The phrase “The Rape of Nanking” has special significance in world history as it relates to the genocidal treatment of a conquering army and the utter devastation that it can bring to a civilian population. If you are unfamiliar with this historical event, you may wish to review these tragic events in order to see why so many are concerned about our immediate future as a nation. After familiarizing oneself with this tragic event, most of us will take an entirely new and sober view of the existence of Russian troops on American soil and the dangers we all face as a result.
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
There can be no doubt that the two Hunger Games movies, Hunger Games and Catching Fire, strongly represent the principles of the Agenda 21 beast which is overtaking our country. So too, the hot new movie in Hollywood, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, eerily parallels real life as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a false flag terrorist attack. I do, however, want to make one distinction, the coming Russian-led takedown of this country is not a case of Russia vs. America. Rather, Putin and Obama are working for the same side. It is the side that JFK called the “Gnomes of Zurich”. I call them the “Bastards from Basel”.
Upon his many appearances on my show, Pastor Lindsay Williams has often stated that it is an unwritten rule that the globalists must somehow publicly declare their intentions prior to executing a plan which could result in a massive loss of life. It is very possible that this new movie, based upon the late Tom Clancy’s final novel, is the manifestation of this dictate. Further, Clancy died under very mysterious circumstances. Did he get too close to the truth regarding the Russians and a possible false flag event? Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy, all were writers who got too close to the truth and paid the ultimate price for their journalistic trespasses.
Prima Fascia Evidence
There are three groups of people who are not in the George Carlin declared “Club”. The first group consists of people who are fully awake and are calling attention to the dangers being posed by the criminal enterprise that we call the Obama administration. The second group are Americans who understand that something is desperately wrong but are unclear as to the details. The third and final group are the sheep and no amount of proof of global elite mischief would convince them that the artificially created world of CNN is not true and that the terrorists truly do “hate us for our freedoms”. This third group could have pictures of Russian military officers, in bed, sleeping with their wives and they would still deny that there are Russian soldiers on American soil.
After publishing my last article in which I presented prima fascia evidence that this administration is in bed with the Russians by revealing the public existence of government documents such as the “U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations” as well identifying the fact that this agreement called for the importation of at least 15,000 Russian soldiers to train with FEMA for disaster preparedness. Ray Charles could have seen that this agreement was a smokescreen for more nefarious Russian military activity on American soil. For example, since when does America need 15,000 Russian troops to replace the National Guard with regard to a disaster response? Why would it be necessary to bring in Russian troops for some “disaster planning” all the way from Russia for some undefined emergency? And, as I have reported before, why is DHS taking control of the various state run National Guard units? This activity is a massive, well-coordinated extra-governmental organization, formed under the Obama administration which represents only one of almost two dozen similar “working groups” bringing together top U.S. and Russian officials for the purpose of creating a massive false flag operation. In a quick recap, my last article identified the existence of government documents from this bilateral agreement in which it is stated that FEMA and the Russian military are cooperating on a number of fronts including the enforcement of the “rule of law” according to previously referenced U.S. State Department documents. Enforcing the rule of law can only mean one thing: Russians and FEMA personnel, under the auspices of DHS will be enforcing the coming martial law. In the previous article, visual proof of the existence of Russian troops training in DHS vehicles was provided. Obama does not need Russian soldiers to write parking tickets. They are here to enforce martial law. Add this to the existence of the previously mentioned government documents, and you have an occupation force and it is going to represent the blue helmets of the UN, but it will be decidedly Russian. When the doors, at 3AM, across this country, get knocked down and the thugs in uniform pull you and your family out of your homes, they will be primarily Russian. The proof is there for all to see, at least for those that want to see it.
The Voice of Russia Discredits My Russian Troop Martial Law Assertions
Following the first set of articles that I published with regard to the threat that Russian soldiers on American soil posed, I was quickly invited to appear on Russian, state-run media. This was the 800 pound gorilla in the room.
