Your Birth Certificate Was Made Into a bond its Worth Billions!
When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \”something\” is your credit.
In 1868 the 14th Amendment Was Ratified Ending Slavery By Giving All Races Americans Citizenship
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \”average value\” are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
This post is getting much attention on my blog at the moment. The sooner this information gets out to the masses, the sooner we will be able to put an into the fraud, lies, deceit and corruption, once and for all. For those in doubt, don’t take my word for it, conduct your own research and I’m certain you will draw the same conclusions.. ~BK
Who knew, it says American Bank Note Company right there on our birth certificates!? I’m connecting so many dots today I think my head might start spinning around and puking green vomit, like the little girl in the Exorcist. Ok I’m sorry, that’s gross. But that’s how disturbing this stuff is. This type of awareness should not leave the reader feeling powerless, but em-powered. The reason this has gone on for so long is a direct result of our collective ignorance. I realize this stuff is not easy to believe and even harder to understand, especially to the newly awakened, and even more so to the still asleep. This is a quote I forced myself to memorize for this very reason: truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. Dresden James
When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that something is your credit.
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this average value are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
In 1868 the 14th Amendment Was Ratified Ending Slavery By Giving All Races Americans Citizenship
The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A bankrupt entity city, state/ province, country cannot operate in commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA has been bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it, the only asset it has are men and women and our labour. We are the collateral for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the application for a birth certificate. The Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the Federal Reserve Bank which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the surety on said bonds. Our labour/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence we become the ˜transmitting utility for the transmission of energy. The United States Government, in order to provide necessary goods and services, created a commercial bond (promissory note), by pledging the property, labour, life and body of its citizens, as payment for the debt (bankruptcy). This commercial bond made chattel (property) out of us all. We became nothing more than ˜human resources and collateral for the debt. This was without our knowledge and/or our consent, via the filing (registration) of our birth certificates. When mums apply for a birth certificate, the application is registered. The legal title of her baby is then transferred from mum to the State. Mum is left with equitable title of her baby whom she can use for a fee a use tax and since the property does not belong to her, she has to treat it in the manner which the owner wants.
Proof ALL of Your Debt is PRE-PAID!
Your debt is PRE-PAID!
I had a discussion with a friend the other day when I asked the question on Facebook, If you found out your mortgage, car loan, student loan, credit card was fraudulent debt, would you keep paying it? I included a link to the post I put out about Key Bank waiving a $32K loan. This was his response:
If I borrow money from someone, I’m going to repay it. I don’t care if it’s the mafia, some made-up big brother organization, or a bank. Stealing is stealing, regardless what you believe, two wrongs don’t make a right.
The problem with this response is that it’s based on a backwards view of what money and credit REALLY is. What if everything we’ve ever been taught by the system to believe about money and credit is an illusion? Well, it is. Many of those who will read this article already know that. Yet even those who do know, still can’t quite wrap their heads around how the system works in actuality. Believe me, œthey do an extremely good job of keeping these Truths very well hidden. This article does a phenomenal job at breaking it down in very simple, easy to understand terms. All of the facts presented are supported by hard data. Also included is an example of a response letter from AT&T to a charge being disputed, whereas the disputing party requested funds be taken from their Prepaid Treasury Account, to settle the alleged debt. What is not shared by this blogger is the documentation submitted to AT&T, which I am working on trying to retrieve from him now.
Before I get to the meat and potatoes of this brilliant article, here are a few facts to consider in the response to my friend on Facebook:
A deposit created through lending is a debt that has to be paid on demand of the depositor, just the same as the debt arising from a customer’s deposit of checks or currency in the bank. Of course they do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created. What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers transaction accounts. Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago, Modern Money Mechanics, p. 6
Banks are prohibited from lending their own money from their own assets, or from other depositors. So from where did the $$ come? The contract we signed (our promissory note) was converted into a negotiable instrument by the bank and became an asset on the bank accounting books. According to the UCC 1-201(24) and 3-104, it was our signature on the note which made it $$.
