Childhood Friend & Classmate Of Barack Obama Speaks Out! Videos
Dr Manning interviews one of Obama’s neighborhood, childhood aquantence’s, Mia Marie Pope.

Barry Soetoro is no longer registered to vote in D.C.
A week ago, on July 20, 2013, I did a post on the curious fact that although Barack Obama is registered to vote in Chicago — and indeed, he did early vote at a Chicago precinct last November — a Barry Soetoro, with the same birthdate as Obama (August 4, 1961) and with the White House’s zip code (20500) is registered to vote as a Democrat in Washington, D.C.
The date of that voter registration was October 15, 2012 — 22 days before the pivotal November 6 elections.
I explained that “Barry Soetoro” was young Obama’s name when he was adopted by Obama’s mother’s (Stanley Ann Dunham) second husband, the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro.
Arizona Sheriff On Obama Birth Issue
Obama boycotting Georgia eligibility hearing
Lawyer urges secretary of state to cancel inquiry
- August 7, 2012
- By: Robert Moon
- An Obama classmate from Columbia University called him out this week for stirring up a bogus smear campaign against Romney over his taxes, insisting that Obama’s motive is not only to distract voters from the worst economic recovery in post-WWII history, but also to avoid a far more scandalous and devastating skeleton Obama has hiding in his own closet…buried deep inside those college records he still refuses to unseal (and has paid millions to keep under lock and key).From Wayne Allyn Root (via The Blaze):
If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.
But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.
In other words, Obama is going to great lengths to prevent the release of his records from a school that no one remembers him attending (which means he either completely lied about graduating there or failed a lot of classes, which would prevent him from getting financial aid) and that he had no means of paying for at the time.
An Obama classmate from Columbia University called him out this week for stirring up a bogus smear campaign against Romney over his taxes, insisting that Obama’s motive is not only to distract voters from the worst economic recovery in post-WWII history, but also to avoid a far more scandalous and devastating skeleton Obama has hiding in his own closet…buried deep inside those college records he still refuses to unseal (and has paid millions to keep under lock and key).
From Wayne Allyn Root (via The Blaze):
If anyone should have questions about Obama’s record at Columbia University, it’s me. We both graduated (according to Obama) Columbia University, Class of ’83. We were both (according to Obama) Pre-Law and Political Science majors. And I thought I knew most everyone at Columbia. I certainly thought I’d heard of all of my fellow Political Science majors. But not Obama (or as he was known then- Barry Soetoro). I never met him. Never saw him. Never even heard of him. And none of the classmates that I knew at Columbia have ever met him, saw him, or heard of him.
But don’t take my word for it. The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.
In other words, Obama is going to great lengths to prevent the release of his records from a school that no one remembers him attending (which means he either completely lied about graduating there or failed a lot of classes, which would prevent him from getting financial aid) and that he had no means of paying for at the time.
Root adds:
If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:
A) He rarely ever attended class.
B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.
Root suspects that Obama’s mother never changed his citizenship back when they returned to the U.S., that the records Obama is so fiercely guarding reveal this beyond question, and that this is the reason Obama cannot allow this conversation to take place…hence all the relentless smearing of Romney as having something to hide in his background.
It’s Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt. It’s a lethally-effective Chicago Machine tactic that our “post-partisan” Marxist-in-chief has used repeatedly to personally destroy his opponents.
By: Edmund Jenks – West Coast Editor
The internet is much more fun then what Americans use to do to become informed a couple of decades ago … read a newspaper, attend a class, or go to the library.
Information is readily available and, more importantly through the use of social media and communications web programs (Twitter and the expanded application, Tweet Deck), just flows to one’s consciousness with incredible speed with greater depth/diversity than ever before.
Take, for example these two items that involve photo identification and two members of a family united through marriage.
The two members of a family related through marriage would be from the first family of the United States, the 44th President and his wife Barack and Michelle Obama, and the photo identification information that was presented/found on the internet involves two completely different issues.
