Narrative takes ANOTHER Crazy Turn! investigation of Obama’s birth certificate Fake Stand Down Letter Sent to Att
Thank you so much!!
On Tuesday, Atty. Orly Taitz published a letter appearing to have been sent by Pastor and radio show host Carl Gallups asking her to “stand down with regard to your ongoing court cases” “by March 19 in preparation for information allegedly to be released relative to the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse‘s investigation of Obama’s long-form birth certificate.
An image of a purported Certificate of Live Birth
from Hawaii for Barack Hussein Obama has been declared
a “computer-generated forgery” along with his Selective
Service registration form. Breaking news in the
investigation is expected to be released in March.
Below the posting, Taitz stated that while she was not sure that it came from Gallups, “it looks like it is from him.”
After reading the letter, The Post & Email contacted Gallups to ask if he wrote and sent it, to which he responded:
I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have not written a letter. Neither Mike nor I have asked her to stand down. I don’t know where it came from…It is an absolute fabrication. I have never nor would I ever write such a letter.
Gallups then made a guess as to the source of the communication.
Taitz has several active law cases involving Obama’s questionable documentation, one of which seeks Obama’s original Social Security number application. The SSN Obama appears to be using was issued in the state of Connecticut, where he neither worked nor lived, according to his life story. Taitz stated that her probing has demonstrated criminal misconduct on the part of employees of the Social Security Administration as well as U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth.
Gallups has been close to the Cold Case Posse investigation which revealed almost two years ago that the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website is a “computer-generated forgery.” Approximately two months ago, lead investigator Mike Zullo announced that “universe-shattering” information with documentation will be released in March, which Gallups has confirmed on his radio show, “Freedom Friday.”
The email was apparently sent under the screen name of “pp simmons,” which is a news and ministry service co-founded by Gallups. However, on the official website, the name is expressed as “PPSIMMONS.”
According to Zullo and Gallups, Obama’s long-form birth certificate is also a “fabrication.” On December 13, 2013, following the reported death of Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta “Deliana” Fuddy, Gallups announced via PPSimmons that “the investigation has taken a much deeper and criminal turn due to leads developed while investigating the forged birth certificate.”
Update, 1:17 p.m. EST: After speaking with Atty. Taitz by phone, Carl Gallups then sent the following email to her:
Dear Ms. Taitz,
This is to advise you that I did not write the letter you have posted on your website under my name. I have never said such things, much less expressed them in a letter to you or anyone else. Furthermore, Mike Zullo has assured me that if you can provide him with the I.P. address of the letter that he has the ability to trace it down to determine the actual sender.
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