Laser-Induced Plasma Channel strike
June 21, 2012
Laser Decontamination: Shine a Light
A “neodymium-YAG” (Nd:YAG) laser will decompose VX nerve agent in this vinyl tile. Normally near-infrared, the laser turns ultraviolet as the frequency is increased. The UV light breaks the molecular bonds, decomposing the deadly nerve agent until it is just a harmless brown stain.
Using lasers to decontaminate the site of a chemical explosion
Dhiren Barot was an al Qaeda operative involved in plots to blow up the London subway, among other targets. To maximize the damage and the terror, he planned to pack some of his bombs with toxic gas. Fortunately, in August 2004, British authorities nabbed Barot and his accomplices before they could carry out their attacks.
But the threat of a gas attack remains. At some point, someone might succeed where Barot failed. That’s why it’s important to be ready. The right response to such an attack could minimize exposure and save hundreds of thousands of American lives.
Chemists at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) have been studying decontamination techniques for almost a decade. Their job is to plan for the worst. With funding and guidance from the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), they’re researching ways to help the nation respond to and clean up after potential chemical attacks.
Many building materials–like cement and brick–are extremely porous. Getting contaminants off surfaces like these is difficult, since they can inhabit cracks and pores. Cleaning up chemical-contaminated structures can be difficult, costly, and time-consuming. For one thing, most preferred methods employ other chemicals, like bleach solutions, which can be corrosive and aggressive to many types of surfaces.
One day, lasers could play a big role, according to Donald Bansleben, the program manager in S&T’s Chemical and Biological Division. “Lasers could help to scrub chemical-contaminated buildings clean and become a tool in the toolbox to speed a facility’s return to normal operations.”
Water inhabits those cracks and pores, too, and that’s where lasers come in. INL chemists have shown that laser pulses can flash that water into steam, carrying the contaminants back to the surface for removal by chelation or other means. “It’s a kind of laser steam-cleaning,” says chemist Bob Fox.
When INL began investigating lasers, researchers were looking for ways to dispose of radioactive contamination after a dirty bomb. Under the new S&T program, the team has been extending its work to chemical-weapon decontamination. While no terrorist has managed to deploy a dirty bomb, the same cannot be said of chemical agents.
As a new remediation technology, lasers show promise. In a series of tests still underway at the Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground, the INL researchers have been using ultraviolet-wavelength lasers to scrub surfaces clean of sulfur mustard gas and VX, a nerve agent. The tests have proved successful so far, even on complex, porous surfaces like concrete.
Lasers can degrade weapons like VX in two ways: photochemically or photothermally. In photochemical decomposition, high-energy laser photons blast apart chemical bonds, slicing the agent into pieces. In photothermal decomposition, photons heat up the target surface enough to speed along natural degradation reactions. In some cases, the intense heat by itself can cause contaminant molecules to fall apart.
Knowing how chemical contaminants fall apart is key, because some of the elements resulting from their degradation products can themselves be hazardous. But according to Fox, the tests look good in this regard, too. “The lasers are showing neutralization of the agent without generation of dangerous byproducts,” he says.
And even if they’re not used to degrade VX or other agents, lasers could still be helpful in cleanup scenarios. Laser light could blast nasty chemicals off a wall, for example, and an integrated vacuum system could suck them up.
While using lasers to decontaminate office buildings or subway stations may sound like science fiction, Fox and his team are merely adapting an established technology. Lasers have been used in cleanup capacities for more than a decade. Dentists employ them, for example, to kill periodontal bacteria and quash mouth infections. Doctors use them to remove tattoos. And lasers have recently become a common tool to restore precious artwork.
Laser technology has other commercial applications. Some cleanup and restoration firms are already using lasers to scrub soot off building facades. And these industrial operations often use automated lasers, demonstrating that laser work can be done remotely, minimizing risks to remediation personnel responding to a chemical or radiological attack.
Fox stresses that laser decontamination is in the proof-of-principle stage, and is not an anti-terror panacea. Still, several government agencies are paying close attention as the INL team showcases the technology’s promise.
As for biological decontamination, like what was needed in the U.S. after the 2001 anthrax attacks, Fox has not yet tested bacteria-laden surfaces. “I don’t know,” he says. “But I’m willing to shine my light on anything.”

Plasma Properties
Plasma ignition
Understanding plasma ignition processes will help to determine optimum conditions for LIBS measurements. The plasma ignition processes include bond breaking and plasma shielding during the laser pulse. The plasma conditions, after the laser pulse terminates, will determine the expansion and cooling. Bond breaking mechanisms influence the amount and forms of energy (kinetic, ionization and excitation) that atoms and ions acquire. Plasma shielding can increase the energy by additional heating, before the laser pulse is finished. These mechanisms strongly depend on the laser irradiance and pulse duration, as described for nano, pico and femto-second lasers. Plasma shielding can be dominant when the laser irradiance reaches certain thresholds.