The first issue that involves photo ID has the information communicated to inform all of those people who wish to attend and meet with Michelle Obama, at a downtown Washington D.C. Barnes & Noble store located at 555 12 St. NW, at E St. On Friday June 8th.
It’s difficult to go on a book tour when you’re married to the Leader of the Free World, but First Lady Michelle Obama will visit a Washington, DC, Barnes & Noble bookstore over the next week to autograph copies of her newly published book American Grown: The Story of the White House Kitchen Garden and Gardens Across America. Image Credit: Whitehouse via Obama Foodorama
This excerpted and edited from NewsBusters –
First Lady Requires Photo ID for Her Book Signings; Voter ID Law-hating Media Fail to Note Obama Hypocrisy
By John Bates | June 06, 2012 | 13:11
The Obama administration has done its best to oppose states from instituting new, stricter voter ID laws, complaining that many minority voters lack photo identification. But those same folks it wants voting in November are apparently not welcome anywhere near the First Lady’s book signings. Something tells me that the same media outlets comparing voter ID laws to the Jim Crow Laws, however, won’t see any hint of hypocrisy here, if they even report the story at all.
As stated on the blog Obama Foodorama:
On Friday, June 8th, those wishing to attend the event must purchase a copy of the First Lady’s book at the location and leave it at the store, according to the employee. At the same time, customers must also submit their social security number and show an official photo ID (driver’s license, passport) to a Secret Service agent, and they will be issued a wristband to the First Lady’s event on June 12.( Emphasis added)
The liberal media, particularly Obama-boosting cable network MSNBC has done its best to attack voter ID laws as discriminatory at best and racist at worst.
[Reference Here]
The second bit of information involving photo identification and an Obama has to do with this Barry Soetoro proof of status and identification to New York’s Columbia University issued in 1981.
If you hadn’t guessed, Barry Soetoro is how our current president Barack Obama referred to himself as he pursued his life before finishing his education in liberal political philosophy and law.
Some of the interesting information found on the photo ID card image shared on Twitter is that it was issued in 1981, the bearer had attained an Associate of Arts degree (Occidental College located near Eagle Rock, CA – assumed), the ID number is #600962011054355, and that the bearer is designated as a “Foreign Student” (foreign to where? – out of state, out of nation, out of this world????).
The second case of Photo ID contains more questions than it has answers because it was shared at Twitter with 140 characters alerting those who noticed the Tweet about the existence of the Photo ID Card and a link since lost.
What we do know though is that Barry Soetoro is now our President and that this information about him was never shared before his election to our highest office and it would have been nice to know that Barry/Barack was one of the few college students who had the attention to detail to have attained an Associates of Arts degree along his path to a full Bachelors Degree and professors credential.
By the way, what were his grades at Occidental College, Columbia University, and … etc.?
The ID of Barry Soetoro for Columbia University is not authentic because the ID template used for the image appearing on Twitter was not used by Columbia until 1996 – fraud busted but real questions remain … did Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama actually get an AA Degree from Occidental? and … what were his grades at Occidental College, Columbia University, and … etc.?
About Snopes.com
The Obama Administration isn’t joking, however, when it insists on people having to show proper identification for a book signing with Michelle Obama but also insists that NO ID should be required for a person to vote for/against a binding law or a representative to any political office here in the United States.
National Security Threat: Obama’s Birth Certificate Proven Fraudulent
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Arpaio News Conference on Obama Birth Certificate
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Joe Video 1: Recap the evidence from 1st press conference
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Joe Video 2: Letter Proves Hawaii Gives Birth Certificate to People Born Outside The USA
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Joe Video 3: Manual Coding On Barack Obama’s Birth Certificate Proves It’s Not Legit
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Joe Video 4: Government Employee Calls Cops On Cold Case Posse In Hawaii
Disclose.tv – Sheriff Joe Video 5: Proof Obama’s Birth Number Is Off and He Wasn’t Delivered at Kapiolani
One of the biggest cover-ups in U.S. political history
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s cold case posse has confirmed that President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is “definitely fraudulent,” prompting the media and political establishment to launch a frenzied spin campaign in an effort to deflect attention from the astounding new evidence uncovered by the investigation.