I provided the Russians with the requested personal information which included my academic credentials which clearly revealed someone who taught research classes at the graduate level. They were also provided information which declared that I have taught post-secondary statistics, psychology and sociology courses for 17 years. When I was introduced on the Voice of Russia, my academic credentials as a researcher and an expert on human behavior were ignored as I was merely introduced as the host of The Common Sense Show. I recognized the set up for what it was and I decided to imitate Alex Jones’ handling of CNN’s Pierce Morgan in his gun control interview with Alex, in which Alex succeeded in blowing right by Morgan’s roadblocks and distractions to get right to the heart of the matte. I subsequently did the same by exposing the fact that martial law is on the verge of being implemented. Unable to discredit me in the radio interview, the Voice of Russia website posted the interview and labeled me as an “extremist”, despite the fact that every mention of martial law was linked back to my website for documentation. It is clear that the Russian government owned media was trying to cover their martial law tracks which was initially created by the presence of Russian soldiers on American soil.
Following the Russian slander against my documentation of the coming martial law, I exposed this agenda on my website. Again, the Russian propaganda machine sprung into action and the Voice of Russia’s “Catherine” wrote a rebuttal to the comment section of my website. Catherine began her posting on my website by stating ”I completely disagree that, as you said there’s (an) agenda of this interview…” Amazingly, Catherine went on to make the following statement “Yes, our radio is governmental, but it is not a complete brainwashing”. This left me reflecting on the fact that the “Lady doth protest too much, methinks”.
Two Japanese Generals had an all day beheading contest. Can the use of guillotines really be that far-fetched?
If we in the alternative and truthful media are unable to wake up a significant portion of this country as to the intentions of Russian troops on our soil, we will see the modern day version of the “Rape of Nanking” being visited upon American citizens and all the signs point to the fact that we do not have much time to prepare. Since publishing yesterday’s article, I have received a half dozen emails detailing eyewitness accounts of Russian soldiers in Gatlinburg, TN., Colorado Springs, CO, Ventura, CA., and Ketchikan, AK. Not only are there Russian troops on American soil, there are legitimate and demonstrable, long-standing military reasons which would prompt Russia to engage in a military takeover of the United States. However, please keep in mind that this takeover is being orchestrated by the bankers. Also, the next and last part in this series will clearly demonstrate that Obama and Putin work for the same interests. Obama has deliberately left the backdoor of this country open to an external invasion. This will be the topic of my last article in this series.
Dave Hodges is a retired college basketball coach and a mental health counselor as well as an award winning psychology, sociology, research and statistics professor. Dave Hodges also hosts the hard-hitting investigative and nationally syndicated talk show, The Common Sense Show, which will be moving to the Freedom Slips/Revolution Radio Network on February 9th. The show will have a new air time of 5pm-8pm Eastern on Sunday evenings.
[gview file=”http://www.teamlaw.org/DCOA-1871.pdf”]
[gview file=”http://www2.localsyr.com/media/lib/17/4/0/d/40dd177b-4132-4148-be91-44cb1b3aea0f/2014_State_of_State.pdf”]
Here you go: NYS is the litmus test/ beta testing ground. Page 122 but pay closw attention to Page 128 (140 pdf); I’d start at page 93 because of the climate change bullshit. This is NYS Cuomo’s state of the state: http://www2.localsyr.com/media/lib/17/4/0/d/40dd177b-4132-4148-be91-44cb1b3aea0f/2014_State_of_State.pdf
- Cops Now Have License to Murder REALLY NO SHIT
- Highly irradiated fish caught near crippled Japan nuclear plant
- The Mother f’er of All False Flag Attacks
- Nasa spacecraft spots ‘potentially hazardous’ new asteroid ! REALLY AGAIN ?
- 42.8CPM Radioactive SEA FOOD AND SNOW WOW !
- Don’t ever let that happen to you or your Country!
