Yesterday was the last day Connecticut residents could register “certain assault weapons as well as high-capacity magazines,” under a new state law, according to NBC Connecticut.
Many speculate reports of long lines, in addition to threats that unregistered firearm owners would immediately become criminals come January 1st for possessing “illegal contraband,” merely serve to scare gun owners into complying with the unconstitutional mandate. However, the tactic doesn’t seem to be working.
As of Christmas only a paltry 25,000 “assault weapons” had been registered, in addition to only 17,000 “high-capacity” magazines.
“I’m willing to bet that 25,000 registered assault weapons represents a minority of the firearms that are legally required to be registered under the law,” suspected J.D. Tuccille of Reason. “Considering that the vast majority of ‘assault weapons’ use magazines restricted under the new law, and that most people purchase multiple magazines for their rifles, 17,000 registrations in that category should be seen as wildly underwhelming.”
While only a dismal minority actually showed up to registration events, the move to implement the law shows the state means business when it comes to eviscerating the peoples’ rights.
“The gun-grabbers have managed to scare less than ten-percent of Connecticut gun owners into compliance with this unconstitutional new law, men and women who never cherished nor understood liberty, nor the blood sacrifices made for them by previous generations,” observed Bob Owens writing for BearingArms.com. “Over time, the government will tighten these restrictions even more, until those foolish enough to sign up for this registration scheme are disarmed entirely.”
As enraging as the photo is, Tuccille emphasizes laws like these, which overtly infringe on the Second Amendment, have historically been ignored or defied by the American people.
In a white paper on the results of gun control efforts around the world, Gun Control and the Reduction of the Number of Arms, Franz Csaszar, a professor of criminology at the University of Vienna, Austria, wrote, “non-compliance with harsher gun laws is a common event.” He estimated that Germans registered 3.2 million of 17-20 million affected weapons when registration was implemented in that country in 1972. Austrians, he says, registered perhaps a quarter to a third of weapons subject to a similar law in 1996.
When California imposed “assault weapon” registration in 1990, The New York Times reported “only about 7,000 weapons of an estimated 300,000 in private hands in the state have been registered” at the time the grace period came to a close.
As we and others have exhaustively pointed out, no matter the volume of reassurances from liberals, gun registration – as innocently as it initially begins – inevitably leads to confiscation.
Just ask the citizens of California if this is the case.
In a few weeks, federal officials may require new vehicles to have trackable GPS “safety” devices which could be hacked to cause automobile accidents and may even usher in mileage taxes.
With the V2V device, the GPS location for all new cars could be recorded. Credit: Minesweeper via Wiki
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is spending the next couple of weeks mulling over its decision to install vehicle-to-vehicle communications – known as V2V for short – into new vehicles which would allow them to “talk” to each other through GPS data under the guise of “accident prevention,” according to ABC News.
However, one official involved with the government study of the devices admitted that hackers could abuse the system to create mass havoc on the road.
“Who has access and how do you secure the data?” David Wise of the Government Accountability Office asked.
He even said that the V2V would rely on GPS data that can be used to easily track a vehicle – and thus the occupants inside.
“Privacy is a real challenge,” Wise said.
This is refreshing honesty from a government official.
The fact that the V2V system could be hacked to cause high-speed pile-ups exposes the political lie that these devices were designed to prevent accidents. In fact, bureaucrats want the V2V installed in vehicles in order to track Americans like animals in another sick extension of the domestic spy grid pioneered by the NSA.
With vehicle tracking, big government politicians could also accomplish their goal of taxing drivers by every mile driven.
Lawmakers could even use this sort of technology to pass laws that allow local governments to mail drivers tickets for “recorded traffic violations” as they already do with red light cameras.
And to really stick it into drivers even further, the costs for the GPS technology will be tacked onto the price of new cars – forcing Americans to pay for their own enslavement.
Take a look at the following articles to see for yourself the hidden agenda behind the V2V technology:
Gov’t & Banksters in 2014 (Document Attached)
[gview file=”http://stopthecrime.net/unfunded-pension-obligations.pdf”]
[gview file=”http://www.teamlaw.org/DCOA-1871.pdf”]
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