A newly discovered 37-minute video shows Meyer walking around his dune buggy showing and describing the different components that make his purported water-fueled vehicle work.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Today Matt Imber brought to my attention a video that has surfaced showing a 1992 interview with Stanley Meyer, who is famous for allegedly powering a dune buggy with water through an onboard process that allegedly converted water in small amounts into a fuel that could run the vehicle. The 37-minute clip shows the vehicle from many angles, the key components, how they work, and it gives Meyer’s personal ambitions with the technology, both to commercialize it into an affordable retrofit kit, and what he plans to do with the proceeds.Six years later, Meyer was poisoned in a restaurant; standing and saying, “I’ve been poisoned”, before falling over dead.The video that surfaced for the first time on YouTube a couple of weeks ago is accompanied by a statement to the effect that threats have been received, so feel free to copy and disseminate the video to prevent its disappearance. We therefore uploaded a copy of it, which we downloaded from http://www.globalkast.com/As a free energy newsman, I know a little about a lot, so I’m not intimate to all that’s out there on Stanley Meyer, but it seemed to me that this video contained some great info that could help those out there who have been trying to replicate the technology. It’s a good overview of the technology and of the man and his team.They were talking about soon going into production with a retrofit kit for vehicles, which would only cost $1500 and would enable them to run on water; and another kit for large trucks, that would cost less than $5000. Meyer held out a device that would replace the spark plug, and would contain the reaction chamber for turning water into the ionized gas.In one facility, he was expecting that 11,000 units could be built in one 24-hour period.In the retrofit, he envisioned just using the gas tank to hold the water. I wasn’t impressed by Meyer’s explanation of how the water is kept from freezing in frigid temperatures. He seemed to have a clever method to keep the tank from freezing using very little energy, but that wouldn’t work for the lines.A bit of a red flag went up for me when he talked about using the proceeds of sales to evangelize Christianity to the world. And he emblazons “Jesus is Lord” on the side of his car, next to “Water Powered Car“. People often put their brains in a jar when they think someone is a “good Christian,” turning the endeavor into one of faith, rather than science or business. They open themselves to being steamrollered with a great story and charisma without doing sufficient due diligence.Here’s the video.
In a World Puja interview that Steven Greer and Ted Loder of the Orion Project did on January 28, they reported that their bid to procure the Stanley Meyer collection ended up being declined, and went to another party. I phoned Dr. Loder to ask who the bid went to, but he said that this info was not disclosed.About six months ago, someone I know (whose name most of you would recognize) told me he recently was working with the actual Stanley Meyer collection and got it to operate, saying “it does work.” He also told me a few things about it, which went over my head. So somewhere, someone apparently is making good headway on this. We’ll post more news as it breaks.# # #
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/////////////////////////////////Stanley Meyer
- U.S. Patent 5,149,407 (G.patent; PDF): Process and apparatus for the production of fuel gas and the enhanced release of thermal energy from such gas
- U.S. Patent 4,936,961 (G.patent; PDF): Method for the production of a fuel gas
- U.S. Patent 4,826,581 (G.patent; PDF): Controlled process for the production of thermal energy from gases and apparatus useful therefore
- U.S. Patent 4,798,661 (G.patent; PDF): Gas generator voltage control circuit
- U.S. Patent 4,613,779 (G.patent; PDF): Electrical pulse generator
- U.S. Patent 4,613,304 (G.patent; PDF): Gas electrical hydrogen generator
- U.S. Patent 4,465,455 (G.patent; PDF): Start-up/shut-down for a hydrogen gas burner
- U.S. Patent 4,421,474 (G.patent; PDF): Hydrogen gas burner
- U.S. Patent 4,389,981 (G.patent; PDF): Hydrogen gas injector system for internal combustion engine
- Collection of information about patents
- U.S. Patent 6,419,815 (G.patent; PDF): Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen, Stephen Barrie Chambers
- ^ Infinite Energy 19: p. 50—51 (1998). <http://www.rexresearch.com/meyerhy/meyerhy.htm#obit>
- ^ Sunday Times Innovation 1 December, 1996. [2]
- ^ Wireless World January 1991. <http://www.angelfire.com/sd/paulkemble/stan4.html>
Gerneral websites
- Electrolysis methods for cars running on water
- Stanley Meyer Bio from waterpoweredcar.com
- Stanley Meyer: Water Fuel Cell.
