November 19, 2013
A father was arrested for attempting to pick his kids up from school in a startling new example of how the state is increasingly treating children as its own property.
Making a stand against what he considered a dangerous and illegal new school policy that forces parents to wait in a line of cars outside until children are released at 2:35pm, Jim Howe tried to walk his kids out of South Cumberland Elementary but was arrested and now faces charges of disorderly conduct.
You don’t need a reason as a parent to go get your children. They are our children, Howe states in a video of the incident.
The officer who made the arrest, Sheriff Deputy and School Resource Officer Avery Aytes, responds to Howe’s attempt to pick up his own children by stating, I’m going to call some help down here and we’re going to take you up to the jail right now. I’m not putting up with this today. You’re being childish and it’s uncalled for.
The school secretary attempts to get Howe to fill in a form to authorize the children to leave the school on their own, which Howe refuses to sign because he is escorting the children out of the school, stating, They’re walking with me when school is dismissed, per state law.
Aytes refuses to allow Howe to pick up his kids and then states, The County jail is where you’re going, to which Howe responds, That’s fine I’ve been there before, adding, You just opened yourself up for a lawsuit.
The officer then accuses Howe of intimidating him, to which Howe responds, I’m not raising my voice, I’m not confrontational, I want my kids.
When Howe begins to quote Tennessee state law, the officer tells Howe to put his hands behind his back and proceeds to handcuff him. After walking Howe outside, Aytes then threatens to arrest Howe’s fiance Amanda Long who is filming the incident.
Video footage of the outside of the school clearly illustrates Howe’s point. The school has enforced a ludicrous policy which forces children to walk out into moving traffic rather than have their parents safely escort them to the car.
Deputy Aytes refused to comment on the case, while Cumberland County Sheriff Butch Burgess, whom Howe attempted to call during the incident, told ABC 6 that he agrees with Howe on principle because the new policy is creating safety concerns. The school has also refused to comment on the incident or the new policy.
Critics of the encroaching nanny state will see this as yet another example of how the government treats children as its own property while parents rights are eviscerated.
This collectivist ideal was encapsulated earlier this year when college professor and MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry caused an outcry amongst conservatives by stating, We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, as part of a promotional video for an MSNBC campaign entitled ˜Lean Forward
Schools across America are also telling parents that they need to have a doctor’s note in order for their children to be allowed to bring packed lunches, while others are fining parents for not including certain items in packed lunches.
Meanwhile, in other major western countries, children are being assigned a state minder from birth under draconian new proposals that would enable the government to spy on families under the justification of preventing child abuse
Franklin Co. dad says school called DCS about ill daughter
WSMV Channel 4
Mother fined $10 for not including Ritz crackers in kids school lunch
Manitoba Government’s Early Learning and Child Care fined mother Kristen Bartkiw $10 because she neglected to include healthful Ritz crackers in her kids school lunches. Weighty Matters has more details:
She sent her children to daycare with with lunches containing leftover homemade roast beef and potatoes, carrots, an orange and some milk.
She did not send along any grains
As a consequence the school provided her children with, I kid you not, supplemental Ritz Crackers, and her with a $10 fine.
what you think about my sons homework assignment. To be fair this was a sexual education homework assignment but made me feel very awkward to do with my son. As a matter of fact my 13 year old showed my 19 year old son before me and my 19 year old knew this would set me off because how I handle myself with my boys. Now he informed me if we did not do it he would lose 2 points.
Fourth grade students in Dupo, Illinois assigned to reading a Common Core approved biography of President Barack Obama are being told that all white voters were unlikely to vote for a black president due to racism.
Children at Bluffview Elementary who have been assigned to read the book entitled Barack Obama, published by Lerner Publications and a part of Scholastic’s Reading Counts” program, were informed on page 40 that despite Obama being a nice fellow, many allegedly believed that no white American would likely vote for him in 2008 based solely on the color of his skin.
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