Bigfoot is real, and now at least one scientist claims there is proof.
A group of Sasquatch researchers who have been collecting over 100 pieces of evidence over the past five years screened “never before seen HD video” of the alleged creature at a news conference in Dallas on Tuesday.
The footage, which came from a similar effort dubbed The Erickson Project, led by Adrian Erickson, showed what the group said was a sasquatch moving through wooded areas in Kentucky.
Dr. Melba Ketchum, who has led the group of researchers called the Sasquatch Genome Project, has been working on a $500,000 analysis of DNA samples from an unknown hominin species. Ketchum calls the project “a serious study” that concludes the legendary Sasquatch exists in North America and is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago.
“They’re a type of people, they’re a human-hybrid, we believe. And all of the DNA evidence points to that. And they can elude us, so if you get [footage] at all, it can be fleeting,” Ketchum told ABC affiliate WFAA.
Ketchum, who was initially a skeptic, says she implemented strict protocols as DNA was extracted from the collected samples.
“We soon discovered that certain hair samples – which we would later identify as purported Sasquatch samples – had unique morphology distinguishing them from typical human and animal samples,” Ketchum said in February of the research.
“Those hair samples that could not be identified as known animal or human were subsequently screened using DNA testing, beginning with sequencing of mitochondrial DNA followed by sequencing nuclear DNA to determine where these individuals fit in the ‘tree of life,'” she said.
In total, 111 specimens of purported Sasquatch hair, blood, skin, and other tissue types were analyzed for the Sasquatch Genome Project’s study. The samples were submitted from 34 different hominin research sites in 14 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces.
At Tuesday’s press conference, Dennis Pfoul, the group’s project manager, showed footage of what he believes belongs to a Sasquatch in the snow in Colorado.
“We’ve all had experiences that have changed our lives, I mean, literally shook the foundation of what we believe in,” Pfoul said at the news conference.
Funding for the Sasquatch Genome Project comes from Erikson and entrepreneur Wally Hersom, according to Ketchum. The Erikson Project has in the past teased footage of supposed Sasquatch sightings, notable in a November 2012 trailer for “Sasquatch: The Quest.” Watch the trailer here.
Todd R. Disotell, a professor at the Department of Anthropology at New York University, told ABCNews.com that Ketchum’s research is nonsense.
“It’s just a joke,” he said. “She is a laughing stock of people that are of a community that are already kind of wacko.”
“This was not reported in any scientific way whatsoever. It’s complete junk science, and then she misinterprets it. She hasn’t published in peer-reviewed papers on this stuff. I don’t know how this got put together,” he said.
Disotell says that he has disproven samples from being what they’re claimed to be many times, including debunking a yeti, a chupacabra, and a sasquatch eight times, including once on ScyFy’s “Joe Rogan Questions Everything.”
“You can’t prove something doesn’t exist,” he said. “You can prove that every sample you’re brought isn’t what they’re claiming, But you can’t disprove this. It will go on forever. We’ll always have it.”
You wait years for a decent sighting of the legendary ape-like creature known as Bigfoot, and then two come along at once.
The fascinating photographs, taken just two weeks ago near Bradford, Pennsylvania, appear to show a pair of Bigfoots, or perhaps that should be Bigfeet, wandering through the trees.
Keen hiker John Stoneman claims he spotted the seven-foot-tall beasts just yards from a main road through trees in Kinzua State Park.
Bigfeet? This image, taken just two weeks ago near Bradford, Pennsylvania, is believed to show two of the mysterious creatures known as Bigfoot wandering through the woods
Apeman: A close up shows one of the ‘beasts’ spotted just yards from a main road through trees in Kinzua State Park
Lurking: The fascinating photographs were taken by keen hiker John Stoneman who was on his way home with his girlfriend from a festival with his girlfriend when the pair spotted the mysterious shape moving in the forest
Mr Stoneman, 57, had been returning from the Kinzua Bridge Fall Festival with his girlfriend when the pair saw the mysterious shape moving in the forest.
He quickly grabbed his camera and fired off these shots as they slowed the car down and edged along the road.
Traffic backing-up behind his vehicle forced John to move on but not before he got what he believes is some of the best evidence yet of the existence of the legendary North American creature.
Evidence? The new photographs will fuel the debate on whether the legendary creature actually exists
Mr Stoneman, from Bradford, PA, said: ‘I’m a sceptic myself, I’m not a believer, but this was not a bear and you can see fur on it.
‘It’s wider at the shoulders and tapers down whereas a bear is bigger in the middle and stands differently with its paws out, this was standing like a man, like a Bigfoot.
‘At first some people have discredited it and said it’s just a root ball at the bottom of a fallen tree, but I’ve been back to the exact spot and there is no root ball there.
‘We do have black bears, but they are considerably smaller than this, it was standing about seven-foot tall.’
The day before the sighting John said there had been a ‘Bigfoot calling contest’ organised as part of the bridge festival – an event held annually in the area to commemorate an old viaduct destroyed by a tornado.
He said: “This was 200 yards from the road, it was too narrow for me to be able to pull over without stopping traffic but I got as many pictures as I could.
‘I actually dropped the camera casing so I couldn’t see what I had got until I got home and put them on my computer, I was surprised at what I saw.
‘I looks more like a bigfoot than anything else, I’ve already had organisations asking me to send them copies for verification.’
Mr Stoneman – who is a member of the local outdoor pursuits group Allegheny Outdoor Adventures – said he had never seen anything like it in the woods before.
Location: Outdoorsman John Stoneman standing in the spot he saw strange ‘creature’
The quiet spot where the two ‘bigfoots’ were seen. Photographer John Stoneman fired off several shots. He said he was ‘surprised’ when he arrived home and saw the pictures close up
He said: ‘This area is known for Bigfoot sightings but this is the first time I have seen anything like this, I am in the woods every week, I hunt and go hiking.
‘I went back to the exact spot where it had been and there was nothing there, just years and years of leaves on the floor.’
It comes as researchers told a new conference in Texas that they have proof Big foot is real and have even collected DNA samples.
The Sasquatch Genome Project has spent $500,000 on collecting data and evidence over the past five years.
Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to an ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid.
In 1951 American Eric Shipton photographed what he described as a Yeti footprint beginning a spate of ‘sightings’ and print finds throughout the 20th and 21st century.
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