Plasma Expansion
After the laser pulse ends, the induced plasma plume will continue to expand into the ambient. The electron number density and temperature of the plasma changes as the plasma expands. Plasma expansion depends on the amount and properties of the ablated mass, how much energy was coupled into the mass, the spot size of laser beam, and the environment (gases, liquid, and pressure). Most LIBS spectra are recorded from several hundreds of nanoseconds to several microseconds after the laser pulse. Understanding plasma expansion during this time period is critical for optimization of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS measurements.

Plasma Emission
Conventional LIBS measurements are made using nanosecond to microsecond delays after the laser pulse. Emission spectra at these times depend on the laser-induced plasma properties; when the plasma is hot and dense, the spectrum is mostly composed of continuum emission. During plasma expansion, the temperature and number density decrease; ionic lines then atomic emission lines appear.
Particle formation
A significant quantity of the ablated mass is not excited vapor, but in the form of particles. Particle formation occurs from condensed vapor, liquid sample ejection, and solid-sample exfoliation. The mass ablated as particles does not contribute to a LIBS measurement unless these particles can be re-evaporated and excited by the plume itself. Particles are important for laser ablation ICP analysis.
Science and Technology Directorate Chemical and Biological Defensev Division
The Science and Technology Directorate’s Chemical and Biological Defense Division focuses on saving lives and protecting the nation’s infrastructure from chemical, biological, and agricultural threats and disasters.
S. Randolph Long is the Acting Director for the Chemical and Biological Defense Division within the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate.
The Chemical and Biological Defense Division provides a comprehensive understanding and analyses of chemical and biological threats, develops pre-event assessment, discovery, and interdiction capabilities as well as capabilities for warning, notification, and analysis of incidents. The division optimizes recovery technology and processes, enhances the capability to inform attribution of attacks, and develops medical countermeasures against foreign animal diseases.
Organization and Project Highlights
The Chemical and Biological Defense Division (CBD) actively coordinates with interagency partners to maximize resources and minimize duplication. CBD carries out its activities through three technical branches:
Agricultural Defense
Chemical and Biological Research and Development
Threat Characterization and Attribution
In spite of the numerous demands, CBD has applied its resources to deliver great value to the Homeland Security Enterprise, including programs such as Detect-to-Protect, Foreign Animal Disease Vaccines and Diagnostics, Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor, Wide Area Recovery and Resiliency Program, and its Forensics Program.
Detect to Protect
The objective of the Detect to Protect (D2P) program is to develop and integrate biological threat sensors that can be placed in large critical infrastructure locations through the nation, such as airports, buildings, and subways, to identify and confirm biological agents within minutes. During the summer of 2012, the D2P system will be demonstrated in a real-world scenario in the Boston subway system.
Foreign Animal Disease Vaccines and Diagnostics
CBD is working with DHS and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists at Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) , DHS Centers of Excellence, and other Federal and animal health industry partners to enhance current capabilities and develop state-of-the-art countermeasures for the highest priority foreign animal diseases, including foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). In July 2011, USDA granted a permit for the importation of a quadravalent FMD vaccine to a DHS non-profit organization. In June 2012, the USDA granted a conditional license for use in cattle to an FMD vaccine developed at PIADC. This is the world’s first licensed molecular FMD vaccine and the first to be approved for manufacture on the U.S. mainland.
Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor
The Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor (ARFCAM) “detect to warn” chemical vapor detectors provide increased protection for critical infrastructure and their occupants against a chemical attack. Detectors include continuous monitoring of chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals at concentration levels low enough to provide sufficient time to implement evacuation and response procedures.
Wide Area Recovery and Resilience Program
The Wide Area Recovery and Resilience Program (WARRP) is working with interagency partners to develop plans to reduce the time and resources needed for wide urban areas, military installations, and other critical infrastructure to recover following a chemical, biological, or radiological incident. In coordination with the Denver Urban Area Security Initiative, S&T and other members of the Federal Interagency are executing WARRP, which concludes in September 2012.
Forensics Program
CBD conducts bioforensics research in support of criminal investigative cases and operation of the National BioForensics and Analysis Center (NBFACâ„¢) and with the ultimate goal of attribution, apprehension, and prosecution of the perpetrator to fulfill Biodefense for the 21st Century (HSPD-10). These activities provide facilities, analytical methods, and rigorous chain-of-custody controls needed to support the FBI and others in their investigation of potential biocrimes or acts of bioterrorism. Additional research and development projects in this program area work to develop improved methods for extracting genetic materials and proteins from samples for biological, chemical, and physical characterization.
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