- End of road for car that ran on Water–Text of the article of the London Sunday Times.
- Fuel for fraud or vice versa? (On Stanley Meyer)–summary of the article in New Energy News.
- Meyer’s rebuttal letter to New Energy News.
- Interview with Stanley Meyer from the 1995 film, Equinox: It Runs on Water
- A separate incident of someone claiming a water-powered car and taking $100,000 from investors
- Successful replication of Meyer’s Water Cell by Dave For a detailed report, please click here.
- German replication of Stanley Meyer’s water fuel cell
Welcome to GlobalKast.com! Our mission here is to provide information on research and development of the process now known as Voltrolysis. Voltrolysis is the process of switching off the covalent bonding of pure water into Hydrogen and Oxygen with high voltages and very little current, usually in the milliamps range. This process is the opposite of Electrolysis, which uses large amounts of current to break the covalent bond of H2O. This technology was made famous by the late Stanley A. Meyer of Grove City, Ohio back in the 80’s and 90’s. We are here to replicate and understand the technology that Meyer’s has developed. Meyer’s developed the Water Fuel Cell which he used to run his famous dune buggy’s on water alone!!! Stanley A. Meyer
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Treatment Approach Using Radiofrequency Waves Heats UpIt began with chemotherapy-induced sleeplessness and some pie pans. At one point hot dogs were involved. It inspired residents of two small communities 1,300 miles apart, and eventually landed in the labs of two major academic medical centers. And, sadly, just 5 weeks ago, the man who began it all died of treatment complications after a nearly 7-year battle with B-cell leukemia.The story of retired radio engineer and executive John Kanzius and the radiofrequency (RF) generator that he dreamed would one day be part of a highly effective cancer treatment captivated readers of Discover magazine and viewers of “60 Minutes.” Now his invention is maneuvering through the steps needed to demonstrate readiness for clinical testing in humans.“Realistically, we still have hoops to jump through and things to prove,” said Dr. Steven A. Curley from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, who, along with Dr. David Geller from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, has been part of this project since its earliest days. “But I’ll continue to work on this and move it forward because I think it has great promise.”
An image of pancreatic cancer cells treated with gold nanoparticles. The cells on the left received 2 minutes of external radiofrequency (RF) field treatment resulting in unstable nuclei and intracellular damage. The cells on the right received no RF treatment and their nuclei and organelles remain intact. (Image courtesy of Dr. Stephen Curley)A Trojan Horse…on FireRF, Kanzius realized one restless night, is an ideal way to attack cancer cells from outside the body. At low levels, it doesn’t harm healthy tissue, but in a matter of minutes it can heat up metal in the RF field to nearly 130 degrees Fahrenheit. So, figured Kanzius, why not use RF waves to heat up metal nanoparticles that have found their way into cancer cells?At his summer home in Sanibel, FL, he used pie pans to create his first RF device. In the garage of his long-time home in Erie, PA, Kanzius tested the device on America’s favorite ballpark snack. He would eventually use his own money to build a more sophisticated RF generator that Dr. Geller, and later Dr. Curley, went on to use in cancer cell line and animal model studies.In these studies, nanoparticles are introduced and exposed to low-level RF waves for just a few minutes. The intense heat generated in the infiltrated cells “denatures proteins, disrupts lipid bilayers, and results in irreparable damage to intracellular structures and organelles,” Dr. Curley and his colleagues at M.D. Anderson explained in their most recent paper.While the preclinical work has proven successful, there is still much to be done, stressed Dr. Geller.