In addition to the deluge of previous evidence clearly proving Obama’s long form birth certificate had been tampered with, including the fact that when analyzed the document clearly shows that layered text has been added in artificially and that the scan of the document is not an original, Arpaio and his posse unearthed tantalizing new information.
The most stunning revelation is the fact that in numerous places, Obama’s birth certificate has had information added at a later date than the original.
The posse was able to obtain the original 1961 coding guide used to fill in the birth certificates at the exact time Obama’s document was filed. For example, when describing the “race of father,” the number 9 on the coding guide indicates “unknown or not stated.”
The number 9 appears on Obama’s birth certificate in section 9 entitled “race of father.” This means that the race of Obama’s father was unknown or not stated at the time the original birth certificate was filed. However, the box also contains the word “African,” which was not even used as a descriptive term at the time. The fact that the document contradicts itself in that it denotes the “race of father” as not stated but then also “African” clearly indicates that “African” was added in at a later date.
The same error can be found in box 12b, “kind of business or industry,” which is also marked with a number 9 to denote ‘not stated’ yet also contains the word “University,” again clearly suggesting the document was tampered with at a later date.
Sheriff Arpaio has now promised to elevate the issue to a higher authority within the federal government.
“Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security,” said Arpaio.
If you’re wondering how the media and the political establishment will respond to this latest bombshell evidence that Obama’s background is completely fraudulent, look no further than two of the individuals featured in a Fox 10 news report.
Instead of attempting to respond to the astounding facts about the fraudulent nature of the birth certificate unearthed during the investigation, critics resorted to emotional manipulation.
Former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods labeled the issue “an absolute joke” and questioned why Arpaio would even look into the matter, before falsely claiming that most conservatives had “given up on this issue,” when in reality polls show that a majority of likely Republican voters believe that Obama was born in another country. Woods also labeled the matter “fake” and “offensive,” relying on the use of emotive words rather than challenging the facts surrounding the suspect birth certificate.
Democrat Paul Penzone, who is running against Arpaio for Maricopa County Sheriff, also displayed a jaw-dropping disregard for irony when he responded to the new evidence by stating, “I feel like it’s groundhog day, I’m hearing the same thing over and over again but you’re not going to convince me otherwise – I don’t want to hear any more.”
In other words, ‘my mind’s already made up – don’t bother me with the facts.’
“The media has demeaned this investigation at every turn as silly and wasteful,” said Lisa Allen, MCSO spokesperson. “We simply ask right now that you put your preconceived notions about this listen to the facts and if you can keep an open mind.”
However, none of the criticism of the investigation has dared to address the facts because they cannot be shot down. Instead, opponents of Sheriff Arpaio have cast aspersions about political motivations behind the investigation while others have resorted to name calling and petty jibes.
No matter what spin the media and political establishment attempt to put on this, the facts cannot be denied. President Obama’s birth certificate betrays innumerable instances clearly indicating that the document has been tampered with in an effort to manufacture the myth that Obama was born in the United States.
The manifestly logical conclusion that he was not creates an urgent national security threat and represents one of the biggest cover-ups in U.S. political history.
Jon Lovitz spent much of George W. Bush’s presidency doing what nearly all of his peers did – making fun of the Commander in Chief.
And no one said a peep.
When the “Saturday Night Live” alum chided President Barack Obama for saying the rich don’t pay their fair share earlier this year, he ended up letting a security escort walk him to his car.
Lovitz tells Big Hollywood that his now infamous podcast rant against Obama’s class warfare rhetoric led to death threats left on the voice mail of his Universal City-based comedy club.
“I know where you eat,” one message warned.
