Who are these people? And what are these videos about? #WinnerTakesEarth ? What is that about?
They have a website. I dont really see anything that would give away what this is about. The writing loos runic to me. Runes are an ancint pagan norse writing form. Thoughts? -Mort
The Last Card After The Asteroids: False Flag Alien Invasion
The future is already here.
Advanced antigravity craft, back-engineered by humans; using extraterrestrial technology. And all of the antigravity technology is in the control of the organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up.
Since the Cabal effectively control the development and special uses of these craft, there remains a very high danger that the Cabal will use its growing antigravity fleet to try to repel the Star Visitors and even conduct Space War. Elements within the U.S. Air Force and the Naval Space Command are making preparations for such a Space War or even plans to demonize visiting Star Persons by staging a Fake “Alien Invasion”.
In 1974, Von Braun revealed that dark powerful forces controlling world wealth and political power had over a third of a century ago planned to create a future fake “extraterrestrial invasion” to acquire total global control. (Meanwhile this global plutocratic cartel has maintained the UFO Cover-Up as a cover, while they prepare for their “Great Day”.)
The strategy that was being used to educate the public and decision makers was to use scare tactics.
- First: The Russians were the enemy. (The Cold War)
- Second: The terrorists. 9/11.
- The third threat: A. Identify and take over third-world countries. B. Create financial crisis, economic collapse, social unrest and uncertainly.
- The fourth threat: The asteroids (A test case was the infamous comet Elenin and now this year, it’s the year of the asteroids and comets.)
- And the last card: The False Flag Alien Invasion. (The Cabal will use the antigravity craft back-engineered fleet to fool the viewing public into thinking that they are extraterrestrial UFOs.)
In the present context of increasingly abundant open flights of UFOs ‘Star Visitor craft’ over populated areas, the Cabal have devised special measures that they believe will sell the public on the “reality” of the “alien invasion” the Cabal have planned. The film industry, with their ongoing presentations of UFOs and Aliens films, funded by the Cabal and powers within the governments, is part of the strategy to fool the people.
At this point, the prophecy of Von Braun becomes true, phase 1, 2 and 3 already happened. Phase 4 is starting and hopefully the real extraterrestrials will take action to prevent that phase 5 will happen in the near future.
Read full articles:
Classified Advanced Antigravity Aerospace Craft Utlizing Back-engineered Extraterrestrial Technology
Source: drboylan.com
A three-meter football displaying the sign then gouged a huge hole in the turf at London’s amateur football hub Hackney Marshes 24 hours later, while New York City’s Times Square was struck by similar images on the tourist spot’s world famous digital billboards.
Further sightings of the symbol have been witnessed in the Copacabana neighborhood of Rio and on the Brazilian city’s Santa Marta hill, but this is the first time that the mystery has spread to a professional football arena. Also repeatedly spotted at the locations has been the message: #WINNERTAKESEARTH
People are getting confused about the mysterious black-robed men who are showing up at professional soccer games, and the mysterious circles that are appearing at spots around the world that are affiliated with the men.
These guys are creepy looking and at the end of the last video, it said, more on November 1, so we have to see what’s next. Is this just a fake movie promo or what? The 11 men dress in black robes with hoods with identical symbols emblazoned on the front of the robes. People all over the globe have been wondering what is the mission of these men – who look devilish.
I did a bit of research of this and because I spent ALOT of time, found the home site, http://www.mysteriouscircles.com/ CALLED WINNER TAKES EARTH!~
The clips below to me, are a Very Hollywood style promo piece, music and all. This could be the fake alien invasion….and I mean fake. Maybe these guys really do live in the center of the earth, they look so very pale.
Don’t get fooled if a company bought Times Square Billboard space, you know a giant corporation is behind this. One of the major film studios for sure.
They can’t be real aliens as they would not do a banner like this…just sayn
photo may explain ALOT via http://www.circlemakers.org/new_documents.html
Soccer fans saw them making odd, synchronized movements during the Chelsea-Manchester City Game at Stamford Bridge in London on Sunday.
The figures are dressed the same as men who were seen at another game on Sunday, at Juventus Stadium in Turin, Italy; and a soccer match the previous day at the Allianz Arena in Munich, Germany.
The men at times hold up tape with the same symbol as the ones on the robe and with the words “#WinnerTakesEarth.” The strange symbols also appeared on the same day–Oct. 21–at Times Square in New York City and at Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro.
The same symbol has been seen at locations across the globe, starting with the appearance of a hologram on Rio de Janeiro’s Sugarloaf mountain on Sunday, 20 October.
Above: Residents of Rio de Janeiro were left bemused by the appearance of a series of unidentified signs and circles on the face of Sugarloaf Mountain on Sunday night.
As darkness fell, witnesses reported seeing a green laser beam fired from an unknown location onto the 396m mountainside overseeing the Atlantic Ocean.
The beam gradually enlarged to form scrambled symbols which gave the impression of an encrypted message. “What does it all mean?” asked one stunned bystander. “Why is this happening?” The encoded letters increased in brightness before settling into the shape of a gigantic logo.
It resembled a giant circle with a football shape carved into the centre of the image.
Rio is due to stage key matches and the World Cup final next summer but it is not yet clear what connection this unexplained incident has to the sport.
The mysterious hologram remained illuminated on Sugarloaf for more than two hours before finally fading, at which point w0rding appeared clearly stating: #winnertakesearth.
The unusual scene also prompted passing drivers to reduce their speed and residents to flock to the edge of the oceanic Guanabara Bay.
It was not long before the discussion spread to Twitter where grainy photographs were posted.
Maria Clara Rocha, 27, said: “I have lived in Rio all my life and I have never seen anything like it. It was very eerie and spooky. I really want to know what this all means.”
The 11 unknown men, each dressed in black robes and sitting in a line, were spotted making strange synchronized gestures during the league match, which Bayern won 3-2.
Men In Black | The robed figures startled supporters
Situated six rows from the pitch just beside the halfway line in the stand opposite the broadcasting gantry, the group was also seen by TV viewers all across the world.
One fan, Torsten Schmidt, said: “It was very weird. They sat very still for a long time but then would hold their hands up together, or stand up in unison and then sit down again. Everyone near me was very confused. Some people laughed, some looked astonished. It was just very weird.”
A key feature of their clothing was a circular symbol on the chest of their robes. It clearly resembled the logo spotted at a series of linked unexplained event over the past week.