The laser was developed by TWI, the global leader in technology engineering.
According to GIZMODO.com, “…this laser-cutter was initially designed for use by robots, but a few recent tweaks including a pistol-grip and a trigger made it into a human-sized rifle that spits invisible fire like some crazy laser dragon.
“The rifle is designed specifically with nuclear decommission in mind, specifically chopping up huge pieces of metal infrastructure into bite-sized bits are easily disposed of. And while it’s definitely suited for that, it has some short-comings compared typical rifles. That range is pretty low, for instance. And it’s not exactly mobile. Also it requires quite the get-up. But damn is it incredible to watch.”
No special effects were needed for Alex to demonstrate the very real power of intense lasers that are available to the public on a small scale.
But if lasers that can melt Star Wars figurines are available publicly, how powerful are the directed energy weapons the government possesses?
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