The comedian, who owns the Jon Lovitz Comedy Club and Podcast Theatre, says he isn’t concerned about his safety. He is riled up, however, about the media, his fellow Democrats and why questioning the president’s policies means complete strangers now accuse him of being a racist.
The wide-ranging discussion with Big Hollywood also touched on his evolving views on business and the public’s reaction to his Obama critiques.
The real story, as Lovitz sees it, is how the press is going after comedians. He praised two conservative media outlets for their coverage of his Obama comments.
“Your site and Twitchy.com, they get the humor. The Huffington Post … their comedy guys have no sense of humor and their headlines are lying,” he says. The latter referenced Lovitz’s guest hosting gig for fellow “SNL” star Dennis Miller on the latter’s weekday radio program.
We never said we wished more comedians would mock Obama, but that’s the way The Huffington Post’s headline read, he explains.
Lovitz also got called a racist for critiquing the president, even though he’s never been associated publicly with any racially insensitive comments. It particularly galls him since one of his next projects is co-starring on “Mr. Box Office,” a new television series with a mostly black cast.
“I don’t see the president as black or white. He’ a man,” Lovitz says, adding he’s frustrated by his own party rushing to slap a racist label on him.
“What I find bizarre is how the quote liberals are bringing up race … saying, ‘shut the fuck up.’ I find them so close minded. I thought you were liberal,” he says. “You should be tolerant of everybody whether they agree with you or not.”
Lovitz also takes issue with organizations like GLAAD which pounce on comedians for saying politically incorrect material on stage.
“They don’t understand irony and sarcasm. They take what [comedians] say literally … it’s ridiculous,” he says.
Lovitz hasn’t received any specific feedback, good or bad, from his fellow comedians after the fallout from his Obama comments.
“They’re not not supportive,” he says. The everyday people he meets had a more vocal reaction.
“I can’t tell you how many people came up and thanked me,” he says.
Lovitz isn’t wanting for work these days, and he says his recent publicity hasn’t hurt that. His current projects include the upcoming “Grown Ups 2,” the aforementioned sitcom, his comedy club and frequent stand-up appearances (he will appear Aug. 11 along with fellow “SNL” co-star Tim Meadows at the SRC Arena in Syracuse).
It’s his chores as a comedy club owner which have given him insight into the current economic situation. He routinely asks fellow business owners how they’re managing to make ends meet in this economy, and he usually gets a negative report back.
“I don’t think I really understood what the economy meant to the degree that I do now,” he says.
He’s not blaming Obama for that situation. He’s a registered Democrat, and his beef with the President doesn’t mirror what Miller says on his nationally syndicated radio show. Lovitz is more outraged by Obama’s soak the rich rhetoric, which he thinks is a cheap distraction from bigger issues.
Lovitz isn’t primarily known as a political humorist. Sure, he memorably played Michael Dukakis during his stint on “SNL,” but he’s better known for his liar character, Tommy Flanagan, as well as donning a cheap red jumpsuit to play the devil on the NBC sketch show.
More recently, he’s supplied sturdy supporting work in 2010’s “Casino Jack” and will voice Quasimodo in next month’s animated feature “Hotel Transylvania.”
Between acting gigs, Lovitz will keep on speaking what he sees as truth to power, no matter what the reaction may be.
“I meant what I said … I said what I said to make people laugh,” he says. “I expressed myself In a humorous way.”
“Sometimes,” he adds, “the best way to make ‘em laugh is to show ‘em how you honestly feel.”
Psy-Op Specialist Gunman in Sikh Shooting Frames Veterans, Constitutionalist and 9/11 Truthers
Susanne Posel
August 7, 2012
Domestic terrorism has come to light with the Sikh shooting. The US government is not only coming after the 2nd Amendment, but now framing US Army veterans in a false flag operation where extremists are the new threat.
Mainstream media (MSM) are pushing the gunman’s background as an Army veteran who “may have been a white supremacist” with a “9/11 tattoo”. US investigators are saying that the suspect shot by police, Wade Michael Page, was a psychological operations specialist from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Page was trained in parachute deployment and had a good conduct record while also receiving the National Defense Service Medal.