- General cements plan to end Obama’s reign
New Japanese island Niiji…
The NSA can hijack your W…
Everyone distracted whil…
Snow in Cairo for the fir…
Father Arrested REALLY Pi…
False Flag Attack In The …
The Mother f’er of All Fa…
- 9/11 Smoking Gun? WOW REALLY ! ! !
As reported on KTAR FM radio, Phoenix, AZ., on January 17, 2014, the cyber attacks upon Target Inc., have Russian mafia fingerprints on the identity theft of over one hundred million Americans. If one knows their Russian history, we know that since the pretend collapse of the “former” Soviet Union, the KGB changed uniforms and ran the Russian mafia which also happens to be the origin source of Putin. The notorious Russian mafia, the Russian KGB, there is no difference. For that matter, the notorious drug running America mafia, the CIA (e.g. Air America, Iran-Contra, creation of the LA cocaine street, cocaine- dealing gangs), there is no difference. The CIA and the KGB do not work exclusively for their host nations. These two rogue organizations do the heavy lifting for the banksters who seek to subjugate humanity and impose a dramatic depopulation agenda. For Bible-believing Christians, I am sure that you will take note of how this is foretold in scripture. I will let all of you fill in the details on the Comment Board connected to this article.
The Last Great American Garage Sale
Both country’s mafia/intelligence operations have acted as currency destabilization forces as well (see Confessions of An Economic Hit Man). Further, my sources tell me that the story about how these two intelligence operations employed economic sabotage agents to facilitate the promotion of the derivatives market which led to the collapse of the European and American financial markets, necessitating the bailouts. Since the declared end of the Cold War, in the late 1980′s, if a Russian citizen wanted Vodka, jeans or food, they obtained these products from the former KGB (aka the Russian mafia) and these products frequently were obtained on the black market, which became bigger than the “legitimate” economy. Noted enemies of humanity, such as George Soros, are part of this movement designed to collapse economies and hold governments hostage. The American derivatives debt is now listed at a hefty $1.5 quadrillion dollars. The entire GDP of the planet is only listed at between $65 trillion and $79 trillion dollars. What the Bastards from Basel have discovered is that the American economy is resilient because the American people still possess a high degree of creativity in some circles. The banksters fear that a currency collapse may not produce the utter devastation of the United States that was once hoped for. This is what George Soros has worked so hard to achieve. Therefore, Plan B has been initiated. Plan B is the invasion of the United States from both within and without.
Stark Reminders
As a reminder, previous parts of this series have documented the existence of Russian troops on American soil. Personally, in the last 30 days, I have now received 53 email notifications of Russian military troops training on American soil. In the previous article, I documented a bilateral agreement between FEMA and the Russian military to bring tens of thousands of Russian troops to American soil. I also previously noted, through the good work of Sherrie Wilcox, that Russian troops have already been spotted in the US wearing Dept of Homeland Security uniforms. See http://youtu.be/sVvvV2VSgew for just one example. I have previously interviewed, on The Common Sense Show, eyewitnesses to a significant Russian troop buildup in the country, with guests, such as Dr. Susan Helman, and others.