“It’s one thing to kill cancer cells in a test tube, or even an animal,” he said. “It’s another to kill a tumor in a human and make a cancer disappear.”Reaching the TargetThe work completed thus far demonstrates the rapid progression from a concept of blistering malignant cells with RF waves toward precisely focusing RF waves on cancer cells by using nanoparticles with targeting agents attached to them. The initial work by Dr. Curley’s team involved single-walled carbon nanotubes unadorned by a targeting molecule, given to Dr. Curley by a patient he was treating at the time–Dr. Richard Smalley, a Nobel Prize winner for nanotechnology research who died in 2005.Both Dr. Curley’s and Dr. Geller’s groups are now using gold spherical nanoparticles. In their most recently published work, Dr. Curley’s group attached the EGFR-targeted monoclonal antibody cetuximab (Erbitux) to the gold nanoparticles.Introducing these gold nanoparticles into cell lines of pancreatic and colorectal cancer, which both overexpress EGFR, and exposing them for just a minute to an RF field killed nearly 100 percent of the cancer cells, the M.D. Anderson team reported.“We probably wouldn’t use cetuximab in humans,” Dr. Curley noted. “EGFR is highly expressed in many normal tissues, and we would get significant uptake in normal tissue in the RF field.”Dr. Geller’s team has shown that they can use RF to heat up liver tumors in a rat model. They used “naked” gold nanoparticles in the experiments, however, that were injected directly into the tumors. Both Drs. Curley and Geller are still working to find molecules that are highly specific to cancer cells.“For each cancer, we’re going to have to come up with unique strategies,” Dr. Geller explained. “What works for liver cancer may not work for breast or prostate cancer.”The Path ForwardTackling cancer in this way, said Dr. Piotr Grodzinski, program director for the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer, is “generally an attractive idea.” Other researchers, in fact, have developed similar approaches, he added, “with their own twists.”Texas-based Nanospectra Biosciences, for example, has received FDA approval for a phase I study in patients with unresectable head and neck cancer using a device that emits near-infrared light to heat up gold nanoparticles in tumors. And the German company MagForce developed a device that employs an alternating magnetic field to heat up magnetized nanoparticles; the device is being tested in phase I and II trials in Europe for several cancers.Other investigators, added Dr. Nicholas Panaro, a senior scientist in NCI’s Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, are studying different targeting molecules–DNA fragments called aptamers, and diabodies, which are antibody fragments–to see if they can more effectively deliver nanoparticles only to cancer cells.Meanwhile, Therm Med, the company established by Kanzius to help commercialize his device, is in the process of scaling it up so that it can be used for large animal and eventually human studies. Drs. Geller and Curley believe that with continued progress and funding they can launch initial human trials in the next few years.“John was a one of a kind,” said Dr. Geller. “We certainly hope to continue the research because that’s what he wanted us to do.”////////////////////
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Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas GeneratorThe Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas Generator runs on water and electricity only! It produces a stable hybrid hydrogen-oxygen gas, with many unique properties. The generator provides a superior gas for most conventional brazing, soldering and metal cutting operations.The Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas Generator is a mid-sized machine, weighing about 160 lbs. with dimensions of 16″ x 24″ x 26″ or about 5.75 cubic feet. It is powered by standard 220v current and can run continuously on 3/4 gallon of water for approximately 8 hours. The unit can operate one standard brazing/soldering station or multiple jeweler torches simultaneously. Additional models designed to generate larger quantities of Aquygen® gas are currently under development and are expected to be introduced in calendar 2009.Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas Generator Advantages
- Economy: It’s up to 90% less expensive than acetylene in gas costs.
- A Healthier Working Environment: No toxic fumes and zero emissions of carbon based emissions.
- Operational Safety: Aquygen® Gas is light and dissipates rapidly into the atmosphere compared to acetylene, which is dense and seeks ground level.
- Environmentally Friendly: Aquygen® Gas produces zero pollution when burning, while hydrocarbon-based fuel gases pollute the environment.
- New Applications: In addition to performing most conventional brazing, soldering and cutting operations, the Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas Generator can be used in many exotic cutting, brazing, and fusing applications as well as glass treatment and blowing applications that cannot be performed by conventional methods and processes.