Page’s work as a psy-op specialist would have consisted of analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used to coerce the general population for a specific and desired psychological effect. While some MSM reports are claiming that psy-ops are reserved for foreign nations, it is clear that the US military conduct them on Americans routinely.
The US government’s definition of a psychological operation is an “integrated employment of the core capabilities of electronic warfare, computer network operations, psychological operations, military deception, and operations security, in concert with specified supporting and related capabilities, to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own. Also called IO.”
Greg Haanstad, First Assistant US Attorney in Milwaukee was the official who identified the killed shooter as Page. The description is that Page was a “frustrated neo-Nazi” who led a white supremacy band claims the Southern Poverty Law Center(SPLC). Page is also a native from Colorado.
The SPLC states that Page, supposed front man for the white supremacist rock band, “also attempted to purchase goods from the neo-Nazi National Alliance, then America’s most important hate group.”
The National Alliance has a history with the FBI. One of its leaders worked for the federal agency with original order to infiltrate the organization.
More misleading reports point to the gunman being a radical , while he only have traffic tickets on his criminal record.
Even police , prior to any knowledge from proper investigations, are touting that the lone gunman was assumed to “belong to a hate group or some other violent group.”
In April, members of the House of Representatives wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Muller, warning about this exact type of incident and requesting that the FBI monitor Sikh temples.
Joseph Crowley, House Representative who wrote the letter to Holder and Muller said that Sikh-Americans could be targets for “hate crimes” because of the Sikh’s “distinct identity and common misperceptions with respect to their attire and appearance” saying that this group is often erroneously believed to be “affiliated with extremists and were somehow responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks.”
The point is to shift the social meme in one direction, ignore the initial and eye witness reports that contradict the official story, and move forward with the narrative that veterans and ultimately gun owners and constitutionalists are dangerous.
The Sikhs are often misperceived by Americans are Islamic extremists, or Muslims who were involved with the 9/11 attacks. While the police only killed one man, it is clear from eye witness reports that there were actually four – white males, dressed in “dark clothing”. This description is common of government operations where trained military conduct a mission, then disappear; leaving only the clues they wanted to be discovered.
The Chairman of the Sikh Temple commented that a “few suspicious men were seen on the Temple premises” furthering the fact that eye witnesses saw more than a lone wolf shooter; as the MSM and law enforcement would have us believe.
And other witnesses say that these four men were coordinated, as if carrying out a mission while inside the Sikh temple.
The Milwaukee police and FBI were on the scene; with the police chief announcing that the FBI was conducting the investigation at the crime scene. Since then, the FBI have made it clear that they are claiming this shooting as a domestic terrorist plot against the Sikhs with DHS intelligence leading officials to this most likely theory.
The latest shooting, coinciding with the Batman shooting, is creating a national narrative about gun control and planting into the social meme that domestic threats are more likely than the average American thinks.
Interestingly, new gun legislation in Wisconsin allow for concealed weapons to be carried with a permit, as of November 2011.
While budget cuts in Wisconsin state legislator and other state agencies may play a role in justifying the need for more law enforcement, the US government have specialized Marine MPs that can and probably will be deployed to assist the local police – if they have not arrived already.
The Deli Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee has requested of the US government that the prevailing “gun culture” in America be curbed and “expose the conspiracy behind the shooting”, in a letter to Nancy Powell, US Ambassador. The DSGMC condemned the shooting as an “inhuman act of killing innocent people” and that the US government needs to make sure that this does not happen again.
The dialogue about gun restriction has not only become a global debate, but as American society is viewed as violent because of our 2nd Amendment rights, we must have those rights taken from us to curb the propensity toward “hate crime” murders.
Obama, speaking about the Sikh and Batman shooting that these two incidents have happened too close together to be coincidental and that Americans should “do some soul searching to examine additional ways that we can reduce violence.”