Grave Warnings
On December 22, 2013, I interviewed former deep-cover CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow, who was explicit about the presence of both Russian and Chinese troops in America and in Northern Mexico. He noted that the Russians are operating in cooperation with DHS. This is what Sherrie Wilcox uncovered in the abovementioned video. My insider sources have been providing me with this information for the past 18 months and it matches the Garrow account, word for word. ALL of my sources state that we will have a false flag attack(s) which will be followed by a declaration of martial law and will be largely enforced by Russian and Chinese soldiers. I have also been informed that as communities are forcibly vacated and relocated to detention facilities at stadiums, malls and heretofore secret camps, the remnants, or stragglers, of these communities will be sprayed with specifically designed bio-agents which are specially designed to completely terminate all forms of life which may have evaded the roundups. I am now just beginning to receive another piece of the puzzle which strongly appears to justify the coming bio-agent attacks. Have you ever wondered why various government agencies are hell-bent on obtaining as much DNA as possible? It is being obtained in order to be used in research.This is research which is designed to bypass certain HLA typings. In the past 48 hours, I have been approached by two whistleblowers who have worked in testing facilities both in California and Arizona. In both cases, these whistleblowers tell stories of research related to methodologies on how to bypass all HLA typings with regard to certain pathogens. The research is so volatile that many of the research personnel have fallen ill. Most disturbingly, the connecting dots are suggestive of the fact that some entity, within this country, is doing research on how to make a bio-agent so completely destructive so as not to leave any survivors. If 10 people were to be exposed to Ebola, 90% would die agonizing deaths as the victims would meet their collective demise by bleeding out of every cavity in the body as their organs literally melted down. However, 10% would survive because they would possess a special HLA typing which would help them to recover from the pathogen. The research appears to be seeking to create a pathogen which will be 100% fatal as it will overcome all types of HLA typings. What I am learning from the accounts of both whistleblowers, is that foreign doctors are involved in this research and the experimental subjects medical records are being deleted so as to not leave any trace. My military sources tell me that these pathogens will be delivered through specially designed drones and that both Russian and US intelligence sources are jointly conducting this operation. Now, to the $64 million dollar question, what does this have to do with Russian troops? The Russians have sufficient motivation to engage in an invasion of the United States because it fits both their national interests to do so and it satisfies the banking masters that they and the CIA both serve. Putin and Obama are playing for the same side. Even if Russia and America goes to war, it is planned because they are taking their marching orders from the banksters which control every single central bank on the planet. The following constitutes the Russian motivation for attacking the United States in order to obliterate our country even when a coming economic collapse may not.
Stalin’s Secret Plans to Invade Alaska In 1951
It has long been in the cards for Russia to invade the US. In 1999, at a conference held at Yale University, previously secret Russian documents revealed that Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin had undergone extensive planning in preparation to invade North America as early as 1951. The event was one of a series of programs sponsored by the Washington D.C.-based Cold War International History Project (CWIHP), which monitors new documents pertaining to the Cold War. The Yale conference centered on Stalin’s relationship with the United States. These documents, from the Cold War, revealed that Stalin had a definitive plan to attack Alaska in 1951-52 and had undergone major military preparations in anticipation of the invasion. Russia has always considered itself to be landlocked and this served as the major motivation for Russia’s planned incursion which would have given Russia access to good sea ports. Stalin subsequently died and the plans were abandoned, at least temporarily.
Historic Russian Policy Dictates An American Invasion Is Inevitable
It is clear that any Russian attack upon the United States will come through Alaska and I am now of the opinion that Russia will not wait for us to attack Iran before attacking the United States. The following paragraphs will demonstrate why Alaska is so vitally important to the fulfillment of Russia’s communist plans for world domination. British geographer and military historian, Sir Halford MacKinder,in1904, wrote an article that changed how politicians and military men viewed the world. It was a perception that influenced Hitler to send his troops eastward in an attack upon Russia in 1940. It was also the driving force that led to the underpinnings for superpower foreign policy which guided foreign policy for both sides during the Cold War. The theory that had so influenced nearly three generations of strategists was called simply, the Heartland Theory.
Basically, Mackinder’s Heartland Theory viewed geo-political military history as a struggle between land-based and sea-based powers. Mackinder believed the world had become a “closed” system, with virtually no new lands left for the Europeans powers to discover, to conquer, and to fight over without creating chaos elsewhere. According to the theory the common denominator for world conflict has been reduced to sea powers vs. land-based powers which would subsequently struggle for dominance of the world, and the ultimate victor would be in a position to set up a world empire. The determining factor in this struggle was physical geography; “Man and not nature initiates, but nature in large measure controls”.
