NEW STORY 4/8/2014 Animals Leaving Yellowstone? What Do They Know We Don’t Know? posted on April 6, 2014
friend Tom Lupshu just released the 1st video below in which he warns us that nearly one quarter of the northern elk herd at Yellowstone National Park are missing according to the annual winter count. We learn that biologists aren’t sure if there has been a stunning decline in the herd to account for these missing numbers or if there are other factors at play. Tom also shares with us that helium releases are now at 1000 times above normal while a complete media blackout also exists.
Animals Leaving Yellowstone? What Do They Know We Don’t Know? by TAT’S 2 MIN NEWS
While it has been said that animals often give us warnings far ahead of earth changing events, Yellowstone recently witnessed herds of bison running for their lives on the public roadways (as shown in the 2nd video below) that WERE NOT being chased or rounded up. Are these animals now detecting something potentially vast and deadly? The Yellowstone Supervolcano is the only thing there that would fit the bill. Tom warns that we should watch these animals and watch them very closely as they will always give us a heads up before an event. Are all of these events signs that the Yellowstone caldera is about to blow?
M4.8 – 37km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-03-30 12:34:39 UTC
Event Time
- 2014-03-30 12:34:39 UTC
- 2014-03-30 06:34:39 UTC-06:00 at epicenter
- 2014-03-30 04:34:39 UTC-08:00 system time
44.778°N 110.683°W depth=6.8km (4.2mi)
Nearby Cities
- 37km (23mi) ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana
- 105km (65mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
- 138km (86mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
- 178km (111mi) NE of Ammon, Idaho
- 228km (142mi) SSE of Helena, Montana
Event Time
- 2014-03-30 15:12:24 UTC
- 2014-03-30 09:12:24 UTC-06:00 at epicenter
- 2014-03-30 07:12:24 UTC-08:00 system time
44.777°N 110.723°W depth=6.0km (3.7mi)
Nearby Cities
- 32km (20mi) ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana
- 103km (64mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
- 135km (84mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
- 176km (109mi) NE of Ammon, Idaho
- 226km (140mi) SSE of Helena, Montana
Event Time
- 2014-03-26 19:14:36 UTC
- 2014-03-26 13:14:36 UTC-06:00 at epicenter
- 2014-03-26 11:14:36 UTC-08:00 system time
44.804°N 110.772°W depth=6.4km (4.0mi)
Nearby Cities
- 30km (19mi) ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana
- 99km (62mi) SSE of Bozeman, Montana
- 135km (84mi) NE of Rexburg, Idaho
- 176km (109mi) NNE of Ammon, Idaho
- 221km (137mi) SSE of Helena, Montana
Past 30 days | Past 90 days | Past year | Past 2 years | All data
Day: Layout: Plain Table Geographical
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Right Now — Previous Day — Next Day — Quake Map — URL for this page — Interpreting Traces
B206-Borehole B206![]() |
B208-Borehole B208![]() |
B944-Borehole B944![]() |
B950-Borehole B950![]() |
FLWY-Flagg Ranch![]() |
H17A-Grant Village![]() |
LKWY-Lake![]() |
MCID-Moose Creek![]() |
YDC-Denny Creek![]() |
YFT-Old Faithful![]() |
YHB-Horse Butte![]() |
YHH-Holmes Hill![]() |
YHL-Hebgen Lake![]() |
YJC-Joseph’s Coat![]() |
YLA-Lake Butte![]() |
YLT-Little West Thumb![]() |
YMC-Maple Creek![]() |
YML-Mary Lake![]() |
YMP-Mirror Lake Plateau![]() |
YMR-Madison River![]() |
YMS-Mt Sheridan![]() |
YMV-Mammoth Vault![]() |
YNE-NE Entrance![]() |
YNM-Norris Museum![]() |
YNR-Norris Junction![]() |
YPC-Pelican Cone![]() |
YPK-Parker Peak![]() |
YPM-Purple Mountain![]() |
YPP-Pitchstone Plateau![]() |
YSB-Soda Butte![]() |
YTP-The Promontory![]() |
YUF-Upper Falls![]() |
YWB-West Boundary![]() |
Major international seismic movement is occurring.