If you are interested in purchasing a Model 1500 Aquygen® Gas Generator, please contact us!Please note: All data presented below has been obtained through 3rd party validations.MarketsHTA is aggressively pursuing clean energy markets in which the inclusion of Aquygen® gas based technologies has been shown to increase combustion efficiency leading to:1. Decreased fuel consumption Decreased operating costs2. Improved combustion emissions Decreased capital and operating costs and revenue generation with carbon creditsPower Generation CoalAquygen® gas has been shown to increase combustion efficiency in coal-fired furnaces leading to a dramatic decrease in fuel consumption and significant reduction in emissions, including CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, and fly-ash. Preliminary testing carried out at Western Research Institute (WRI), the leading energy research entity located in the number-one coal-producing state in the nation which has earned a name for reliable emissions testing and monitoring at power plants, showed an increase in furnace temperature upon the introduction of Aquygen® gas (A) and the ability to obtain the same furnace temperature with a decreased coal feed rate (B).Some of the major benefits of HTA’s Aquygen® Gas Enhanced Coal Combustion Process include:
- Significant Reductions in NOx, CO, CO2, and SO2.
- Increased combustion efficiency – fuel savings.
- Meets “Clean Coal Technology” requirements.
- Reduces coal plant fly ash and associated disposal costs.
- Reduces overall emissions and produces significant revenue from the generation of carbon credits.
Natural gasAs described below, Aquygen® gas has been shown to decrease natural gas consumption in boiler applications. We believe the same effect demonstrated in boiler applications will transfer to natural gas fired gas turbine applications for the power generation industry, allowing for significant reductions in fuel cost and emissions while producing substantial revenues from the generation of carbon credits.AutomotiveOn-boardAquygen® gas produced on-board a vehicle and introduced to the engine’s combustion environment has demonstrated increased fuel economy as well as decreased vehicle emissions. Both gasoline- and diesel-fueled vehicles and/or engines have been tested, showing a significant increase in fuel economy and reduction in emissions. HTA has recently completed an initial round of testing with a Ford F250 (diesel) and on-board system producing Aquygen® gas. Results from this testing can be seen here.Modified/Treated fuelsAfter extensive research, HTA’s partner RAI has developed a technology for treating various liquid fossil fuels with Aquygen® gas at moderate conditions with diesel fuel being the primary base fuel of interest. The primary method to increase the caloric power of a liquid fuel is to increase the mass concentration of hydrogen in the molecular chains. RAI’s modified fuels technology has been shown to increase Cetane number, through increasing the alkane content, and H/C atomic ratio of the fuel. Diesel fuel modified with Aquygen® gas through a catalytic treatment has demonstrated improved combustion characteristics such as improved fuel economy and decreased smoke and particulate matter emissions. This modified fuels process is designed to be implemented at the refinery level.IndustrialNatural gas combustion The combination of natural gas and Aquygen® gas provides an impressive compliment of clean fuels. The addition of Aquygen® gas to natural gas combustion environments has been shown to greatly reduce fuel consumption and improve emissions, especially carbon monoxide (CO). Initial experiments on a hot water boiler demonstrated the ability of Aquygen® gas to increase heat output (Nominal Flow) along with the ability to generate the same amount of heat with less natural gas (X, Y, and Z).Specialty gasAquygen® gas has been extremely successful as a replacement for common industrial gases such as acetylene for most soldering, brazing, cutting, fusing, and specialty welding applications. The unique properties of Aquygen® gas make it possible to melt and cut most materials in record time. Because the temperature of the flame varies with the target media, from 259°F in open air to over 10,000°F, it can even be used to heat or fuse disparate materials together in ways that were previously impossible. Aquygen® gas can be used to fuse pieces of aluminum and other metals or to braze faster than traditional two-gas methods while requiring only one gas. Steel cutting is more fuel-efficient and 30% faster than traditional methods. The Flash movie below shows up to 1.75″ thick steel being cut by Aquygen® gas only without any other gas.
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