When did it become ok for police to execute unarmed men that have their hands raised in the air in the act of surrender. Are the police now taking on the roles of judge, jury, and executioner? What ever happened to our right of due process, and a jury trial. Welcome to the new America, ( The New China of the 21st century.)
Stop Resisting Execution: Cold-Blooded Arizona Cops Assassinate Suspect with His Hands in the Air.
For absolutely no reason other than “because they could”, cops in Pinal County, Arizona executed a suspect who was standing there, not near any of the officers, with his hands in the air, offering no threat whatsoever. Without trial, judge, or jury, they simply assassinated the man, as his family looked on in horror. Warning: There is some graphic violence in the video below.
This is your police force, America. Protecting and Serving you to death.
Sometimes we get letters or comments from readers wondering why we are so hard on cops here at The Daily Sheeple. They call the staff writers “cop haters” and “anarchists”. The readers say that we spend too much time “bashing” police officers who have such a “difficult and dangerous” job.
Are there some good cops out there? I’m sure there are. I am certain that some people go to the Academy hoping to do right and to help others. But…they have to know their “brothers” are doing these terrible things. What are they doing to put a stop to it? When you accept an action, you are deeming it “acceptable”, no matter how passively. And that makes you just as guilty as the person perpetrating the action.
So, why are we so hard on the boys in blue? Because they are the ones that are supposed to enforce the rules, and thus they must be held to a higher standard.
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