Obama Is Complicit In the Planned Russian Invasion
Obama has given away seven strategic, oil-rich Alaskan islands to the Russians at a time when we could be going to war with Russia. This exemplifies Obama’s treason and is the fulfillment of the MacKinder Heartland Theory. At minimum, the oil, alone, from these Islands should be considered to be a military asset. I remain very concerned that these seven islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea could also be used as a military staging area from which to invade Alaska and defend its new claims of the mineral rich resources at the North Pole. The giving away of seven strategic, oil-rich Islands is a good start to support a claim of treason because Obama is purposely weakening the defense of Alaska. Also, local residents along the Alaskan coast have reported to me that the massive over flights along the coast have all but ceased. The F-22′s have disappeared. The Air Force says the flights have been suspended because of oxygen concerns which are impacting the pilots. Then shouldn’t the flights be replaced by F-16′s? What about national security? These over flights have been a staple of Alaskan defense since the Cold War. If we are close to war with Iran and its ally, Russia, then shouldn’t we beefing up our patrols in Alaska? Recently, the ATF asked for gun registration records in Alaska. Perhaps the Russians need to know, in advance, where the most civilian opposition will come from when they take over Alaska. Perhaps the Russians need to know which areas to deploy HLA resistant bio-weapons.
Russian troops began to carry out joint anti-terrorism drills in America in May of 2012. What terrorists could they be practicing for? The influx of Russian soldiers maybe began just as a trickle with a couple of dozen of Russians stationed at Fort Carson. However, with the FEMA bilateral agreement, it is clear the floodgates have burst wide open and Obama’s treachery is fully exposed. There exists documented facts which support the reasons why Alaska should be placed on high alert. Russia recently sent four brigades to the Arctic. The Arctic can be used as a staging area for the invasion of the North Pole to protect its recent mineral claims, but more importantly, this area of the Arctic could serve as a base of operations from which to invade Alaska with the help of pre-positioned assets within the state. In March of 2012, with a microphone left on, Obama made an unguarded comment to Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev to be “more lenient on nuclear issues” because he could be more flexible “after the November election”. Does more flexible mean killing the Keystone Pipeline prior to giving away seven rich Alaskan Islands to the Russians? Does more flexible mean letting the Russians train in Colorado Springs and in Alaska? Does being more flexible mean compromising our defense of Alaska?
More Russian Treachery Revealed
It is now on the record that Putin said that he was going to make his country the greatest country, economically, as he said in print that he is claiming part of Alaska. Adding fuel to the fire, it is now clear that Russia is also establishing plans for an Arctic industrialization. In geopolitical and military terms, it could be an easy claim to make if the military resistance in Alaska is greatly compromised, and it has been. The last thing that country should do on a potential front line area is to close military facilities and bases, yet, this is exactly what is happening in Alaska. Obama and the Base Realignment and Closure Commission have been closing bases and/or reducing base operations all through Alaska. It has gotten so bad that the Alaskan Governor hired a lobbyist to prevent military reduction. Three years ago, a prominent Russian Professor predicted the end of the United States. The professor stated that Alaska would return to the control of Russia and that the United States would be split into six pieces. John McCain recently said “I think it’s very clear that Russian ambitions are to restore the old Russian Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the Russian Empire.” There is also a tunnel from Russia to Alaska being constructed. Are we funding our own demise with our tax money which is designed to set up Russia’s future? Last summer, Russia challenged west coast detection capabilities of our military by making provocative moves with their submarines inside of our territorial waters. Also, in a stunning move, Putin banned adoptions of Russian children by American parents. Could it be likely that he is looking out for the Russian adoptees as this is a reaction to what Putin knows is coming?
To those that say that Russia is a changed nation you are right. Russia has not changed because it is embracing Christianity, its government is decidedly playing for the dark side when it comes to spirituality. The Russians are not embracing democracy as they still kill dissident journalists and the mafia runs the country. To those that think Russia is our friend, you are deluded, naive and vulnerable. Russia is not our friend and if the American military does not step up and stop this madness, you will soon learn how real this threat is. Unlike George H. W. Bush used to constantly say, “God Bless America”, I really mean it. Short of some kind of spiritual intervention, we are all in a great deal of danger.
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