will not continue, we will have World War III. In the video below,join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former World Bank Attorney Karen Hudes.
Yet another banker has committed suicide, with a JP Morgan forex trader leaping to his death from the top of the firm’s Chater House headquarters in Hong Kong.
Image: Man pictured before his suicide (SCMP).
Over the past few weeks at least seven bankers have died under mysterious circumstances, including another JP Morgan senior manager who jumped off the top of a skyscraper in London last month.
Speculation is rife that the series of deaths are connected to some kind of looming financial crisis or a huge legal case targeting bankers for malfeasance, although no definite link has been established.
Eyewitnesses said that the man, who was in his 30′s, accessed the roof of the 30 story office tower and jumped, with police on the scene failing to talk him out of committing suicide. Chater House is JP Morgan’s main regional Asian office.
“According to several JP Morgan employees, the man was a forex trader with the company,” reports the South China Morning Post, adding that his surname was Lee. The bank itself refused to confirm that the man was an employee.
Lee becomes the 7th banker to suddenly die in recent weeks. Questions as to whether the deaths are merely a coincidence or are linked to some as yet unknown factor continue to swirl.
– On January 26, former Deutsche Bank executive Broeksmit was found dead at his South Kensington home after police responded to reports of a man found hanging at a house. According to reports, Broeksmit had “close ties to co-chief executive Anshu Jain.”
– Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old senior manager at JP Morgan’s European headquarters, jumped 500ft from the top of the bank’s headquarters in central London on January 27, landing on an adjacent 9 story roof.
– Mike Dueker, the chief economist at Russell Investments, fell down a 50 foot embankment in what police are describing as a suicide. He was reported missing on January 29 by friends, who said he had been “having problems at work.”
– Richard Talley, 57, founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was also found dead earlier this month after apparentlyshooting himself with a nail gun.
– 37-year-old JP Morgan executive director Ryan Henry Crane died last week.
– Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, although the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.
The Constitution has been suspended since the time of reconstruction. As long as we are at WAR the Constitution is suspended. We have only had 22 years of peace in our entire history. We are under Martial Law and have been since April 23,1863 with the issue of General orders 100. If you truly want Read more [+]
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