In their own globalist-way, by creating the Problem and encouraging the Reaction, they are hoping for a specific Solution. Two gun-related shootings involving government planted stooge; one more shocking than the other with the hopes of getting the American public to give-up their guns.

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
The booklet, which is thirty-six pages long, is printed in blue ink (and, on the cover, silver/grey ink), using offset lithography. It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976.
Front cover (outside) – note Barack Obama listed in alphabetical order
Front cover (inside)
Jay Acton no longer represents Obama. However, Jane Dystel still lists Obama as a client on her agency’s website.
According to the booklet itself, the text was edited by Miriam Goderich, who has since become Dystel’s partner at Dystel & Goderich, an agency founded in 1994. Breitbart News attempted to reach Goderich by telephone several times over several days. Her calls are screened by an automated service that requires callers to state their name and company, which we did. She never answered.
The design of the booklet was undertaken by Richard Bellsey, who has since closed his business. Bellsey, reached by telephone, could not recall the exact details of the booklet, but told Breitbart News that it “sounds like one of our jobs, like I did for [Acton & Dystel] twenty years ago or more.”
The parade of authors alongside Obama in the booklet includes politicians, such as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill; sports legends, such as Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; and numerous Hollywood celebrities.
The reverse side of the page that features Barack Obama includes former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and early-1990s “boy band” pop sensation New Kids On the Block.
Hawaii considering law to ignore Obama ‘birthers’
Occidental College transcripts provides concrete evidence to annul Obama presidency.
Posted by PC Corruption, Latest news, World newsSaturday, June 18th, 2011
Newspaper print of LA
An apology for the “mistake” in Barack Obama’s official biography has conveniently been rushed out onto the world scene in rapid-response to the bombshell published today at Breitbart.com and made truly viral at the Drudge Report.
Miriam Goderich came forward as the editor of the text of the bio, and apologized for what she claims was “nothing more than a fact checking error” committed back in 1991 (which was, however, apparently not corrected until 2007). Goderich quickly exonerated the sitting president as well, adding, “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.”
Breitbart.com reported their attempt to contact Goderich for comment over several days, but received no response. Yet, she was quick to come forward once the news broke. The White House has not yet issued an official response, as of the time of writing.
The bio, and background information on it developed by Breitbart.com, demonstrates that Obama was promoted by a literary agent for years as a Kenyan-born mover/shaker worthy of a PR front while the president of Harvard’s Law Review. Thus, accordingly, the constitutional scholar and his team must have finally realized the printed “mistake” circa 2007 once his presidential ship was already sailing, and fixed it before somebody got the wrong idea about his eligibility.
Yahoo! News, who spoke with Goderich, released news of the apology. In doing so, writer Dylan Stableford makes his own ridiculous attempt to further spin the elephant in the room on the basis of the “mistake” explanation with prose that would make Orwell shutter. He opens his article with the declaration that a “possible source” of rumors about Obama’s birth in a foreign country “has been identified,” all while refusing to acknowledge the serious implications that should be met with equally serious investigation.
Instead, this bio, published over a 16 year period according to Archive.org records, is only the latest piece of information to pin Kenya as Obama’s birthplace and/or to cast serious doubt on claims of his U.S.-proclaimed birth. Other “sources” of the “rumor” have included statements from Barack Obama’s own family members– including his wife, Michelle, Barack himself via “jokes” and, of course, reports concerning his Kenyan grandmother, who claims to have witnessed his birth. That, and missing records in Kenya, et al., allegedly-forged documents, irreconcilable accounts of his life, and so much more.
‘Born in Kenya’: Obama’s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991
Dylan Stableford
Yahoo News
May 18, 2012Obama’s former literary agency misidentified his birthplace as Kenya while trying to promote the then-Harvard Law grad as an author in 1991.
“This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me–an agency assistant at the time,” Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. “There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more.” >>>READ FULL ARTICLE
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