With the 8.3M (7.7M) event in the West Pacific, the Central America volcano activity, and the South America earthquake swarms…. across the board, an uptick in activity is showing.
Earthquake prone areas , and non-prone areas , BOTH need to be on watch.
Now we see a 4.9M earthquake strike the Western portion of the Yellowstone supervolcano magma chamber. A noteworthy event occurring along the Northwest edge of the craton (some agencies reporting a 5.0M).
Event Time
2014-04-13 00:04:41 UTC
2014-04-12 18:04:41 UTC-06:00 at epicenter
2014-04-12 19:04:41 UTC-05:00 system time
Check this graphic from 12 days ago (March 30, 2014).
You can see the Yellowstone cluster spot , as well as the Oklahoma fracking swarm, and the Southern California event (which everyone already forgot about).
The areas along the edge of the craton need to be on watch for possible compensation movement in the near term.
With all the unrest currently happening internationally (and nationally), we can expect to see further movement along the edge of the craton in the near term.
Have an earthquake plan ready.
Don’t be scared, be prepared.
Multiple earthquake monitoring links can be found here:
We covered this topic, Yellowstone / Volcanic earthquake activity, in our 2 hour radio show last night (April 11, 2014).
Listen to / download the show for free here:
The heavy earthquake activity along the West Coast of the United States , over the past few weeks, has now translated in the craton displacement that we were expecting.
The earthquakes inside the magma chamber at Yellowstone, and the earthquakes now occurring at dormant volcanic chains along South / Central California, mean we can expect further activity in the near term to INCREASE.
The increase in activity along the edge of the craton will continue into the near term future due to the overall Pacific displacement occurring internationally.
Until things cool off internationally in the West Pacific, we can expect sizable displacement to occur along our plate in North America. This means, Yellowstone, Colorado, Oklahoma, and other areas along the edge of the edge of the craton need to be aware of the possibility of movement in the near term.
Also.. the odd man out, Southern California , near Baja, sits primed, and now showing slight volcanic chamber activity. Expect Salton Sea and Mono Lake to be showing some movement soon.
Earlier this past week.. we made note of the multiple UNREPORTED earthquakes at Yellowstone..
Move forward a few days, and the USGS is now on top of things apparently. Either that, or the movement is now becoming undeniable.
In other news from the region, last week, reports of odd Bison (buffalo) movements exiting the park..
Were the animals trying to tell us something?
Move forward a few days, now currently March 25, 2014 — after the flurry of UNREPORTED activity — and now the USGS is showing THREE 3.0M+ events over the past 24 hours.
Coming from the Western edge of the Yellowstone Magma Chamber (click to view full size) :
The magma chamber for the supervolcano has been found to extend further West than originally thought. Confirmed now via subterranean “soundings” taken via ground penetrating RADAR, the chamber extends as far West as the Oregon State Line.
Compare the “reported” 3.0M+ events shown on the charts below, to the charts over the past few days, shown above.
The charts above show similar sized activity. However no earthquakes were reported at Yellowstone corresponding to the charts above.
This means censorship is occurring at some point. The earthquakes on the charts earlier this week, were not reported as earthquakes to the public.
Move forward 2-3 days… March 24, 2014 .. THREE earthquakes, greater than 3.0M, now showing on the Yellowstone charts, and also being publicly admitted on the USGS feeds.
3.4M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nnc5#summary
3.4M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nndb#summary
3.1M : http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000nncj#summary
Overall, the movement at Yellowstone WAS / IS expected.
Expected? Yes.
See my earthquake forecast / overview here:
Several areas in the forecast have already been hit:
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