Realizing that a shooting war with American citizens would not bode well for an Obama legacy which will already require a blanket guarantee of willful amnesia on the part of historians, the president’s handlers on Wednesday decided it best to propose an Executive ban on gun owners rather than on the guns they own.
If fact, nowhere in the list of 23 executive actions recommended by Obama will the American public find the words, “these weapons will be banned” or “confiscation will begin on…” The president wisely left the heavy lifting of “assault weapons” bans and other unconstitutional offensives on the 2nd Amendment to congress, placing lawmakers in a rock-and-a-hard-spot position for which any existing red state Democrats are no doubt less than grateful. (1)
But the scheme Obama did choose is far more insidious than any direct attack on the weapons of choice of American gun owners. For the president is seeking to disqualify by federal fiat the 2nd Amendment rights of gun owners themselves. How will it be accomplished? It’s all about the massive expansion of shared state and federal background check information currently unavailable to bureaucracies so as to protect the privacy—and liberty– of the American public.
First on Obama’s list is his promise to “issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.” In fact five of the 23 executive actions the president claims will “reduce gun violence” involve a new federal reliance on the sharing of information gleaned from background checks. Three others actions feature an emphasis on information concerning mental health. And twice Obama links the safety of the public to ObamaCare and the necessity that doctors question patients about gun ownership. (2)
In short, the left is seeking to turn gun ownership into an issue of public health. “A lot of people buy guns every year, and it’s a health concern,” claims a University of Pennsylvania social policy professor. “Doctors ask patients about illegal drug use, disease history and sexual habits, So, Why not guns?” (2)
Why not guns? Suppose your father, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, moves into your home. As 8 of Obama’s executive action pledges on gun control involve medical or mental health, the new bureaucracy of shared patient information will inform the Center for Disease Control of this move. A letter will then be sent to your attention from the CDC, the ATF or the DOJ demanding your home immediately be cleared of the weapons known to exist there thanks to an ObamaCare initiated, doctor-patient interview in which you participated 2 years earlier! After all, an Alzheimer patient poses a particular danger where guns are readily available! (2)
If this sounds far-fetched, you don’t know the contempt in which the Regime holds the gun owning public.
MAKE NO MISTAKE, Obama is indeed coming for the guns of the American people. But rather than decide which guns we’ll not be permitted to own, the left will simply tell us that we’re not allowed to own ANY!
Americans have spent years preparing for a shootout with would-be tyrants. Well, we’ll certainly have it. Just a bit later, perhaps, than originally expected
As the far left pass into law unconstitutional and unforgivable statutes by which to confiscate the firearms of the American people, a number of gun rights supporters believe the reclamation of our 2nd Amendment rights must depend upon the continued election of declared, pro-2nd Amendment Republicans.
Unfortunately, such is the rose-colored-glasses thinking of individuals either too foolish, too gullible or too cowardly to recognize the perpetual treachery of elected Republicans for what it truly is— a politician’s perception of political necessity taking precedence over his duty to support the God given rights of the American people.
And never mind the argument that politicians who vote for gun confiscation will be in imminent danger of losing their jobs and therefore get what they deserve. That is irrelevant to the situation. For such politicians are traitors to the nation and to the American people. They are intent upon eliminating a God given, constitutionally codified and protected right! Therefore, reclaiming their elected office ceases to be an issue of any import as the very fact of their vote to abolish the right to keep and bear arms means they have lost all right to be a lawmaker in a free country.
In fact, it is not the right to their job which has been forfeited, but their right to continued existence. For as enemies of freedom and liberty, they have become implacable enemies of the American public. And no American has the obligation to tolerate the continued efforts or existence of anyone whose clear purpose is the enslavement of American citizens. Any laws implemented by such traitors are void and like all unconstitutional, illegal legislation, need not be obeyed.
In short, these politicians have already forfeited their jobs. Upon the implementation of gun confiscation, it shall be up to Americans to decide if they have also forfeited their lives.
Over the years, the Republicans Party has displayed nothing if not a well-known willingness to “go along to get along.” The importance Republican politicians place on retaining their jobs and power rather than doing what is right—protecting the Constitution by honoring their oath of office—has proven that no political party should ever be depended upon to secure the rights and liberty of Americans. In the end, that is OUR responsibility. Too long we have entrusted politicians with the care of our liberty and watched as it has been either trampled or stolen away. It is long past time we demand politicians follow the dictates of the Constitution or be removed from office. And NOT by the next vote, but by force.
God given rights are not negotiable. They cannot be bartered away by politicians in search of some nebulous “greater good.” And Americans must never permit the importance of their rights to be re-defined downward from the meaning and weight given them by the Founders. For in so doing we lose our constitutional republic and become no more than the slaves the left is so intent upon making us.
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