(updated March 31, 2014 , 1045pm CT)
Over the past several days ( up to March 31 currently) , a noticeable increase in seismic activity has occurred across the Western United States.
Specifically, a swarm of earthquakes has occurred extending from the Western edge of the Yellowstone magma chamber, now Eastward into the center of the National Park itself.
This building pressure is now manifesting as multiple 3.0M+ earthquakes, all at a 3.0mile or greater depth inside the Yellowstone magma chamber.
As if Yellowstone were not enough, the pressure is also translating to earthquakes occurring farther Southwest from Yellowstone, along the deformed edge of the North American Craton, extending into Central California , along the subduction zone of the North American Plate (and the Pacific Plate).
WYOMING (INTELLIHUB) – A 4.8 earthquake hit the northern part of Yellowstone National Park early Sunday, after a smaller series of shocks occurred throughout the region. This past week has seen a great deal of intense seismic activity worldwide, with hundreds of shocks felt in both California and Chile.
The University of Utah Seismograph Stations reported that the earthquake occurred at 6:34 a.m. about 4 miles north-northeast of the Norris Geyser Basin. The university reports it was felt in the Montana border towns of West Yellowstone and Gardiner, both about 20 miles from the epicenter.
Since Thursday, there have been at least 25 recorded earthquakes in the area around Yellowstone National Park.
According to Yellowstone observatory, seismic activity is fairly common in this area, but the earthquakes usually aren’t this powerful. The observatory reported that 1 to 20 earthquakes occur every day, however they are very weak, often measuring much less than magnitude 3.
The earthquake on Sunday was the most powerful to hit the park since 1980.
The recent seismic activity has raised concerns about the super volcano that lays dormant in the park.
“Our best evidence is that the crustal magma chamber is filling with molten rock,” said seismologist Robert B. Smith, lead author of the study and professor of geophysics at the University of Utah.
“But we have no idea how long this process goes on before there either is an eruption or the inflow of molten rock stops and the caldera deflates again,” he added.
Yellowstone volcanic movement (greater than 4.0M) here:
California volcanic movement (greater than 4.0M) here:
Oklahoma fracking movement (greater than 4.0M) here:
(click to view full size)

More on the Yellowstone movement from tatoott1009 here:
The heavy earthquake activity along the West Coast of the United States , over the past few weeks, has now translated in the craton displacement that we were expecting.
The earthquakes inside the magma chamber at Yellowstone, and the earthquakes now occurring at dormant volcanic chains along South / Central California, mean we can expect further activity in the near term to INCREASE.
The increase in activity along the edge of the craton will continue into the near term future due to the overall Pacific displacement occurring internationally.
Until things cool off internationally in the West Pacific, we can expect sizable displacement to occur along our plate in North America. This means, Yellowstone, Colorado, Oklahoma, and other areas along the edge of the edge of the craton need to be aware of the possibility of movement in the near term.
Also.. the odd man out, Southern California , near Baja, sits primed, and now showing slight volcanic chamber activity. Expect Salton Sea and Mono Lake to be showing some movement soon.
Earlier this past week.. we made note of the multiple UNREPORTED earthquakes at Yellowstone..
Move forward a few days, and the USGS is now on top of things apparently. Either that, or the movement is now becoming undeniable.
In other news from the region, last week, reports of odd Bison (buffalo) movements exiting the park..
Were the animals trying to tell us something?
More on the animals and earthquakes here:
I do not issue this “watch” lightly, and hope things calm down very soon.
Video update here:
However, until things begin to cool off, I’m left having to issue an urgent ‘earthquake watch’ for certain areas along the edge of the North American Craton.
This screenshot below shows the past 48 hours of earthquakes in the continental United States and Canada … alongside there is a diagram of the North American Craton.
Clearly, heavy activity building upon the Western portion of the plate, and we’re seeing a massive area become displaced — from Southern California, to Yellowstone — from Yellowstone to Oklahoma.
The entire displaced area having moved on a mid 4.0M range (or GREATER) in the past 24 – 48 hours.
In other words, over the past two days, the entire western portion of the plate has moved on a 4.0M basis across 1000+ miles.
This means we can expect a major strain to be currently building upon the “edge” of the craton. Also areas meeting the Western and Eastern edges of the plate (British Columbia to the West, and Quebec Canada to the East) MUST be building stress to the point of release at some point soon.
All this would be near term , 3-5 days at the most… if we can get past the next few days without any event along the edge of the craton greater than a 5.0M , we’ll be in the clear for a minute.
For the next few days, be aware of the massive amount of pressure building (and showing) along the Western portion of the North American plate.
The pressure will continue manifesting as earthquakes along the edge of the craton — areas such as Yellowstone, Oklahoma, and Southern California . Some of these release events could be rather noticeable (sizable greater than the previous events over the past few days, i.e. greater than 5.0M).
New Madrid, and East Coast United States — particularly along the craton edge, be aware of possible movement. Not the “big one” , but maybe something similar to the 2011 Virginia earthquake (5.9M).
We saw this kind of buildup along the plate during 2011 before the East Coast earthquake.
Below is a screenshot of the past 7 days of 2.5M and greater earthquakes in the United States, compared to a diagram of the craton, clearly the edge is being pushed:

Over the past several days, I’ve been warning for this movement to take place.
The screenshots below are from March 26th , into the 27th – showing precursor earthquakes – made note of these events in two different website posts.
March 27, 2014 here:
March 26, 2014 here:
It appears the Volcanic earthquakes the days before all of this did indeed have a hand to play in all of the unrest:
Oklahoma having a swarm of their own.. Multiple 4.0M+ events…. (two 4.3M and one 4.4M). Occurring at a large fracking operation.
Multiple earthquake monitoring links can be found here:
Over the past week, several reports have been coming in from viewers, telling me to check the charts in Yellowstone. People saying the charts are showing UNREPORTED activity on multiple stations across the famous Supervolcano (national park).
Indeed, activity was occurring this past week, but NOT being counted on the USGS public feeds as earthquakes.
Earthquakes at Yellowstone not being reported? What is this madness?
After checking the actual charts, indeed it is confirmed, there has been earthquake movement GREATER than 2.5M across the area, the charts do not lie……
Here are a couple examples of the activity NOT showing on public feeds as “earthquakes”.. yet clearly some actual movement is occurring : (censored?)
Move forward a few days, now currently March 25, 2014 — after the flurry of UNREPORTED activity — and now the USGS is showing THREE 3.0M+ events over the past 24 hours.
Coming from the Western edge of the Yellowstone Magma Chamber (click to view full size) :
The magma chamber for the supervolcano has been found to extend further West than originally thought. Confirmed now via subterranean “soundings” taken via ground penetrating RADAR, the chamber extends as far West as the Oregon State Line.
Compare the “reported” 3.0M+ events shown on the charts below, to the charts over the past few days, shown above.
The charts above show similar sized activity. However no earthquakes were reported at Yellowstone corresponding to the charts above.
This means censorship is occurring at some point. The earthquakes on the charts earlier this week, were not reported as earthquakes to the public.
Move forward 2-3 days… March 24, 2014 .. THREE earthquakes, greater than 3.0M, now showing on the Yellowstone charts, and also being publicly admitted on the USGS feeds.
3.4M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nnc5#summary
3.4M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nndb#summary
3.1M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nncj#summary
Overall, the movement at Yellowstone WAS / IS expected.
Expected? Yes.
See my earthquake forecast / overview here:
Several areas in the forecast have already been hit:
Multiple earthquake monitoring links can be found here:
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