Our promissory note ( money ) was taken, recorded as an asset of the bank, and sold by the bank for cash without equal valuable consideration given to us for our note. The bank gave us a deposit slip as a receipt for the money we gave them, just as the bank would normally provide when we make a deposit to the bank. It then created an account at the bank which would contain this $$ which we just created. A check on this account was issued with our signature and this account is the source of funds behind the cheque which we received as a ˜loan .
The bank risked none of its own assets in the so-called ˜loan to us; rather it used our note to pay the seller, in order to raise an asset for itself, and also used the face value of our note as ˜principal which it claims it ˜lent us and against which it charged interest. Consideration on the part of the bank is non-existent so the bank has nothing to lose. It can not possibly sustain a loss. Since consideration is essential to an enforceable contract and the note was obtained from us via fraud, the entire transaction/ contract is fraudulent.
Mortgage contracts are written in such a way to appear as if the bank lent us funds before they received our promissory note/ mortgage contract so that the bank can use it as a receipt which they can sell. The contract reads, For a loan I have received , but, you haven’t received it yet. So in fact, we signed and gave the mortgage contract/note to the bank prior to their giving us the funds. So, the application for the loan created the funds (it has our signature on it) and the note (with our signature) covered the funds to repay the loan. Again, constructive fraud.
Right now even though they have no legal right or claim or lien, the bankers hold the title to YOU through your birth certificate. You can regain control by simply filing a notice of lien against the birth certificate. Filing notices of lien is done every day. Banks regularly file notices of liens with the Department of Commerce to prove and establish their interest in all kinds of property homes, cars, tools, equipment. This is done very simply by contacting the Secretary of State or Department of Commerce and filing a UCC-1 financing statement and listing the property as collateral on the statement. The same can be done with your birth certificate, which is your property. You and only you can file this notice of lien You and only you can determine the value of the property. Since you are priceless in God’s eyes the value of your UCC-1 should be UNLIMITED.
In this case, the company is the government. Because you agreed to work for the government, the company, for the rest of your life, the government (company) agreed to pay all of the debt you incur in your lifetime. Is that a bit of a surprise to you? It should be. No one has told you or showed you how use this information. In exchange for your birth certificate and your application for Social Security, which they used as collateral to reduce their debt with the bankers, the government (company) promised to pay your debts. You work on behalf of the US government AS COLLATERAL ON THE NATIONAL DEBT owed to the bankers.
Whatever your debt, it’s actually prepaid.
That’s right, your debt is prepaid with what is known as money of account. There is no real substance or money of exchang such as gold or silver; only accounting adjustments and set offs. The US government agreed to do this for you with the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 back in 1933 shortly after the National Emergency and Bank Holiday declared by President Roosevelt. You’re already signed up for this program from birth; it’s just that no one told you about it, UNTIL NOW!
Like all good companies though, the US government offered to its worker bees , insurance benefits. They offered insurance to us if we would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as “Application for Social Security Benefits . It’s also the hook they use to get us to sign up as their collateral on the national debt. This all originated from the Shepard Towners Maternity Act that was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed. (This is why they ask for the maiden name of the mother on the application for live birth . All of us are considered to be bastard children with the government (company) as our daddy
The SS-5 is really a Power Of Attorney (POA) for the company that issued the insurance benefit to You, the real man or woman. POA was assumed by the company, the government. When they established the new account they styled the name in ALL CAPS. Very few people normally sign their name in ALL CAPS. Your JOHN H. DOE is really a corporation. Print your name in ALL CAPS if you intend to express the name/ title of Your corporation. You’ll find it on your driver’s license, your social security card, your bank statement, your check blanks, your tax statements, etc. The Social Security number is evidence that there is an insurance policy. The benefit you are receiving is the privilege of an army, navy, police, fire protection, Medicaid, medicare, SSI, pension etc.
So far it has worked quite well for the government (company) they just didn’t tell you how to go about getting your debt set off and how to access and use the pre-paid account, all the more money for their pet projects wars of pre-emption, international intrigue, control and domination of the global markets, etc. You/ve perhaps read about this in the news or seen it on the evening news. You’re letting them use your money for crimes against humanity.
MEET YOUR STRAWMAN ! Your Birth Certificate its Worth Billions!
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