Major gas pipeline explodes in Louisiana 3rd blast in 5 days
Reuters, 1:25p ET (h/t Anonymous tip): A major natural gas pipeline exploded on Tuesday in Washington Parish, Louisiana, destroying a mobile home and causing an evacuation of the area but no injuries were reported, local officials said. The blast on the Florida Gas Transmission (FGT) pipeline, which transports gas from Texas to south Florida, sent a mushroom cloud into the sky and sparked a fire on the line, according to Lauren Ritchie, a spokeswoman for the Washington Parish sheriff’s department. […]
WWL: Louisiana State Police provided video showing how the natural gas pipeline explosion in Washington Parish left only baked ground where trees and other vegetation had been growing […]
KLFY, 12:00p ET: It appears the siding of a mobile home melted off in the gas line explosion in Washington Parish!
Times Picayune, 12:20p ET: Now they will be able to get in and look at what happened. It may take some time to determine the cause of the blast, [spokeswoman Vicki Granado ] said.
Sheriff Randy Seal is reporting a gas line explosion Tuesday morning in the town of Enon, just north of Isabel. No injuries or deaths have been reported.
“Around 5:30 a.m. (Tuesday, June 18) residents began reporting the explosion that took place near Lee Road and LA. 1072 in the town of Enon. According to officials LA 1072 at LA. 16 is closed,” Danielle Bell reports.
Nola.com commenters are weighing in. User gethervitter asks, “Where is Jindal? I thought lax regulation of the oil and gas industry was great?”
User Fess-up writes, “Fact is there were 3 industrial accidents in a period of about one week. And yes, regulatory compliance at these facilities must be scrutinized.”
pleasechangeneworleans writes, “I hope Homeland Security is investigating these incidents inside and outside the US.”
See your pictures and comments from social media below. Tell us your thoughts about the recent rash of explosions in Louisiana. If you have pictures or videos of this morning’s blasts, send them to share@nola.com.
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